League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 205 Meeting Again

"What's wrong?" Lu Chuan and his group rushed forward upon hearing the sound and looked at where Janna was pointing.

That was a corpse. The corpse that was shocked to death by Lu Chuan's strong sword power was one of a group of demon warriors.

However, this body is obviously the best preserved among the severed remains scattered everywhere.

"Look here." Jana's jade finger gently tapped the back of the corpse's neck.

A pattern of voluptuous purple thorns was engraved on the back of his neck.

Lu Chuan frowned slightly and looked around again.

"It seems like every guy has this pattern of purple thorns on the back of his neck." Finally, Lu Chuan came to a conclusion.

"What does this mean, the organization they belong to?"

"I've never heard of an organization that uses purple thorns as its pattern." Lu Chuan shook his head slightly, "Ignore it for now. Let's go back to Demacia first. There are some dangers around here. Maybe the woman is waiting. We will also call for reinforcements."

"Wait, wait a moment..." Demi said timidly at this time.

"What's wrong?"

"Can... can you bury them in the soil? They died to protect me after all..." Demi pointed to the guards dressed as hunters.

Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course."

It seems that in the short half year since she left Demacia, although the petite princess in front of her has not changed much in terms of body shape and delicateness, there are at least some subtle changes...

For example, she has begun to understand how to sympathize with her subordinates. In the past, Demi would have said, "It's none of my business if they die. They should have sacrificed for me. I'm a princess."

Using a sharp blood-drinking sword, she pried open the ground, and then buried the bodies of several guards in the soil. After doing all this, Demi made a strange gesture on her chest, which may be a kind of blessing from Demacians. situation.

After doing all this, the group finally hit the road again, heading towards Demacia, which was not far away.


"Speaking of which, why do you appear here? This place is quite far away from Demacia, right?" Lu Chuan turned his head and looked at Dai, who was lifted up by Janna's wind and floating gently in the air. rice.

Originally, Lu Chuan planned to carry her on his back. Demi was an ordinary person and her traveling speed was too slow. However, as soon as this proposal was made, two different voices strongly opposed it.

Both Janna and Ahri categorically expressed their opposition, and finally after discussion, they had no choice but to let Janna use the wind to hold up her body and follow the group of people, but this way, the speed of the journey would be slower. A lot.

"I..." Demi hesitated for a moment, then secretly glanced at Lu Chuan, "Nothing... I just came out to relax and brought a few guards with me."

"Did you have a quarrel with Jiawen?"

"Oh, I said it's nothing. You're so annoying." Demi blushed for no reason and turned her face to the side.

"It's really baffling..." Lu Chuan said speechlessly.

The two girls behind Lu Chuan were even more speechless.

"I said... it was really not easy for him to fall in love with you at that time. This guy has zero emotional intelligence." Ahri wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, yes..." Janna also wiped her sweat.

Of course, Lu Chuan would never know if Demi didn't tell her.

Who would have known that when Demi stalked her brother and learned that Lu Chuan was coming back, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night. Finally, she got up in the middle of the night, took a few guards with her, and secretly dressed up as a hunter. City gate, heading towards Shurima.

Just to give it a little...

It's just that I can see him a little earlier.


Finally, after the sky turned a fish-belly white sheen, Lu Chuan and his party arrived at the foot of Demacia's city.

This is a city I haven't seen for a long time. Standing outside and staring at the city gate, I always feel like I am back home.

After all, strange creatures like humans are nostalgic, and Demacia is also Lu Chuan's first stop.

The group of people encountered some minor troubles when entering the city gate. Because Lu Chuan and his group were dressed in the desert style of Shurima, wearing leather jackets and straw hats, the soldiers guarding the city gate did not let them go.

In the end, Demi revealed her identity as a princess. Several soldiers watching the city gate hurriedly knelt down on the ground. When leaving the city gate, because of her status as a princess, they had to be careful, otherwise it would be reported to Jiawen's ears. Can't get out.

But when entering the city gate, who dared to stop Demi and prevent her from entering?

The rest of the way was smooth sailing, although Lu Chuan also wanted to take a detour to see how that little girl Casey was doing recently.

But now that the genius is bright, that girl might still be sleeping, and the main business is to bring Demi safely back to the palace now.

Until the group of people arrived at the palace, they met a familiar person.

It was a wavy woman with burgundy hair, a slender figure and pretty eyebrows. It seemed that he was about to enter the palace, but after seeing Lu Chuan and his party, he paused.

"Hello Alice, long time no see." Lu Chuan stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

This little girl Lu Chuan still has some memories. It seems that she helped him once when he was dealing with the Void Messenger. It's just that the Norman family behind her played a negative role in that battle, and I don't know what kind of punishment Jiawen gave their family later.

"Lu...Lu Chuan?" 'Alice' covered her mouth with her hands in surprise and stared at Lu Chuan in disbelief.

Ahri and Janna were whispering to each other in a low voice.

"I flirted with another one. Isn't this guy really good at flirting with girls?"

"The main reason is that the person involved hasn't noticed it yet. It's almost like he has the aura of flirting with girls."

"Speaking of which, aren't we also being teased?"

"Ahem...don't worry about those details. I, I'm the real deal." Janna's face turned red in a rare blush.

"Tsk, tsk, it's really rare. I heard such words from you. You have never said this in front of Lu Chuan, right?" Ah Li obviously held a grudge. She still remembered that when she was in the bushes not long ago, Jia Na transformed into a 'demon' and forced herself to question until her face turned red.

"I want you to take care of it."

"Look, you and Lu Chuan are already a couple, right? There should be nicknames between lovers, right? You don't have the consciousness of a royal family at all about this."

"I told you to take care of it!" Although Janna glared at Ahri angrily, she was still thinking about it in her heart.

When she finds a suitable opportunity, she really needs to think carefully about the title issue between her and Lu Chuan.

They are still a couple after all, so they have to be called differently from others.

There must be an exclusive, special title that can only be called between two people.

"I've met Her Majesty the Princess... Why are you back? I heard you went to Shurima?" While Janna was thinking wildly, 'Alice' first saluted Demi, and then started chatting with Lu Chuan.

"Well, I went there for a walk and relaxed."

'Alice' covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "I think you must have gone on an adventure to relax or something. This excuse is too lame."

"Uh... I guess." Lu Chuan scratched his cheek and said, "What about you, Alice, how is your family doing lately?"

Because Alice had sacrificed her life to help Lu Chuan once before, Lu Chuan later spoke to Jiawen on behalf of the Norman family, but the final decision still had to be made by Jiawen.

"Well..." mentioning this, 'Alice' lowered her head in embarrassment, "The previous rebellion caused great trouble to the empire. It must have been suppressed, but Jiawen did not We were all driven away, thanks to your help and a few words. I also want to thank you."

"Haha, it's trivial." Lu Chuan scratched his head and laughed.

"So now the family is also working very hard for the empire, hoping to regain its previous status. By the way, I am now... the patriarch of the Norman family." 'Alice' said as if she was a little embarrassed.

Perhaps in front of other people, the patriarch of the Norman family is very majestic and powerful.

But she knew in her heart that in front of Lu Chuan, the patriarch of such a family was nothing at all, and the fact that this family was not uprooted in the first place was all because of Lu Chuan.

So I didn't mean to show off, I just wanted to tell him about the recent changes in my life.

"Isn't that great? Come on and carry forward the family. I'll take the first step if I have something else to do." Lu Chuan smiled and waved to 'Alice'.

Then, Lu Chuan led a few girls towards the palace.

When Lu Chuan was about to disappear at the palace gate, 'Alice' called out to stop Lu Chuan.

"Mr. Lu Chuan!"

"What's wrong?" Lu Chuan slowly turned around.

"..." 'Alice' clenched her clothes tightly on her chest, sighed softly after a long time, shook her head and then raised her head, smiling at Lu Chuan.

"Nothing else, I just want to tell you something..."

Janna's breathing, including Demi's, became inexplicably rapid, and they stared at her cheek.

"What?" Lu Chuan asked in surprise.

"My name is Norman Kris."

Lu Chuan: "..."

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