Demacia Royal Palace.

In the garden behind the Imperial Palace.

Several cups of fine royal tea were placed on the countertop made of smooth marble, flanked by a well-dressed maid holding a teapot, and two sword-wielding guards with a silver-grade aura guarding them.

"I wonder how Mr. Lu Chuan has been in the past few months?" Jiawen chuckled and picked up a cup of tea, looking at Lu Chuan and his group who had returned after a long absence.

"There's no need to say more polite words, Your Highness Jiawen." Lu Chuan responded with a chuckle.

"Haha, look at me, this makes me a little more unfamiliar." Jiawen said with a smile, stroking his hands, "Mr. Lu Chuan's deeds in Shurima have spread to Demacia, but presumably, with Mr. Lu Chuan's strength, wherever he goes It can stir up a storm.”

"Oh?" Lu Chuan asked in confusion, "My deeds in Shurima? How did you spread the news?"

The story of the resurrection of the Shurima Empire spread throughout the southeast, northwest and northwest of Valoran. Lu Chuan knew this, but did his story in Shurima spread to Demacia? At that time, Lu Chuan deliberately did not tell Jiawen in order to keep a low profile. Did he not expect that in just a few days, the news would spread so far?

"Mr. Rumor has single-handedly saved the entire Shurima Empire, defeated the terrifying unknown creatures beyond the divine level, and made even the god-level emperor Azir bow to you."

"..." Lu Chuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. It turned out that one version of the rumor was more absurd than the other, and it turned sour when it finally reached other people's ears.

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just a small fight." Lu Chuan waved his hand and explained.

It was indeed a small fight, because he himself did not exert much strength. He defeated the Eye of the Void with the help of Xerath's power at that time, and later defeated Azir with the help of the power of the gods.

Speaking of which, he didn't contribute much at all in the battle of Shurima's resurrection.

But if the rumors are not too bizarre, how can they be convincing?

If the rumors these days are normal, who would believe them?

If you don’t tear Bandle City apart with your hands and trample Ionia with your feet, who would think that it is a legend?

"Haha, Mr. Lu Chuan is really low-key." Jiawen chuckled. Seeing that Lu Chuan did not want to talk more, he changed the subject of the conversation. "As for the matter of Noxus, I may need to ask Mr. Lu Chuan to help."

"Well, let's talk about it." Lu Chuan came back this time with the intention of dealing with Noxus matters.

"The talks have broken down. Now it depends on when Noxus will mobilize its troops." Jiawen's expression became a little serious.

In other words, the start of war is already a certainty.

But this situation is very unfavorable for Demacia.

After all, it has only been more than half a year since the last battle that severely damaged the vitality. For a country, half a year is really too late to restore its combat strength.

Lu Chuan rubbed his chin with one hand and frowned slightly, "How many troops do we have now?"

Jiawen paused and slowly stretched out three fingers.

"Thirty thousand."

"Thirty thousand?" Lu Chuan was slightly surprised.

Previously, Jiawen was unable to provide enough troops because of internal rebellion, and all the troops were mobilized by several major families.

But now that all the major families have surrendered, their military forces have been integrated, and with the help of the Fearless Legion, if Lu Chuan remembered correctly, there was a recruitment frenzy.

After this, the strength of only 30,000 troops seemed a bit small.

"Hmm..." Jiawen said with some embarrassment, "Due to the reorganization of the military, the treatment may be slightly worse. Many new recruits applied for retirement not long after joining the team, and we cannot force others to stay."

"Yes." Lu Chuan nodded. After Demacia dealt with the Void Messenger, it could be said that it consumed a lot of troops and financial resources, and it was difficult to recover in a short period of time. However, the country's financial expenditure must always be maintained. Therefore, the treatment of recruits who join the team is slightly worse.

Demacia is a country with strong human sovereignty, and anyone can protest their dissatisfaction at any time and at any time.

"What about Noxus? How many troops can be mobilized there?" Lu Chuan rubbed his chin.

"I don't know where it is at the moment, but it is conservatively estimated that there will be a hundred thousand troops..." Jiawen gritted his teeth. The gap between the two was really big, and Noxus had always been stronger than Demacia. Quite a few, and it is rumored that there are even strong men at the platinum level.

As for Demacia... perhaps the two most powerful generals now are Garen and Xin Zhao, but they only have one-star silver strength, which makes them a little stretched in comparison.

"In that case..." Lu Chuan fell silent.

Jiawen didn't speak either, quietly waiting for Lu Chuan to think.

In the current situation, it is clear that a head-on battle cannot be won. We can only wait and see if Lu Chuan can come up with any strange moves.

After all, from the moment Jiawen met him, this guy has been constantly surprising people.

Beside Lu Chuan, three girls were also sitting around them, all looking sideways at Lu Chuan who was immersed in thought.

Jiawen glanced at his sister's somewhat confused eyes, then looked at the expressions of Janna and Ahri, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

My sister, I'm afraid I'm going to lose everything.

This sister, who has always been proud and arrogant and has never looked down on any noble prince, finally met someone who made her heart beat wildly, but she had no way to get close to him.

Because compared to his younger sister who is still a bit naive, whether it is the gentle and elegant Janna or the playful and cute Ahri, they are obviously much better than his younger sister.

But if Demi knew what Jiawen was thinking, she might have a quarrel with him.

How can there be a brother who thinks about how his sister is not doing well...

"If this is the case, then there is only the last way." At this time, Lu Chuan slowly said.

"What can we do?" The group's attention was focused on Lu Chuan, even though they had always been focused on him.

"Before they launch troops, convince them to withdraw their troops and sign a peace treaty."

"...Are you kidding?" Ahri slapped the table and stood up, "People in the country of Noxus are all sick. They are really members of a fighting nation. They don't even punch people without making gestures when they meet them. You're the comfortable type, are you going to negotiate a peace treaty with them? Maybe their people are halfway there now."

"Now that the matter has come to this, we can only give it a try. After all, Demacia will definitely be defeated in a head-on battle." Lu Chuan spread his hands and turned to look at Jiawen, "Okay, I'll rest for two days and adjust. After reaching the state, I personally go to Noxus to act as a lobbyist. Even if Noxus has sent troops now, the two countries are far apart, and it will take at least half a month for a large army to travel. I should be able to Get to Noxus before then."

Jiawen nodded solemnly, "If this is the only way, then I'll have to trouble Mr. Lu Chuan."

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