Although the solution proposed by Lu Chuan was not so perfect, no one else could think of a better solution, so they could only acquiesce to his words for the time being.

Jiawen sent people to build a courtyard next to his palace for Lu Chuan and his party to live in.

As soon as she returned to the courtyard and called away the maids who had followed her, Janna got into Lu Chuan's room.

Lu Chuan was lying on the bed thinking about something.

"Lu Chuan."

"Huh?" Lu Chuan rested his head on his hands. After seeing Janna come in, he just tilted his head slightly. Now that the relationship between the two of them has matured, even if she enters Lu Chuan's room, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about his sitting posture and sleeping position. So beautiful.

"Isn't it a little too risky?" Janna gently sat on the edge of Lu Chuan's bed, and Lu Chuan could smell a faint body fragrance emanating from her body.

"Have I not taken many risks?" Lu Chuan smiled and sat up next to Janna.

"But it is precisely because of this that I...others will worry. Time and time again, who knows when something will happen..." Janna flattened her mouth.

"How could you curse me like this..." Lu Chuan said with shame.

"It's not a curse." Janna lowered her head and intertwined her two slender jade fingers. "Maybe I'm a little selfish, but I still want to say..."


"There is absolutely no need for you to do this... No matter how much you help them, it will not help. Demacia may have been able to squeeze into the hegemony of Valoran a few hundred years ago, but now it is almost Countries are stronger than Demacia. You helped them once, twice, what about the third time? What about the fourth time? Do you want to keep helping them?"

Just when Lu Chuan was about to say something, Janna added without giving Lu Chuan a chance, "And if it's just an ordinary help, forget it, I'm not qualified to say anything, because there are really very few things I can do... But every time I help almost You have to pay the price with your life."

Janna turned her head and stared at Lu Chuan seriously, "I may be selfish, but for a woman, no woman wants her man to work hard for others... I hope you can understand my feelings."

The meaning of Janna's words was very obvious. She didn't want Lu Chuan to have to deal with this matter anymore.

Perhaps from a larger perspective, Janna's behavior was despicable. She refused to let others help her when she couldn't help herself.

But speaking more broadly, this is a choice everyone makes.

For Janna, Lu Chuan is her family and everything to her, because now Janna only has Lu Chuan left, and she is homeless.

As his girlfriend and possibly his wife in the future, if Janna was given a choice, she would definitely rather Lu Chuan survive than care about the life and death of the entire Demacia empire.

This is selfish, but it is also a choice that every woman will definitely make.

For example, Ahri was standing outside the door. She originally planned to talk about this matter, but she was just a step too late for Janna, so she didn't have the nerve to knock on the door and come in.

Another example is Demi, who is currently struggling in her bedroom.

Compared to Janna and Ahri, Demi's state of mind was even more different.

On the one hand, it is the person I like, and on the other hand, it is the land where I was born and my brother.

Once Lu Chuan heads to Noxus this time, it goes without saying that the road ahead will be steep, but if nothing is done to stop it, with Demacia's existing strength, it will only be a matter of time before it falls.

Be it Janna or Ahri, their choice was simply to prevent Lu Chuan from going to Noxus.

And Demi... can only struggle with herself, without any choice.

Lu Chuan smiled softly, reached out and brushed Janna's soft hair, and took her into his arms, "I'm very happy that you think so, because I can feel my place in your heart."

Janna's face turned slightly red, and she fell into Lu Chuan's arms, whispering, "This... is very important to begin with... it's just that I... am not very good at expressing myself."

"But." Lu Chuan only said half of what he said, and Janna's heart felt a little cold.

She already knew what Lu Chuan was going to say next.

"Although it is silly and arrogant to act as a savior... but I have been playing such a role, whether I want to or not, I am playing it, do you understand?" Lu Chuan sighed softly.

"Savior?" Janna's eyes were filled with doubts.

"I'm sorry for keeping it secret from you for so long. Maybe it's time to tell you the truth. I'm not from Valoran." Lu Chuan straightened Janna's shoulders, and Ahri, who was eavesdropping at the door, also pricked up his ears.

"Didn't you say that yourself? You are from the outside world. After all, there must be other continents outside of Valoran. Runeterra is so big. Valoran is just one of them. "

"No, no, I mean... I don't belong to this world." Lu Chuan took a deep breath.

Janna became even more confused and looked at Lu Chuan blankly, "Like those void creatures, are you from another plane?"

"It can be understood that way, but maybe I am further away than those." Lu Chuan found a piece of paper and drew a circle on the paper. "Assume that this circle is the continent of Valoran, a world of its own."

Then he drew a circle next to it, "This is the void plane, these are two different planes."

Finally, Lu Chuan wrapped the two small circles with a big circle, "But whether it is Valoran continent or the void plane, these two different planes are in the same space. You can understand that , a different world, or a different world.”

Lu Chuan raised his pen and drew another circle far away on the paper, "This is my hometown. You and I are from two different worlds. I came from here."

Janna's rosy little mouth opened slightly, and surprise filled her face.

"I don't know how I came here, but I just appeared on this land. In our world, technology is very advanced, with prosperity you can't imagine. There are cars running on the road, top speeds It's faster than a horse, there are planes flying in the sky, and there are very long trains. There are electric lights, TVs, computers, and air conditioning."

"All in all, it is a prosperous place of technology. If anything, it may be similar to Piervot in this continent."

"There are my parents and my friends there. I have disappeared for a long time. They will definitely miss me. I don't know how worried my parents are."

"Then..." Janna bit her lip, almost crying, "Do you have a girlfriend in that world..."

"Well, that's not the case." Lu Chuan scratched his head, and Janna suddenly felt relieved.

"Wait a minute... why are you not surprised after I said so much, but in the end I was obsessed with whether I have a girlfriend in other worlds, and you felt very anxious."

Janna blushed and hesitated, "Anyway, I don't care where you are anyway... As long as you don't mess around with women outside, that's fine. For a woman, she likes... like, is there a man she likes? Betrayal of yourself is the top priority.”

Lu Chuan didn't know whether to feel happy for Janna's persistence in him, or whether to laugh or cry because of her little woman-like behavior.

"In short, I don't belong to this world, but I traveled to this world, and inexplicably shouldered the mission of saving the world. It sounds like a fantasy, but in fact it is like this... So as a person in the continent of Valoran As an integral part of Demacia, I also have an obligation to save them."

"Because only in this way will I have the opportunity to know the way to go back."

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