Another day passed after this.

When the sky was still dark in the east, at the eastern gate of Demacia, Jiawen, dressed in plain clothes, rode a horse to personally escort Lu Chuan out of the city. Behind him stood a petite and exquisite girl.

That girl is his sister Demi.

"Although I have always troubled Mr. Lu Chuan, I will trouble you this time. Please take care of yourself on the road." Jiawen, the king of Demacia, bowed slightly to Lu Chuan at this time.

This is a courtesy and treatment that no one can enjoy, but it happens to a person like Lu Chuan who has no title or title.

Of course, it's just that Lu Chuan doesn't covet that. If he wants it, he can just ask Jiawen for the title of Duke. It's just a matter of asking.

"Be careful and safe along the way..." Demi looked at Lu Chuan with some longing, "The child in my belly and I will be waiting for your safe return."

"Pfft!!" Both Lu Chuan and Jiawen almost spat out a mouthful of blood after hearing Demi's words.

But what later made Lu Chuan a little worried was... Demi's words were very likely to be true.

Because he and Demi didn't take any defensive measures when they were in pleasure. To put it more simply... they just ejaculated inside.

As long as Demi has no health problems...then it would not be surprising if she is really pregnant.

But once she becomes pregnant, Lu Chuan will have a headache...

On the other hand, Jiawen's expression is quite wonderful. His sister got pregnant for someone else, and it was done quietly under his nose. Until now, if Demi hadn't accidentally let it slip, he would still be blamed. In the dark.

It's not that Jiawen rejected Lu Chuan.

If Lu Chuan really wants to marry his sister, and Demi also likes Lu Chuan, Jiawen agrees with both hands. After all, considering Lu Chuan's contribution to Demacia, he is completely worthy of being betrothed to a princess. of.

But as the only princess of Demacia and his biological sister Demi, she had been pampered and raised with a golden key in her mouth since she was a child. Even Galen, who has always been strict in doing things, faced Demi's arrogant and domineering attitude with grinning teeth. Sometimes, she can only smile honestly and not care about it. This shows how much Demi is pampered.

For such a delicate princess to act as a mistress... This is something Jiawen would find intolerable.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Lu Chuan could only laugh twice before saying goodbye to his brother-in-law.

It's definitely impossible to pretend that nothing happened when you fucked someone's sister. You can't explain it clearly, and you're unreasonable. If you can, you'd better escape as soon as possible...

Just after Lu Chuan was no longer visible as he headed in the direction of Noxus, Jiawen sighed heavily and turned to look at his sister, who was still immersed in the sadness of Lu Chuan's departure. .

"Are you serious?" Jiawen said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" Demi started to act stupid.

"You must have let it slip just now." Jiawen smiled helplessly, "You are a princess of a country, and you are also the only princess of our generation. There are many talented people from grand duke families that you can choose from... Why...sigh."

"If you don't like it, you won't be happy for the rest of your life, right?" Demi looked directly into Jiawen's eyes and said.


"Even if you, brother, get married in the future, you must find someone you like, right? Is a joint marriage what you want?"

Looking at his sister who was seriously starting to lecture him, Jiawen lost his temper and could only pat her head lovingly, "Okay, as long as you don't feel wronged, I won't interfere with you. In fact, for Mr. Lu Chuan, we Demacia owes him too much, including this time. In fact, I don't know for sure, and I don't even think that he will help us again... But he still chose to help us and went to Noxus to be a lobbyist in person. This is something I never expected.”

"So this is what I like about him. You don't know how I met him, do you?" Demi recalled her past again.

"How do we know each other? Get on your horse and I'll take you back." Jiawen got on his horse and said.

"That day, I happened to pass by a small restaurant..." Demi slowly told her brother how she met Lu Chuan.

He could rescue someone who had nothing to do with him or even spoke rudely to him.

He is really gentle.

Demi like this is walking the same old path as Lu Chuan, whom Janna Ahri knew.


Night falls.

After Lu Chuan walked out of the dense woods, he checked the direction and suddenly found a thin line of smoke rising not far away.

The two countries of Demacia and Noxus are too far apart. One is in the west and the other is in the east. However, the vast continent of Valoran can be seen.

He summoned the Blood Raven Wings and sprinted away, but he still couldn't see the border line of Noxus.

Lu Chuan wasn't even sure if he was halfway through the journey.

Fortunately, there were people living here in front of the smoke, so it was more comfortable for Lu Chuan not to spend the night in the woods.

Walking forward quickly, Lu Chuan found that this was a very small village, with only a few dozen families located there, and it was still built with the most primitive earth-walled houses.

Some villagers had discovered Lu Chuan's figure and shouted a few words in a low voice. Suddenly, more than a dozen middle-aged men with axes and wooden sticks came out, staring at Lu Chuan warily.

After all, Lu Chuan was now wearing a suit of armor (given by Jiawen before leaving), and it was evening, which was a threat in the eyes of the villagers.

"Sorry, I don't have any ill intentions. I just want to stay here for one night. I will provide corresponding compensation." Lu Chuan was not stupid enough to take out a lot of money, but only showed a gold coin as a test.

After seeing the gold coin, the villagers' eyes suddenly lit up.

This also gave Lu Chuan an idea. This gold coin was a very large amount for the villagers here.

Amidst the private discussions among several villagers, one of the villagers who looked older came up and said, "Are you from Demacia? Let's talk inside first. The sun is going to set soon. The wild beasts in the woods around here are starting to stir.”

From this point of view, the result of the negotiation has been successful.

"Thank you then." Lu Chuan nodded and followed the older man into a nearby house with earthen walls.

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