The house with mud walls was very dilapidated, and the whitewash used to decorate the walls was not painted on. The walls were completely dry and uneven.

Few of the furnishings in the house were valuable. Whether they were used or worn, the impression that this village left on Lu Chuan was that it was very poor.

This is understandable. After all, this is a remote corner of the Valoran continent. This village may not belong to any country. Without the protection of the country, it is also subject to invasion by wild beasts all year round. In addition, the labor force in the village is also insufficient.

Therefore, the failure of the village to develop is an inevitable result.

"This gold coin will be used as my payment for staying here for one night." Lu Chuan pressed a gold coin on the table and then slowly pushed it in front of the older man.

Although he can definitely come up with more gold coins now, this will only arouse human greed.

Originally, the people in the village were living in poverty, but when he suddenly took out a large amount of gold coins, it was inevitable that the villagers would miss him.

Although this group of villagers were defenseless, Lu Chuan just wanted to have a good sleep.

"Are you going to Noxus? By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Macdonald. You can just call me Mike." Without rushing to accept the gold coin, Mike introduced himself first.

He had lived in Demacia for a period of time when he was young, and he had some understanding of the town's lifestyle and etiquette.

Looking at the gold coin greedily and eager to grab it will undoubtedly make people feel disgusted and contemptuous.

It was this subtle move by Mike that won Lu Chuan's respect for him.

"I only have a rough map. If it's convenient, could you tell me how far it is from Noxus?" Lu Chuan asked.

"It's not that far from Noxus. It's about five days' walk. Just leave the village and go straight east." Mike answered.

Lu Chuan made a rough calculation and found that the distance Mike mentioned should be calculated based on the speed they usually used to travel. In other words, it would take him about half a day to reach Noxus.

After chatting with Mike about some irrelevant things, he got up and went to prepare food. At this time, a girl walked in at the door. She paused when she saw Lu Chuan.

"Who are you……"

"Sorry to bother you, I'll stay here for one night and then leave." Lu Chuan nodded politely to the girl. At this time, Mike opened the door curtain of the back room again, took a look at the visitor, and introduced to Lu Chuan, " This is my daughter, Peggy."

"Hello." Peggy nodded to Lu Chuan politely. This girl is not particularly beautiful. Perhaps because she was born in a poor village, her skin also looks a little dark, and her face even There were still some freckles, but a pair of spiritual eyes and perfect body proportions made Lu Chuan take a second look.

But he quickly looked away.

The room was relatively small. Except for Mike who was preparing food in the back room, there were only two people left in the outer room, Peggy and Lu Chuan. Since there was no intersection between the two of them, it was quite awkward to talk. After a few simple words, everyone fell silent.

Lu Chuan simply closed his eyes and took care of the breath flowing through his body.

"By the way, sir, are you from Demacia?" After a long time, Peggy was the first to break the silence. She saw that Lu Chuan was not dressed like he came from a small place, so she was a little curious.


"Is Demacia... very prosperous?" Peggy asked again.

Lu Chuan noticed that Peggy's eyes were full of yearning when she asked this question.

"Haven't you been there?"

Peggy shook her head, "My father didn't let me travel far away. He said that people in big towns are very calculating and easy to be deceived."

Lu Chuan chuckled and said, "The atmosphere in Demacia is quite good. The people there are quite simple and kind."

"Oh..." Peggy responded softly.

No matter how good Lu Chuan said, she still couldn't go.

"Where is your mother?" Lu Chuan saw that the sky outside had turned completely dark at this time, and almost everyone around him had lit their oil lamps. Although it was not very bright, it was a ray of comfort in the darkness, but he still didn't look at it. To the figure of Mike's wife.

"Died three years ago."

"Sorry." Lu Chuan said.

"No need to apologize, although I miss her very much." Peggy sighed quietly.

It's hard to imagine that the people living here have any fun. During the day, they may go out into the dense forest to catch some prey, and at night, after getting enough food and clothing, they turn off the lights and wait to rest until dawn of the next day. He did this again and again, going out to hunt during the day.

"Has your village... always been here?" Lu Chuan glanced at Peggy who stood up to light the oil lamp. Under the weak firelight, some of the spots on her face were covered up, and the spots on her skin were covered. The color difference has become less obvious, adding a bit more beauty.

"Actually, we didn't live here at first. I remember that as long as I can remember, our family lived in..."

"Peggy!" At this moment, Mike came out of the back room and scolded him seriously, and Peggy immediately shut up.

Immediately, Mike turned to look at Lu Chuan again, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression, "The food at home is not enough. I will go to the nearby river bank to catch two fish."

"Don't bother, I'm not that particular." Lu Chuan waved his hand, but Mike still insisted that since he was a guest from far away, and after paying such a high amount of money, there was even more reason to make Lu Chuan's food richer. .

So he took a harpoon and went out. Before leaving, he glared at Peggy fiercely, as if to tell her not to talk too much.

Although from the short paragraph Peggy revealed just now, Lu Chuan could roughly guess that this small village was located here in the past few years or more than ten years.

However, Lu Chuan didn't have much thirst for knowledge. As for what the people in this village did before, it had nothing to do with him. In short, he was just a passer-by, just here to stay.

"I'm sorry, this topic is a bit inconvenient to talk about." As soon as Peggy spoke, she was interrupted by Lu Chuan waving his hand, "It's okay, I just asked casually."

The atmosphere in the room that had just become lively for a long time fell into silence again because of a relatively secretive topic.

But soon, the silence was broken again.

It was the noise coming from outside.

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