Noxus is a country that respects its fists.

Although the entire continent of Valoran believes in the creed that the powerful are supreme.

But this is especially true in Noxus. As long as you have a strong enough fist, everything you do does not violate the law, including killing people.

Noxus even has a special gladiatorial arena. Every time the arena is open, there will be a full audience watching the gladiators on the field fight each other until the other party dies.

This kind of custom has also caused the entire country of Noxus to be seen as sick and unreasonable in the eyes of others.

However, the always arrogant Noxian nation completely ignored these side remarks and continued to go its own way.

From the beginning, Lu Chuan vaguely guessed that these people were probably from the vanguard army from Noxus, just coming to inquire about the enemy's situation.

Until they admit it themselves.

"Is this expedition a declaration of war on Demacia?" Lu Chuan stared at the timid soldier. He knew that as long as one person spoke, he only needed to continue to force him to explain everything he needed to explain.

Although it is not honorable to use others' timidity to force others.

But before that, what these soldiers did was not very glorious, so Lu Chuan didn't mind using some intimidation methods.

"Yes, it is……"

"Where is your large army?" Lu Chuan suddenly changed the subject.

" the back..."

"Huh?" Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows, and the soldier was frightened and told the truth, "He hasn't left the city yet."

"Isn't the news already on the way?" Lu Chuan frowned slightly.

"The general said... it was a deception, just to cause panic in Demacia. By the time they were ready to fight, our troops had not arrived. But when they relaxed, our troops arrived. Just capture Demacia in one fell swoop..."

"Is that so?" Lu Chuan asked again, "How many troops do you have in total for this attack?"

"This... we really don't know..." The soldiers looked at each other. They were just a group of soldiers who took the lead in surveying the enemy's situation. How could they control so much information.

"You should know about the generals of the army, right?"

"I know...the vanguard officer is Lord Draven, the strategist is Lord Swain...and the commander is Lord Darius..."

Lu Chuan listened to the soldiers saying the names of the generals intermittently, and he probably had an idea in his mind.

Sure enough, they were the original members of Noxus.

But the good news is that their troops have not left the city yet, which bought Lu Chuan a lot of time.

Later, Lu Chuan took out a special rope from the storage bag and asked the villagers to help tie them all up.

He had also used this kind of rope on Sivir before. After tying it up, it would be restrained. The tied person would not be able to use any of his abilities.

However, this kind of rope is only useful against some silver and brass level warriors. It has no effect when it reaches the gold level and above. As for being able to tie up Sivir, it was only because she was not in particularly good condition at the time.

Lu Chuan planned to bring these soldiers to Noxus as a price for negotiation. Although Lu Chuan estimated that the price was not too heavy, they would probably be regarded as a bargaining chip by the people in Noxus. Treat as an abandoned child.

However, it is always better to have more negotiation qualifications.

After asking the villagers to lock these soldiers into a dark room, the villagers were very worried and added a heavy iron lock in front of the wooden door outside.

Lu Chuan squatted down to comfort Peggy, who was still sobbing softly.

"I also know that you are sad, but I still hope that you can cheer up." Lu Chuan sighed softly. At this time, it was useless to say that people can't be resurrected after death, and that they should express condolences and accept changes. They could only hope that she could figure it out in her heart. .

Peggy wiped her tears with the back of her hand and then slowly stood up and looked at Lu Chuan. She seemed to be much tired all of a sudden, and her voice was a little hoarse. "I'm sorry, I want to be alone for a while."

After saying that, she used her thin shoulders to pick up Mike's body and staggered towards her own house.

Lu Chuan wanted to help, but he didn't know where to start. After all, the body on her back was her father. Maybe this was the last time for them to be close.

It would be too cruel to take away even this.

Lu Chuan could only slowly watch her leave, and then discussed with the villagers, hoping to find a place to rest.

The villagers almost rushed to invite Lu Chuan to stay in their home. After all, Lu Chuan's performance just now was witnessed by everyone. If it weren't for Lu Chuan, I'm afraid everyone in this village would have been slaughtered by those soldiers.

After eating the dinner prepared by the villagers, Lu Chuan asked the villagers to come and call him whenever there was any movement.


There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning.

Lu Chuan got up early and went to the river to wash his face. Then when he was about to walk to the room where the soldiers were detained, he suddenly heard a loud and exhausted voice behind him.

"Sir...can you take me on the road with you?"

Lu Chuan turned around and was immediately startled by the person in front of him.

Peggy's hair was disheveled and she was covered in blood. She looked like she had climbed up from a pool of blood, and her face was very poor.


"I'm sorry... I killed them all last night." Peggy squirmed her dry lips, trying her best to smile, but the smile was very pale, "I want them to pay the price, why did I After the death of their loved ones, they can live so peacefully, I want them all to pay with their lives...all of them die!"

Peggy was a little emotional.

Lu Chuan's Adam's apple twitched, but he couldn't say anything after all.

He originally thought that Peggy was too sad and needed a buffering period, but he didn't expect that this girl killed all those guys overnight last night.

It seems reasonable to think that after being tied up with special ropes, the abilities of those soldiers were also restrained. They could not even use ordinary people's strength because of being tied up. In addition, in the middle of the night, it is the sleep period of people. As long as the means are used, If you are ruthless enough, you can easily slit the throats of all these soldiers.

"I buried my father, and now I have nothing to worry about. Staying here will only bring back more unpleasant memories... If you don't mind, please take me on the road with you, no matter what you want me to do... ...I will not frown even if the request is more extreme. You are going to Noxus, right? Just bring me to Noxus. I will complete more revenge... My parents both died because of the Noxians... I want to avenge them..." As she spoke, Peggy squatted down, covered her mouth with her hands and cried silently.

For Peggy, the hatred for Noxus was so heavy that she wanted to kill all the Noxians with her own hands.

"Sir... please take me with you. You just need to go to Noxus. I won't say anything related to you, and anything I do after that will never have anything to do with you... In exchange, I am willing to dedicate my body to you, please..." Peggy choked as she spoke, and the look of pear blossoms with rain was unbearable.

After a long time, Lu Chuan sighed softly.

"Go take a shower."

[Thanks to air and bug classmates for the tip]

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