League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 224 Negotiation Theory

"After talking about this assassination, let's talk about your purpose." Morrison is worthy of being a person who has been in a high position for a long time. After a moment of panic, he quickly controlled the rhythm. In his hands, Lu Chuan was suppressing his words without any hesitation.

He realized very clearly that the reason why Lu Chuan appeared here was not specifically to protect him, but had another purpose.

So for this purpose, he needs to judge the pros and cons more calmly, and cannot be led by Lu Chuan's strength.

This is the basic skill required by a superior person.

"Then I'll get straight to the point." Lu Chuan stared at Morrison and said, "You must have heard about the recent news that Noxus is about to send troops to fight Demacia, right?"

Morrison nodded slightly, "I have indeed heard of it."

"I am here to prevent this war on behalf of Demacia." Lu Chuan directly raised the topic, which surprised Morrison slightly.

"Stop? Are you alone?" Just like everyone's reaction when they heard this news, Morrison was no exception.

A person's power is very small. Unless he reaches the realm of the supreme strongman, in front of a group of hundreds of thousands of troops, even the strong ones have to avoid the edge temporarily.

"It was yes just now, but it won't be the next time." Lu Chuan suddenly smiled.

Morrison glanced at Lu Chuan warily, "Are you planning to ally with me...or, in other words, ally with the peace faction behind me?"

Lu Chuan shrugged nonchalantly.

"Although sir, you saved my life, this matter is of great importance. I alone cannot represent the entire peace faction. Sir, please offer me another reward, as long as I can do it." After hesitating for a while, Morrison declined. road.

Although the Peace Faction is the three major factions, the highest power in Noxus now comes from the Martial Faction. Things decided by the Martial Faction cannot be stopped by the Peace Faction alone.

And even if it can be stopped, it will take a lot of effort and the rewards will be disproportionate.

"Don't be so quick to reject it. You said you can't represent the entire peace faction just because you can't see the benefits, right? If what you have in front of you now is just a big cake, you can't represent the peace faction at all. Accepted it without hesitation." Lu Chuan stared into Morrison's eyes.

Perhaps it was the sharpness in his pupils that made Morrison feel uncomfortable. He could only look away slightly, and after a moment of silence he said, "Maybe you are right. If you can show it, I will not hesitate." cake, I thought I might be able to help you.”

The first step in negotiation is to make others willing to talk to you.

Not to mention whether the purpose is good or bad and whether you accept it or not, if the other party is not even willing to talk to you, then no matter how great the benefit you offer, it will not succeed.

At least for now, Lu Chuan has done the first step perfectly.


"Crack!" Lu Chuan connected one leg of the chair with brute force, causing the originally broken leg to sink deeply into the seat of the chair.

Although it doesn't look very stable, at least you can sit down.

"The development concept of the peace faction is to focus on peace and oppose violence, because even in Noxus, there are many people who hate war and just want to live a safe and stable life, but they are in favor of using violence to solve problems It’s just the majority of people.” Morrison slowly stated the development concept of the peace faction.

"As for the peaceful faction we advocate, if we now stop the armed faction from invading Demacia, we will inevitably conflict with the armed faction. This is inconsistent with the peace we have always advocated, so this is the reason why I reject you."

Lu Chuan patted his arm lightly with his fingers, thought for a while and then said slowly, "But if you continue to be a coward, then the influence of the peace faction in Noxus will continue to weaken, right? For the force faction, It is said that they can invade other countries, then search for the treasures and money of other countries, and divide the obtained things equally among their subordinates. In this way, they can earn gold coins very quickly and experience the pleasure of killing. Things like this will slowly wash away the hearts of those who yearn for peace."

As he spoke, Lu Chuan raised a finger, "For example, you are a farmer who advocates peace. You plow the fields at home every day, work diligently, get up early and work hard at night, and your annual income is three gold coins. And next to you A neighbor of yours was originally a farmer, and his annual income is equivalent to yours... But after he joined the military force, through constant invasion and looting, he could earn dozens or even hundreds of gold coins a year. , his strength can hit others in the face, and he can see others screaming and begging for mercy, but your strength can only be buried in the soil and earn low wages. So..."

"If it were you, what would you choose?"

Lu Chuan spread out the multiple-choice questions in front of Morrison.

In the second step of negotiation, if you want to persuade others to recognize your words, assist you in taking actions, and achieve your goals, you must first give examples of the situation at hand into easy-to-understand examples.

Lu Chuan compared the Peace Sect to a hard-working farmer, but no matter how hard he works, he can only earn three gold coins a year.

He also compared the militant faction to neighbors who were originally farmers but later joined the army and made dozens or hundreds of dollars a year through invasion and plunder.

At this point, the choice is pretty obvious.

"...I think I will choose the force faction, even if I am one of the leaders of the peace faction." Morrison showed a helpless smile.

"So this is the success of the martial arts faction so far. Joining their faction, or being a believer in their faction, has gained a lot of benefits. If the benefits are visible to the naked eye, then who would not do it, but on the other hand, if you look at the peace faction, What benefits have those who believe in peace received?”

"A quiet life, no unexpected days." Morrison said.

"Are these really what a Noxian with violence and hostility in his heart really wants?" Lu Chuan asked.


"Even if you are a pacifist, don't you choose to spend time in a place like this for indulgence? But based on the room number, it seems that the violent tendencies in your heart are not that strong."

"Listening to what you said now, I can't understand what you mean. Before what you just said, you always emphasized the benefits of the martial faction. Now what we are talking about should not be how to let the peaceful faction get more. Benefits?" Morrison asked puzzledly.

"No, no, I'm just looking at the facts, Uncle Chen. Only if you first understand the merits of your enemy can you analyze things from a more comprehensive perspective. What I want to say next is how to make the peace faction seek more success. A multi-benefit method." Lu Chuan said solemnly.

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