League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 225 Reaching Consensus

"I mentioned just now that the development philosophy of the martial faction is to obtain resources from invasion and plunder, and then distribute them evenly among the subordinates, so that the subordinates can feel the benefits, and then work harder for them."

"Then the development of the peace faction seems very useless. They just live a peaceful life. They don't want war and hate violence."

As Lu Chuan spoke, Morrison nodded from time to time, because he felt that many of what Lu Chuan said were fallacious or biased, aspects that ordinary people would not think of.

However, after careful analysis, I was surprised to find that his partial theory actually has a very strong basis and is not easily overturned.

"If you want to overthrow the current status quo of the peaceful faction, you need to imitate the militant faction, learn from the militant faction, raise your fist, and solve the problem."

"?!" Morrison showed a look of surprise and disbelief, and suddenly looked up at Lu Chuan.

Imitate the martial arts faction, learn from the martial arts faction... raise your fist to solve the problem.

Hasn't this been completely assimilated into the martial arts faction?

"It's a simple truth. No matter how weak and humble a country is, if it is invaded or even destroyed, will its weak people still be willing to be oppressed?" Lu Chuan quickly threw out the question. The new questions took away Morrison's shock and put him back into a thinking environment.

The third step of negotiation is to let the other party jump from his thinking into yours, and consider things at your pace.

Then the issues he considers will also be from your perspective. In this way, the success rate will be increased invisibly.

"If the country is really ruined and the family is destroyed, no matter how timid the farmer is, he will raise his hoe." This is Morrison's answer, and it is also the result of Lu Chuan's question.

Lu Chuan left this obvious result to Morrison to answer.

Let him fall into his own rhythm.

"Yes, the current peace faction is like a small country in Noxus. Although the other two factions also have conflicts, their overall patterns are similar. Whether they are the martial faction or the aggressive faction, they Some of their ideas are to use violence to solve problems, but one is pure violence, which can be used to inflict violence on people other than oneself, while the other is aggressive and targeted, inflicting violence on people in other countries."

After a pause, Lu Chuan continued, "In this way, the peaceful faction that opposes violence is a vulnerable group. If you don't act tougher, your followers will become fewer and fewer, and in the end your faction will have no existence at all. It makes sense.”

"Therefore, if the peaceful 'country' does not further raise its fists to resist, it will only be eaten away, and nothing will be left in the end."

Lu Chuan expressed everything he wanted to say, but Morrison fell into deep thinking.

He had never considered this issue before, because there were a large number of people in Noxus who hated violence and yearned for peace.

Therefore, he would not worry at all about the Peace Faction being cannibalized, or even eventually being swallowed up by the other two factions.

But as Lu Chuan said, after people who believe in the Peace Sect are constantly bullied, it is difficult to guarantee that they will endure it forever.

If believers of the peaceful faction and believers of the militant faction meet on the road, the militant faction can raise their fists, while the peaceful faction can only raise their wallets with both hands.

This is a difference, and the peaceful faction will definitely be resentful because of this. Over time, they will move closer to the militant faction and use their own way to defend their personal interests.

"Raise your fists... Do you want to coexist with the militants?" Morrison's eyes turned blank for a brief moment.

Because of the creed he believed in and had believed in for many years, it had a huge impact at this moment.

"Stretching out your fist to defend is not a way to break the peace, it is just a way to maintain peace for a longer period of time." Lu Chuan stood up.

Morrison came back to his senses and stared at Lu Chuan, "Why can I trust you? If you come from the gap between the martial arts faction and want to convince us because of this? In this way, the peace faction will take the initiative to move closer to the martial arts faction. Isn’t it?”

Lu Chuan took out a certificate from the Demacia royal family and Jiawen's seal from his arms.

After taking it, Morrison carefully confirmed it again and again, and then breathed out slowly.

"These are just my personal remarks. I am just trying to talk to you. If you think this is not advisable, the peaceful faction should have been peaceful. That is understandable. In that case, I can only go to the aggressive faction. Let’s talk.” Lu Chuan spread his hands and walked slowly towards the door.

He had already said everything he needed to say. If Morrison was still stubborn and refused to listen to his suggestions, there was nothing Lu Chuan could do to force him.

But when he walked to the door, Morrison's voice came from behind.

"I think... we can work together."


After discussing cooperation with Morrison, Lu Chuan returned to the room after receiving Morrison's support.

Although Morrison is the leader of the peace faction, he is only one of them. Such a major decision will affect the future development trend of the peace faction. He alone cannot directly make a decision, but Morrison also Guaranteed.

He must use Lu Chuan's rhetoric to the best of his ability to persuade other leaders.

Back in the room, I thought Peggy and Sona would be embarrassed. After all, the two of them had just kissed.

But when I opened the room, I saw a guqin placed in front of Sona. She was playing it melodiously, while Peggy was sitting next to her with her chin in her hands, closing her eyes and listening to Sona's music.

Lu Chuan wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he couldn't help but slow down after hearing Sona's tune.

The music is like mountains and flowing water, crisp and sweet, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Obviously every tone is very ordinary, but when combined into a piece of music, it feels different, as if it makes people immersed in the music, and they can't stop.

It also makes people feel very distressed and pitiful. The tune seems to express endless sorrow, making people unable to bear to interrupt her.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, Sona Ruyu's little finger left a vibrato on the strings and then slowly withdrew her hand.

"Wow!! It sounds good..." Peggy opened her mouth, and Lu Chuan also clapped.

Only then did Sona realize that Lu Chuan had returned at some point.

"Fairy Qinse, her reputation is indeed well-deserved." Lu Chuan said with a smile.

Sona's face turned slightly red and she wrote on the paper.

"Fairy or something, it's too far-fetched. I just play what I want to play."

"Hmph." Peggy puffed up her cheeks slightly at this time and snorted coldly.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's go back now." Lu Chuan said.

"Can I come with you too?"


Sona lowered her head and held the hem of her skirt with both hands, as if she was struggling with something.

"Will you not let me go? I heard my ransom is very high."

"Pah." Lu Chuan threw a gold coin bag at Sona without saying a word, "You can give her whatever she wants later, and tell her that I will decide on you."

"..." Sona was speechless, but her face was slightly red.

"Humph." Peggy, who looked even more angry at the side, puffed her cheeks higher.

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