League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 233 Sharp Killing Machine (Part 2)

Chapter 302: Sharp Killing Machine (Part 2)

The secret base of Purple Thorns, this castle that looks like a ghost castle from the outside, is actually blocked by countless small stones that block all kinds of passages, and are abruptly separated into a maze-like winding maze. Corridor.

The soldier in front carefully led Lu Chuan behind him through the winding corridor, and Lu Chuan was wearing the clothes of the guy who had been killed by Tai Long.

Tai Long turned on his invisibility and hid beside Lu Chuan.

According to the soldiers, there were hundreds of soldiers like him searching for guards in the castle at night. If they wanted to reach General Kecao's prison, they would meet those guys on the way. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, It would be best if you could disguise it.

Along the way, as he said, he met many people who greeted the soldier.

From this point of view, the members of Purple Thorn are relatively harmonious among themselves.

"Actually, those of us who have died are not as powerful as we imagined. Most of the warriors were only around the Bronze level or Silver five-star level when they were alive. But after being injected with that kind of hormone potion, not only can they be reborn, It can also stimulate all the potential in the body." Along the way, perhaps because he wanted to survive, the soldier revealed more things to Lu Chuan.

After that, he planned to escape, take his family with him, and escape to a place far away from Noxus, and use the remaining few years of his life to honor his parents, his wife, and his daughter.

I owe them too much over the years.

"To stimulate potential?" Lu Chuan asked.

"Well, everyone has their own ultimate survival instinct, but many people may not be able to tap it out until they die. That kind of medicine can maximize human body potential, but the side effects are also It's very obvious that it will put a huge load on the body... But people like us who have died once, I'm afraid we won't be afraid of that, right?" The soldier smiled bitterly as if with emotion.

He is no longer a human being inside and out, and the Purple Thorn he swore allegiance to is betrayed by him.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. If Purple Thorn is not betrayed, he will soon become like his companion and become a corpse.

After going around in circles many times, the soldier paused and pointed to the door in front.


Lu Chuan also paused in his steps. The gate in front was not so much a gate as it was a big hole forced into the stone wall and then an iron fence was installed.

However, this is not a simple iron fence. There are also tiny electric sparks flowing on it, emitting a tiny "sizzling" sound in the air.

On the stone wall nearby, Lu Chuan was surprised to find a high-tech product similar to his world.

Something like an access control, with a row of code locks marked with Roman numerals, and a green, fluorescent, palm-sized screen.

Lu Chuan would be so surprised to see this kind of electronic product in this world.

But thinking about it, it may be the high-tech products provided by Zaun. In the Valoran continent, while other city-states are still using ancient and primitive tools or props, there are two city-states that are very advanced in science and technology.

One is Zaun and the other is Piltover.

It's just that the two are completely opposite. Piltover's scientific research products are developed on the basis of not violating human ethics. They are used to benefit mankind and provide maximum convenience for local residents, so as to promote domestic degree of prosperity.

After all, when something takes 5 hours to complete, after using high-tech means to complete it in only one hour, the remaining four hours can be used to do more useful things.

Zuan, on the other hand, doesn't care. As long as everything that can be developed is put into use, no matter whether it is good or bad, as long as its existence is valuable, then it will be recognized by others.

The soldier stepped forward, stretched out his finger and pressed lightly on the green screen, and then entered a series of passwords.

"Crack!" Immediately afterwards, the iron fence made a heavy sound and then slowly rose.

"General Kecao is being held in the innermost room..." Before the soldier could finish his words, a loud shout suddenly came from behind him.

"What are you doing here? Who allowed guys of your level to come here!!"

Lu Chuan turned around and saw a man wearing a brown robe with a golden thorn flower embroidered on his chest.

"Oops...it's Elder Manda..." the soldier's face darkened and he whispered, "In addition to the leader, Purple Thorns also has three elder-level guys. This is one of them. It is rumored that his strength has reached At the level of three-star gold..."

Lu Chuan was also making quick calculations in his mind at this time.

Even if he turned around and left obediently at this time, I am afraid that the guy named Manda would not let his group go so easily. At least he would have to call him for questioning. If the soldier was timid, he would be shaken off. If it comes out, it will still trigger a war.

It would be better to...

"Tailong, you go in with this guy, and I'll stop you here." At this point, Lu Chuan simply didn't cover up and tore off the purple thorn clothing he was wearing.

Manda looked at the strangely dressed guy in front of her with a sharp look in her eyes.

"Are you an intruder? You really have the guts to come in." Manda also slowly lifted the hat on his robe, revealing a cold short head, and there were even dozens of slashes on his face that looked like they had been struck by swords. The marks scratched by the gas are intertwined.

At the same time, he unleashed all his energy.

"Let me give you a ride personally, trespassers." He raised a slender sword, the tip of the sword trembling slightly, and then with a flick of his wrist, a cold sword energy swept out, carrying a powerful breaking force. The sound of wind.

Obviously, this is a guy who is good at swordsmanship.

"Tailong! You go first!" Lu Chuan stepped forward, took out the blood-drinking sword in his hand and placed it across his chest.

"Ding!" With a soft groan, the sword energy was easily deflected by the blood-drinking sword.

"Oh? The strength is not bad." Manda raised her eyebrows, seeming a little surprised, "But if you want to leave here, you are kidding."

At the same time, he reached into his arms and took out a cylinder-like object and crushed it.

An invisible but sensitive sound wave spread rapidly in all directions. In just a few dozen seconds, behind Lu Chuan and the others, on the left, on the right, in front and behind, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers rushing up like a tide. Surrounded by everyone.

Lu Chuan had a subtle feeling that each of these soldiers was of Silver level strength.

"You concentrate on dealing with that guy, and leave the rest to me." Tai Long's steady voice sounded behind Lu Chuan.

"Can you withstand it?" Lu Chuan tightened the sword in his hand and leaned against Tai Long, but his eyes did not move away from Manda at all. The three-star gold star was equal to his strength, and he was a swordsman specializing in it. As a samurai, if you are not careful, he will seize the opportunity.

"Perhaps you may not know my nickname yet." Tai Lung opened his mouth in a rare move, revealing a cold smile.

"My nickname in Noxus is a sharp killing machine!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure was as fast as a poisonous snake, scurrying into the crowd.

The next moment, blood burst out from the crowd, and several people screamed.

"So neat... Hehe, I won't lose to you." Lu Chuan licked his lips, with a fighting spirit in his eyes.

Immediately, the blood-drinking sword glowed brightly!

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