League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 234 Detention Place




In the narrow corridor, there was the sound of fierce fighting. Manda's swordsmanship was very good. He could find the blind spots of the human body to attack. If you just look at the pure swordsmanship, Lu Chuan is far behind him. , and even those who were forced by him could only retreat in panic.

But Lu Chuan's strength lies in his high-intensity skills.

"Fire Dragon Breath!!" As his body became more and more integrated with the red flame core, Lu Chuan could control the fire element at will to derive many kinds of attacks.

In the palm of his hand, a void fire dragon was quickly transformed, floating above his head lifelike, looking majestic, and at the same time, it swept towards Manda with a powerful and fiery breath.

"Cut!" Manda shouted softly, and the thin sword in his hand trembled slightly, sharply cutting through the fire dragon's breath, but the breath was split into two.

"Scroll!" Lu Chuan held it with one hand, and the breath cut by the rapier quickly merged again, only this time it surrounded Manda.

Under Lu Chuan's control, the scope of the fire scroll gradually narrowed. Manda swung his sword several times in succession. Unfortunately, fire was invisible and moved with the wind. Even if the sword energy split the fire breath into a way out, other flames It will quickly rush forward to fill the gap.

"Triple Sword Intent!" Lu Chuan held the blood-drinking sword tightly in his palm. When Manda was surrounded, he did not hesitate and directly took out one of his skills from the bottom of the box, fire element, earth element, Water element, the three sword energies quickly merged and gathered on the hilt, and an arc-shaped sword energy spread out.

With the cold three-color light, it cut off all the obstacles in front of it with a destructive attitude, and smashed directly into the fire scroll.

"Poof!!" In the rolling flames, Lu Chuan heard a sound of blood spurting from the mouth.

"Disperse!" He raised one hand, and as the flames dissipated, Mandan stood there breathing heavily. The thin sword in his hand had been broken into two pieces, and one piece fell to the ground. , his right arm was covered with scratches, and his sleeves were messy from countless subtle sword energy scratches. Blood was constantly seeping from the top, and it looked like his right arm was useless.

"Who...are you?" Manda looked at Lu Chuan unwillingly. This guy...the energy that burst out at that moment was too huge, even if Manda used the bottom of the box. The skills used as parries were all instantly destroyed by the arrogant energy.

If he hadn't used the technique of pressing the bottom of the box, I'm afraid Manda's entire right arm would have been cut off by the roots.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's just that you kidnapped someone you can't afford to offend." Lu Chuan slowly stepped forward and raised his sword.

"The leader will not forgive you. You will never be able to leave this castle... Jie Jie Jie." Before Manda died, he showed a vicious smile, as if he was mocking Lu Chuan, who was not far from death.

"Pfft." The next moment, the sharp blood-drinking sword pierced his heart, and then he turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

"I've heard this kind of threats too many times. It's a pity that I'm still alive and well." Lu Chuan withdrew the blood-drinking sword. The blood stains on it slowly penetrated into the blood-drinking sword without him having to wipe it. , the red light on the blood-drinking sword seemed to be stronger again.

This is also the power of the blood-drinking sword. When Lu Chuan got it, its initial grade was not high, only gold grade, but it could drink the blood of thousands of people to feed its growth.

As long as it absorbs enough blood from the enemy, it can continue to improve and explode with greater power.

Just after Lu Chuan eliminated Manda, Tai Lung also harvested all the soldiers.

The average strength of that group of soldiers is around Silver. For an assassin-type warrior like Tai Lung, it is not easy to kill one of them with a single step.

At this time, the corridor was filled with corpses, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

The soldier who originally led the way was stunned in place as if he had been stunned, staring blankly at the two guys in front of him.

A pair of dozens of people killed them all in just a few minutes.

And the other one even directly took away one of the three elders...

With such terrifying strength, the soldier had only one thought in his mind at this time.

Fortunately, I didn't offend them at that time and handed over the things in time, otherwise I might not even know how I died.

"Hurry up. Now the commotion has become louder. The hidden leader may have discovered us. If we don't hurry up and rescue General Kecao, it may be dangerous." Lu Chuan frowned and looked at the fan The iron fence has been completely opened.

"You'd better be careful next time." Tai Long suddenly said at this time, "Although I don't know the strength of that leader, and I have never met her, but..."

"General Kecao is a platinum-level warrior." Tai Long's words made Lu Chuan's eyes tremble.

Platinum-level warriors are almost considered overlords in the Valoran continent. Even the group of ancient gods of Shurima that Lu Chuan encountered at that time have lost their strength over the long years. There are many warriors, and they are only platinum-level warriors, but they can directly control the fate of a country.

But General Kecao, who has become a platinum-level general, is still held hostage by the leader of the purple thorns who has never shown up. So how strong is this leader?

"Rescue people first. If you lose, just run away." Lu Chuan made a decision directly.

The soldier couldn't get a word in anyway, so he just had to obey the decisions made by the two bosses unconditionally.

After the group gathered their attention, they quickly got into the iron fence and moved forward. When they arrived at this area, there were more doors nearby. After walking a few steps, they could see a tightly closed door. Solid iron gate.

"These doors are the lounges of the more senior officers in the organization. In addition to the three elders, there are seven officers and 15 captains below to lead the entire Purple Thorn." The soldier explained.

"It seems that you have quite a few members of the Purple Thorns." Lu Chuan said casually.

"After all, a lot of people die in Noxus every year," the soldier replied.

Just after ten minutes of walking, a dead end finally appeared ahead.

On the stone wall at the dead end, a silver door also appeared.

"Is General Kecao imprisoned here?" Tai Lung's breathing became a little rapid, and he even grasped the soldier's sleeve with one hand.

"Yes...yes, cough cough cough! Sir, could you let go of me first? I can't breathe." The soldier was almost strangled by the neck, and his breathing was a little labored.

[Thanks to Little Peanut, Qingcheng, Phantom, and Wu Di for the reward. Congratulations to Qingcheng and Phantom for becoming the helmsmen of this book, okay~]

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