League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 239 Greedy Lu Chuan

"Pah." Lu Chuan casually threw the mask to the ground.

What came into view was a somewhat pale cheek, with a somewhat charming and coquettish face, but the thick black eyeshadow reduced the impression a lot.

The Fairy Trickster——LeBlanc!

Lu Chuan recognized her the first time he saw her face.

"Damn it...I'll make you taste something amazing!" LeBlanc took off the mask for Lu Chuan, and felt a little embarrassed at the moment. A whirlpool of suction erupted from a pair of deep, seemingly bottomless black pupils. .

"Look into my eyes, and I will take you to the happiest world in the world. In that land, your strength will make a qualitative leap." LeBlanc is still trying to suck Lu Chuan into her illusion. among.


"give up."

"...?!" LeBlanc's eyes widened and she murmured in disbelief, "How could...it's impossible...my illusion actually failed..."

"Everything you did was in vain." Lu Chuan pressed LeBlanc's arm and forced her down against the wall.

Smelling the fragrance of roses on this woman's body, aside from the heavy makeup she put on her face, this woman's figure is indeed excellent.

"The mental control field of the illusionist is indeed very powerful. Ordinary people may not have the mind to resist it at all, but..." Lu Chuan stopped talking for the rest of the sentence.

Because the whereabouts of the Lord God cannot be exposed.

Her seemingly rude yell just now still echoes in Lu Chuan's mind, but it is like a warning bell that constantly reminds Lu Chuan that all illusions can be broken by sticking to one's heart. There must be something in these words. The Lord God had to use some means to keep the sound lingering in his ears.

The scary thing about illusion is that you never know when you will lose your true heart and yourself.

Just like Lu Chuan's experience just now, when he fell into the illusion, the negative state he fell into was so real. He would feel exhausted when he was bleeding, and in the end he couldn't even lift his fingers.

These feelings are inflicted on the victim by the illusionist, as if they are things the victim has personally experienced.

If it is impossible to distinguish between illusion and reality, then the original mind cannot distinguish either.

Human beings follow common sense. When the illusion of common sense is consistent with the real common sense, everyone will lose themselves.

At this time, it is impossible to escape from the illusion independently. Only bystanders, outsiders, can see through everything.

However, a powerful illusionist obviously knows his own weakness and will try to choose a time when there are few people to attack, or directly strengthen the intensity of the illusion to involve those bystanders.

"Bang!" At this moment, a strong kick on the door came from behind.

Lu Chuan looked slightly sideways and saw Tai Long supporting a middle-aged man slowly walking out of the silver door.

The man had stern features and a thick beard. He seemed to be in good spirits. After being detained for so long, he did not show much panic. Even when he looked towards Lu Chuan, he saw LeBlanc. After being held hostage by Lu Chuan, he only showed a slightly stunned expression.

The rotation is fleeting.

He is General Du Couture, whom Tyrone must rescue at all costs. He is a capable man with a very important voice in Noxus.

"Let's go first. This is not the place to talk." Lu Chuan raised the blood-drinking sword obliquely and placed it on LeBlanc's neck. He let LeBlanc desperately use various spells, but Lu Chuan remained unmoved. Pull her forward.

"Okay, okay, stop playing tricks. No matter how clever you are, it won't help. Just follow us out. I'm in a good mood and I'll leave you an arm." With the spiritual energy blessing from Lord God, Lu Chuan can basically say that he can Walking sideways, especially when facing an illusionist like this who focuses on the spiritual realm.

Even though LeBlanc was unwilling to do so, she could only grit her teeth, otherwise Lu Chuan's sword attack would not be a joke.

Tai Long and General Kecao exchanged glances with each other, then slowly followed Lu Chuan.


For the soldiers of Purple Thorn, this was the first time they saw their leader today.

But what was even more remarkable than seeing the leader's appearance was that it was also the first time that they saw the leader who had always been aloof and could easily manipulate everyone with applause. At this time, a strange and young man held down his wrist. There was a long sword hanging around his neck, and he walked out of the corridor in a captive manner.

They had all received a signal before that there was an enemy invasion, but they saw such a scene before they arrived. It was neither possible for them to advance nor to retreat.

Even looking at it is a bit hesitant to look at it.

Lu Chuan didn't speak, and just pressed LeBlanc forward. The soldiers were forced to get out of the way and watched him and General Du Cacao and his party behind him slowly walk out of the castle.

When they reached a forest outside the castle, Lu Chuan glanced at Tai Lung and the general beside him, and then glanced back.

A few hundred meters behind, a group of soldiers were watching with some restraints.

"Tailong, you take General Kecao back first, and I'll take care of you." Lu Chuan winked at Tailong.

"Well, you should be more careful. I will keep this incident in mind." Tailong, who has always been cold and cold, rarely expressed a trace of concern for Lu Chuan. Perhaps it was because he assisted Tailong to rescue the general this time, so that He felt a hint of warmth.

However, the one with the highest status in Tai Lung's heart was General Kecao, which made Lu Chuan miss those two people, Janna and Ahri, who didn't know where they were now.

If it were these two little girls, they would definitely be holding their arms tightly, crying and shouting, wiping their noses and tears on their sleeves and choking: No! My dear, if I don’t leave, we will die together. I will never leave you alone.

Of course, they seemed to have never done this. Usually, when Lu Chuan was fighting the enemy in front, the two girls would look at the surrounding scenery from behind, and occasionally show some appropriate concern.

Afterwards, General Kekao nodded slightly to show respect to Lu Chuan, and with the support of Tai Long, his back disappeared into the night until he finally disappeared.

It seems that although General Kecao acted very energetic, in fact, his body was still traumatized by LeBlanc.

After Tai Lung and General Kecao walked away, Lu Chuan glanced at LeBlanc coldly, "Tell all your men to move away, and don't let me see a shadow."

LeBlanc glanced at the sharp blood-drinking sword, and then ordered all the soldiers behind him to retreat into the castle.

"Now, are you satisfied? Haven't you achieved your goal yet? The person has been rescued, what else do you want?" LeBlanc's tone was very calm.

Perhaps she had already guessed that Lu Chuan didn't intend to kill her when he kidnapped her.

Otherwise, he could have taken action directly after General Kecao left just now. When an illusionist's spell has no effect, then there will be no difference between the illusionist and ordinary people. Killing her is just a matter of time. It's just a hands-on matter.

But just now, Lu Chuan suddenly had a new idea.

Now that he had the support of the peace faction and the unpaid favor from General Kecao, Lu Chuan set his sights on LeBlanc's back.

He wanted to eat this purple thorn as the last trump card to prevent Noxus from advancing.

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