League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 240 What is the threat?

"To put it simply and clearly, I need you..." As soon as Lu Chuan started speaking, LeBlanc stared at Lu Chuan in astonishment.

"Are you a pervert?"

"...Don't get me wrong, I mean, I need that purple thorn behind you." Lu Chuan was a little embarrassed. Compared with his figure, the bunch of chicks around him were not bad, and recently there was a huge one. He was unmoved by Miss Ru's sister Sona, let alone had any thoughts about LeBlanc.

If she could remove the heavy makeup on her face so that he could see her bare face, maybe we could discuss it.

"Are you kidding? Why do you think I will hand over control of the Purple Thorn to you." LeBlanc looked at Lu Chuan as if he was mentally retarded.

"Of course you won't, so I'm just telling you, and I don't intend to ask for your opinion."

"You...what are you doing!!" The next moment, LeBlanc exclaimed.

Without saying a word, Lu Chuan picked her up across the waist and carried her directly on his shoulders.

Yes, he put her on his shoulders very roughly.

Her illusion had no effect on Lu Chuan, so she would definitely not be able to break free.

Because no matter what, her body was firmly carried on Lu Chuan's shoulders unless Lu Chuan let her go.

Lu Chuan had no intention of reasoning with her from the beginning.

For the peace faction or General Kecao, they and the martial faction do not wear the same pants, so as long as they show some benefits that they can see, they will lend a helping hand to them.

The purple thorn behind LeBlanc is different. It has always been a secret force affiliated with the martial arts faction. If you want such a force to betray its master, you have to use some special means.

Lu Chuan learned from the dead soldier that this force only obeyed the words of their supreme leader, LeBlanc.

Then it's very simple, just kidnap LeBlanc.

Don't you like to play kidnapping? Don't you always like to kidnap others, and you always dangle in front of others to make trouble.

Well, now it's my turn to kidnap you. This is Lu Chuan's purpose.


"Tum." After returning to the hotel, Lu Chuan threw LeBlanc on his shoulders heavily onto the bed.

It's not like I just threw him to the ground like I did with Tai Lung back then, but I still treat girls a little differently.

"Sir, why do you have to carry someone back every day?" Even though it was late at night, Peggy appeared at the door of Lu Chuan's room, rubbing her eyes, startling Lu Chuan.

"Why don't you sleep at night?"

"I've been sleeping all day. As soon as the adults arrived in Noxus, they left us here and ignored us. We can't go out and wander around casually, and it's not interesting to stay in the hotel, so we just kept sleeping and sleeping... Ha~~" Peggy stretched out her hand and yawned.

Behind her, she seemed to hear Peggy's voice. Sona also walked over drowsily, rubbing her eyes. Perhaps because she had just woken up, her light blue hair was still a little messy. I didn't have time to tie it into a pair of ponytails, so it was just fluffy and it didn't look cute.

"you are back."

"Uh..." In short, Lu Chuan still admires this cute girl who never leaves her notebook and pen wherever she goes.

"Who is this woman?" Peggy glanced at LeBlanc who was lying on the bed with some confusion.


"Yeah!!!" Peggy exclaimed, then hugged Sona and hid in the corner shivering.

"Huan Huan Huan Huan... magician?"

Look, this is the daily life of illusionists walking in the continent of Valoran. They are as scary as poisonous snakes.

"It's okay. I'm here. Since I dare to carry her back, I can cure her. Sona, you came just in time. Where is your Qin?"

Sona trotted all the way back to her room and took the ancient piano back.

It's also very cute to see her gasping for air.

"Let's play some music to relax first." Lu Chuan raised one hand and directly opened a barrier. Now his mental power is at a relatively stable baseline. Perhaps the Lord God has settled in the small bead. , is absorbing the energy inside, so Lu Chuan's mental power has never improved.

But maintaining this stable level is enough for him to open some insignificant small barriers.

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing others?" Peggy asked.

"It's okay, I've opened the barrier. Anyway, you two have had enough sleep, so just stay here." Lu Chuan had no other intention in letting the two of them stay here.

I just want them to be a witness. If LeBlanc wants to use some despicable means to seduce him later, there are two beautiful girls sitting next to him, and she will definitely not let it go. This also supervised himself from another perspective.

The purpose of asking Sona to play a little song is to let her use music to calm down LeBlanc's emotions first.

Sona arranged the guqin, and the sound trickled out slowly, like a handful of sweet spring water that was shining with stars under the morning sun, trickling into her heart.

Only the sweet sound of the piano was left in the whole room. Just by listening to the music carefully, you can hear the endless beauty.

In such an environment, all the body and mind can relax.

When the song ended, the whole room was still reverberating with the beautiful sound of the piano.

Lu Chuan slowly said at this time, "Have you considered helping me?"

"Just one song and you want me to switch sides?"

"No, no, this is just me doing my duty as a landlord. Now I can treat you as a guest from afar, but after our negotiation fails, I may do some inhumane methods to you."

LeBlanc glanced at Lu Chuan contemptuously, then at the two girls behind him, "Are you here? I'll be with you anytime."

"I'm not interested in your body, but what happens next may be something you can't bear. Have you really thought about it?" Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and at the same time harassed the person with his mind. Lord God.

"Lord God, if I throw her into the beads, do you have a way to cure her?"

"It's so noisy, you're disturbing someone else's sleep!!!" Well, from the aunty girl to the girl who gets angry when she gets up, Lu Chuan really can't imagine what kind of life this god is living in the little bead.

"Please, help me... I really can't do anything with her now. I'm afraid you are the only one who can cure her." Lu Chuan pretended to be inscrutable in front of LeBlanc, but in fact, he still had trouble with LeBlanc. There's really nothing we can do.

Because she is not like Tai Lung, who has something that can be used as a threat or a common goal, so she can discuss things easily. Coca-Cola and Lu Chuan are completely enemies, and for the illusionist, the most bearish thing may be life and death. Because she is acting out the life and death of others every day.

So after much deliberation, it seemed that the only option was to ask for help from Lord God.

"Well...although I can't get out of the bead in my current state, if you get her in, I do have a lot of ways to deal with her. But after this time, I also need to tell you You owe me a lot of favors." After thinking for a moment, Master Tianshen nodded and agreed.

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