League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 241 Lord God who likes to go off topic

"Brush!" followed by a flash of white light.

Under LeBlanc's dull gaze, her body was sucked into the small bead.

Not only LeBlanc was surprised, but also the two girls on the side who were completely dumbfounded.

what is this?

Transform into a living person?

Lu Chuan did not give the two girls any answer, but drove them back to their respective rooms.

"I'm not convinced! Why didn't you let us know!" Peggy protested the moment she was pushed out of the room by Lu Chuan.

Of course, the protest disappeared without a trace with a heavy slam of the door.

Afterwards, Lu Chuan sat cross-legged on the bed, pulled out his soul, and dived into the bead.

He wanted to see how the Lord God dealt with LeBlanc.


In the vast white self-contained space.

A white light flashed, and then LeBlanc fell heavily to the ground.

She narrowed her eyes slightly in discomfort at first, and after a while, she stood up from the ground.

It was empty everywhere, without anything.

LeBlanc didn't look too panicked, but was confirming something. For a while, he stretched out his hand and performed a set of strange spells. For a while, he turned over his hand and took out his staff, waving a faint light. It seems like some kind of boundary is being drawn.

"No need to do useless work. In this space, except for my permission, all skills and spells are prohibited." A bright and somewhat crisp voice sounded above LeBlanc's head, and she was slightly nervous. Looking around.

Not a single person was seen.

"A platinum-level illusionist... hum, it is indeed very difficult to climb to this level."

"What do you want to do?" LeBlanc became alert, she felt like someone was taking control of everything.

Especially in this unfamiliar environment, this feeling becomes more and more intense.

"What do you think will happen to an illusionist if he is deprived of all his spells and spiritual power? An ordinary person? A useless person?"

"How...how is it possible? Stop joking. Haha, how could I be deprived of what I have learned in my head?" LeBlanc gritted her teeth and groaned twice, but her erratic vision betrayed her at this time. Mood.

Obviously, she had also heard of this method of forcibly depriving samurai of their skills and abilities.

However, Lu Chuan, who turned into a transparent soul body and lurked aside to eavesdrop, said "Huh" in slight surprise.

It turns out that there are such unreasonable methods. If you learn this move, I'm afraid you don't need to learn any other moves. You can just use 'deprivation' on whoever doesn't like him.

Compared to Lu Chuan's surprise, LeBlanc at this time had lost the composure she had always maintained.

"Do you think... I'm joking with you? Do I bring you to a place like this and then use jokes to make you happy?" The sharp edge that Master Tianshen showed when he was aggressive made Lu Chuan feel ashamed.

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft halo of light suddenly appeared in front of LeBlanc.

It seemed gentle, but it was slowly exuding an irresistible force, pulling LeBlanc's body towards the ball of light.

LeBlanc only felt the power inside her body passing rapidly.

In her mind, the memory of those spells became blurry in an instant. Those spells that were originally familiar to her heart were like strange and strange patterns dancing in her mind at this moment. , finally rushed out of his mind and dispersed towards the halo.

"No...no!!!" LeBlanc screamed almost in pain. She held her head in her hands, her expression extremely painful.

For illusionists, apart from their strength in the spiritual realm, they have no means of attack. If all the memories in this spiritual realm are taken away, then they will be no different from a useless person.

It may be difficult for others to understand this feeling, but the despair is similar to that of a samurai who has practiced swordplay since childhood and lost his arms.

"I agree! I agree with everything you said!" LeBlanc seemed to have changed into a different person at this time, from being calm at the beginning to begging for mercy now.

This shows how important that power is to her.

"Brush!" The soft light gradually dissipated, and the memories that were about to be lost returned to LeBlanc's mind.

This made her let out a long sigh of relief, and her forehead was now covered with sweat.

"Okay, let's take her out. The deterrence is enough. I'll leave the rest to you. Also, come back after you solve this matter. I have something to say to you." She conveyed the words to Lu Chuan with all her heart, but she never showed up once from beginning to end.

This made Lu Chuan sigh, it would be good to have a capable boss.

Ahem, of course, it means capable, not competent.


After Lu Chuan released LeBlanc from the bead, LeBlanc fell on the bed as if she had lost all strength. She just took a deep look at Lu Chuan and closed her eyes. Lu Chuan was frightened. I thought she died directly.

He checked her nose with her hands and found that she was just unconscious.

It seemed that the high-intensity pressure inside the bead just now caused a lot of mental trauma in her mind.

Remembering what he just said, Lu Chuan hurriedly calmed down and got back into the bead.

The girl turned into a ball of light and shadow, floating in mid-air lazily.

That's right, he was floating, lying down in a very comfortable position with his hands on the pillow.

"You are really troublesome." As soon as Lu Chuan entered the self-contained space, Master Tianshen started to complain.

"Well... although it does seem to be the case, according to etiquette, you have to let me take a breath first." Lu Chuan rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"According to etiquette, you need to bow to the ground now. To put it simply, you need to kneel on the ground and salute me with your forehead on the ground. I am a god!" Lord God's voice sounded a little proud, but she didn't seem to have any intention of giving up. Lu Chuan really did this, just for fun, and immediately changed the subject and said, "It's almost time to let you know something."

"God, please speak."

"Judging from your previous experiences, you should have seen some Ni Duan, right? About this continent."

"How to say?"

"I have mentioned to you before that I am the same as you. We are from the earth. We were chosen by the previous god to shoulder the mission of saving the world. In the beginning, I was the same as you. We both came from the earth. It's a bit unbelievable, and I always feel that such behavior is stupid, but when the sense of responsibility is really implemented on you, when you can stand at the highest position and overlook all living beings, you will know that such behavior is indispensable. , Spider-Man once said something..."

"Why did Spider-Man suddenly make a scene..." Lu Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Nonsense, haven't you seen the Spider-Man movie?" The god sneered.

But in conclusion, it is easier to communicate with people of the same kind.

"You'd better go on and don't go off topic." Lu Chuan warmly reminded this girl who always likes to go off topic.

"Oh, Spider-Man once said, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is how we are, even if we don't want to bear these, but..."

"So are you instigating me? Let's get straight to the point." Lu Chuan found that the god was going off track after a disagreement, and hurriedly helped her back on track.

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