When the advent of standard contracts has made players more free, some bad things will not happen at all, and of course, the behavior of making money with players has disappeared, which makes the entire e-sports circle more pure.

The newcomer joins the team, the old man transfers, and the joy of eating melons keeps fans excited every day, and the popularity of the MHG team winning the championship has dropped a lot, and the fans of each team are eating the melons of their own teams.

The salary level of the players has become transparent, and there are all kinds of money on the Internet, but no one stands on the moral height to ask the players to lower their prices, and those who stand and talk without backache will be besieged as soon as they speak out, which makes the Internet environment a lot better.

With all the teams announcing their rosters, the new season is getting closer, Spring, MSI, Summer, World...... It's just that there is one more Asian Games this year, and this competition is more enthusiastic than the global finals in a sense, after all, it is emotional to think about representing the country.

The list of players will be confirmed after the spring game, which is a proper all-Chinese class, but by mistake, the MHG team at this time is also an all-Chinese class, and 369, who has just joined the team, is under a lot of pressure, after all, the fame of the other four players seems to be quite big, and a little mistake will be infinitely magnified.

"9Brother, whatever they do, they will be done if they beat themselves. Obviously, 369 is the youngest one, but with Lu Xiufeng's "Brother 9", everyone is used to calling Xi.

369 was a little uncomfortable at this time, he was shouted by Lu Xiufeng's "9 brother" and blushed, muttering that he couldn't say anything, he was blown up on the road in the training match that had just ended, if he was in the academy at this time, he didn't know how many white eyes he suffered, but now his teammates are like nothing happened, and even coach Bird just said the difference between his several choices on the matter, and he didn't say a word.

Lu Xiufeng climbed on 369's shoulder, and then began to complain: "I don't blame you, it's obviously Mr. Han's sand sculpture that kicked the opposite sword demon in the face with a roundabout kick, that fool must have a grudge against me." "

Who are you talking about?" Han Xin's sympathetic voice sounded behind Lu Xiufeng.

"I said puppy, he was actually seconds, it's just a scum......bag" Lu Xiufeng deserves to be the handsome man of Xixi Wu, and immediately changed his words.

"Damn, you and I don't exist, right!" Uzi and Lu Xiufeng were also familiar, knowing that this was a batch, and the champion filter had already collapsed, so he didn't hesitate to attack Lu Xiufeng's neck.

"Brother 9, help!" Lu Xiufeng's wail sounded so miserable.

369 still wanted to take the blame, Han Xin took Lu Xiufeng's job and climbed on his shoulder and said: "Don't care so much, it's just a training match, those hearts that play tactics are dirty, and I thought they would use dog-catching tactics, but they actually ran to catch you 3 times before level 6, this game is our focus on mistakes, you can relax." "

But ......

" "It's nothing, Brother 9, you can play with peace of mind, and now the team is still running-in~" Xiao Ming's comforting voice also came, he was only a season older than 369, but the maturity was completely different, at the beginning when he first did uzi assistance, he was scolded much more cruelly than now.

The MHG team has lost more and won less in recent training matches, experienced a lineup change, and the run-in period has restarted, but this time is limited after all, and the spring season has quietly arrived.


on the van.

"Should I say it or not, it's my first time playing the spring game, puppy, what's the matter with your previous teammate, the spring game is so fierce?" Lu Xiufeng muttered to express his dissatisfaction.

"Spring Tiger Emperor, do you think it's a joke? I don't even dare to say that RNG is me in c. "Uzi is really familiar, and this sassy talk is getting more and more.

"What's the matter, does anyone still watch season c...... Could it be that it is also a plug-in player......" Lu Xiufeng pouted, he was still in LSPL in the spring game last season, and he didn't feel the Spring Tiger Emperor at all, and when he met Xiaohu in the summer game, it didn't feel like he was playing with the same person at all.

Today's opening match happens to be played by the RNG team against the MHG team, although the MHG team successfully stole the house and turned Uzi and Xiao Ming into their teammates, but the RNG team's new adc is known as the Able who walks the A monster, and even faker meets in the ranking and thinks it is the existence of the script, so you can imagine how fierce it is.

And let me on the road, Kasa in the jungle, plus the little tiger who has reawakened in spring, this RNG team is still not to be underestimated.

Entering the arena, the enthusiastic jubilation sounded, the number of fans of the RNG team was several levels higher than that of the MHG team in the past, but with the MHG team winning the championship of the global finals, the number of fans is rising slowly, and now it is the existence with the most fans in the LPL, but the number of iron fans among these people may be relatively rare, and most of the people who have lost and cursed the MHG team may be from here.

"Let's warmly welcome the 2017 World Championship champion, the M~H~G team !!

the top laner 369, who is now about to have his first professional game, I hope he can keep up with the rhythm of the championship team

......! Uzi!'s sharp and suffocating line style is his trademark!Auxiliary

Ming, hard auxiliary group is indomitable, soft auxiliary protection is extreme!

Medium single...... August, the winner of the 2017 World Championship FMVP, as the brightest star in the domestic midlaner, we look forward to him completing Faker's great work. The

host's introduction was a little embarrassing, so that Lu Xiufeng, a thick-skinned guy who couldn't stand it, couldn't stand it, he looked at the dense signs under the stage, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked in his heart.

Winning and building your own dynasty seems to be something to start thinking about, and beyond Faker, a World Championship is not enough, more is needed.

The new season starts today, and the new journey starts today

! Fight! Keep winning!

Go ahead!

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