Who can immediately cross the sword, only I am the tiger general.

On January 15, 2018, the opening match between MHG and RNG kicked off, kicking off the 2018 Spring Tournament.

MHG Team: Top laner 369, jungler Han, mid laner August, AdcUzi, support Ming.

RNG Team: Top laner Letme, jungler Karsa, mid laner Xiaohu, AdcAble, support Maestro.

The first game was the World Finals champion vs. MSI champion, and the scene was directly full, and the surging and surging cheers resounded throughout the venue, but at this time the players looked relatively calm, after all, it was the first game of the spring game.

"Spring Season...... It's really a first experience. Lu Xiufeng's emotion is a little underwhelming no matter how you listen to it.

For example, at this time, Uzi squinted at him, and finally began to understand how the daily break between the MHG team last year happened.

Han Xin also began to learn: "I am also playing the spring tournament for the first time, and now we need seniors to guide me." "

Guidance...... In the entire team, only Uzi has played the LPL Spring Tournament, and from this experience alone, Uzi is the senior of the seniors, but at this time he said that he didn't want to talk at all, and discussed the spring experience with these two guys who won the World Finals.

Fortunately, the referee came to solve this embarrassing situation, and with the appearance of the BP interface, the game finally began.

Coach Bird took out his RNG-exclusive notebook and began to arrange the bp in the first game, at this time he also seemed more relaxed, and he was also interested in joking: "I have also heard of the prestige of the Spring Tiger Emperor, this one we target the middle lane, no problem, August."

Lu Xiufeng's face was righteous and awe-inspiring: "I'm going to show the sword

!" Han Xin immediately blocked: "Bright your head!" Seeing

that these two guys were about to start arguing, Coach Bird immediately arranged for 369 to start banning people, 369 was so nervous as a newcomer that he heard Bird's voice and immediately sent the tsar to the ban position, which is the hero of Xiaohu's crazy practice Xi in the recent rank.

The MHG team is on the blue side, and the RNG team is naturally on the red side.

First round of ban.

The MHG team put Tsar, Marzaha, and Aogang Shadow in the ban position, while the RNG team put Zoe, Calista, and Female Gun in the ban position.

Recently, Lu Xiufeng's Zoe has played a lot in the rankings, should I say that this kind of hero Lu Xiufeng has a very high hit rate when he plays, and I don't know if it has anything to do with him being single.

First round pick.

MHG Team: Orn, EZ, Clockwork.

RNG Team: Ruiz, Prince, Bron.

The MHG team first chose a hero who could stabilize on the road to 369, after all, 369's hand was shaking all the time at this time, and it seemed a little inappropriate to give him the responsibility of Kerry, and then locked two jack-of-all-trades heroes for the ace players in the team, Uzi and Lu Xiufeng, both of which were not easy to target.

Clockwork hits Ryze in the middle of the lane, which is ready to be used as a brush.

Second round of ban.

RNG team: Blind Monk, Bull Head.

MHG Team: Vampire, Sain.

It is said that this champion skin Han Xin wants to take the blind monk, so there is no problem with respecting, and the MHG team continues to block the upper road, and the focus of this bp is obvious, which is to protect the top single.

Second round of pick.

RNG Team: Wayne, Big Tree.

MHG Team: Praying Mantis, Toad.

Should I say it or not, when the RNG team locked Wayne, the whole audience became lively, after all, from a certain point of view, Wayne is Uzi's signature hero, which is used in person and does not write an application, sure enough, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and the juniors directly launched a challenge from the front.

"It's over...... On the other side, this is a battle to attack the heart, puppy, don't cry. "Lu Xiufeng, this guy really owes a lot.

"The application is not written, and the puppy is fined. "Han Xin, this guy is the same.

Uzi gritted his teeth, and he didn't think it was anything when he was selected on the other side, but what were his two groups of teammates doing...... Why do you still mock your own people, if you weren't in the game now, you ...... I still forget it.,adc1v2That's just a loss of mind.,Even if you're fat.,But the jungler is also fat.......

The first game of the spring tournament finally started in "laughter".

From the perspective of the lineup of the two sides, the MHG team's ability to solve the front row is weak, and the other side is already able to solve the front row well with just one Wayne, but Wayne's living space is a little worrying, whether it is a praying mantis or clockwork, they have the ability to kill him in seconds.

The RNG team is still the same as the familiar lineup of four guarantees and one team, but there have been some changes, and the Spring Tiger Emperor has taken on part of the responsibility for the output.

And the MHG team highlights a rush, if you can't win, then the next one, what kind of thing is pulling, the will to fall into battle, there is death but no life.

Both sides are in a five-star position, and neither has made any preparations for the level 1 group, and both sides choose to open the buff directly from the lower half of the jungle area with the help of the lower lane combination.

At the beginning of the line, the middle and bottom lanes played a little suppressive effect, purely from the line period, Lu Xiufeng and Uzi's online suppression ability is still the only one in the alliance.

But it is spring, Xiaohu is also completely untimid, and the mending knife bites the opposite clockwork, and even the blood volume is only a little behind, and there is no cowardice in the World Championship at all.

3 minutes, Ruiz and the prince went directly into the red buff wild area of the blue side, and then moved on the f6, which was quite difficult to brush up on the praying mantis, and the clockwork was inserted into the f6 with one eye, which was considered to have insight into the location of the two, and at this time, the praying mantis couldn't come to brush the demon swamp frog, so he could only let this group of wild monsters out.

One river crab per person, the prince in the early stage has a little advantage, and at this time on the road, letme may also be a systematic player, the skill of equality of all beings does not care about the strength of the other party at all, and forcibly equalizes all beings, at this time, the 369 pair of lines is completely stabilized, and the two meat tuotuo are on the road to make up the knife safely and steadily, and there is no spark at all.

This may be about a good start, both sides are playing very cautiously, have been brushing, want to swim the clockwork and the mantis go down together, halfway to meet Ruiz and the prince, the two sides look at each other from afar, and then both sides turn their heads at the same time and leave, the MHG team lacks the ability to take the lead, and the RNG team has no way to go up to them.

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