Bron who was thrown out shot the prince and the bull's head, and then landed and then took the big move to knock the two into the air again, the leopard girl's target situation is not unreasonable, along with the leopard girl's pounce and the sliding Callista, the prince wanted to backhand EQ two companies to break into the battlefield with the intention of stillborn, and was actually killed by Calista in mid-air by pulling out a spear.

The team battle started, it was 5 to 4, and it instantly became 5 to 3, although Nar failed to get bigger, but he directly incarnated as little Wayne and Calista to output together, and Karma was like Nar's auxiliary.

The snake girl stepped forward, and the ultimate move was only petrified to the leopard girl and Bron, and although the damage of Verus killed the leopard girl in seconds, her own blood volume was also suppressed by Nar and Calista, and by the time the captain teleported to the ground, the snake girl had been killed by Calista with a spear.

The snake girl is dead!

The Leopard Girl is dead!

5 to 3, turned into 4 to 3, Brona in this situation is extraordinary, as Nar finally gathered his anger and jumped high to shoot his ultimate, the team battle seemed to have fallen to the ground.

Calista is killed!

Karma is killed!

3 for 5, the FPX team found an opportunity in a desperate situation, and actually won this wave of team battles, Karma cooperated with Nar to push the line back, won a tower in the middle lane, and also took the newly refreshed Xiaolong together.

The disadvantages of the prince's output outfit came out, he was killed a little too quickly, and he didn't provide any help to the team battle at all.

"Clever and good! Show off that batch of len's heads! "

MHG boss, did you see that? The former MHG was all down the road for us in c!

"Such a big advantage can be wiped out by the team, there is really your MHG."

"Doinb is successful as a dog, and this guy has a hand for raising a father."

However, from the perspective of the situation, this MHG team still occupies the advantage on the field, although this suffocating offensive has been eliminated by this wave of team battles, but the economic advantage still exists, FPX has to play at least two waves, or even three waves of such a beautiful team battle to reverse the situation, but the later it is, the more the damage of the FPX team is insufficient, and the lineup that already has offensive pressure now has to regain control of the situation little by little, which is so difficult that it is visible to the naked eye.

In 20 minutes, the MHG team began to seize the vision of the big dragon, at this time, from the perspective of FPX, the big dragon was pitch black, and nothing could be seen, if the big dragon was taken away, they would definitely not be able to stop the big dragon offensive of the MHG team, and now they could only force it in.

But the battle for vision is already accompanied by risks, not to mention that in the face of a team like MHG, just approaching the river, a flag fell from the sky, and before the flag fell, a figure had already arrived like lightning.

Dragon Strike!

So fastのeq!

Calista and Karma's reaction was extremely fast, and they both handed over and flashed, but the prince was not a simple EQ, but an EQ flash, and the flashing Karma was also knocked away, one through four!

The sky is falling apart!

The prince turned back and covered Nar, Bronn and the Leopard Girl, the captain's ultimate, the snake girl's binding, Verus's ultimate, and the bull's WQ made the three guys flash and couldn't hand them over, but they were melted in an instant.

And Karma was still in the air when she was blown up by the captain's barrel, and then the captain flashed to close the distance, and the flame knife technique followed, and as her body was pierced by Verus's Q, her health bar was also instantly cleared.

In just a few seconds, the MHG team played a 0-for-4 record, and the advantage of the prince's output outfit was revealed, and his beautiful opening made the FPX team's HP fall off a cliff, and they couldn't resist the next damage at all.

Calista retreated alone, and the MHG team didn't care about him, so he turned around and fought Dalong directly, and then the five people with the might of Dalong gathered in the middle, ready to take advantage of the duration of Dalong to end the game in a wave, and the entire LPL may also be MHG team and IG will make such a decision, take a strong lineup in the late stage to play the early stage, and don't choose to snowball and choose to end the game in a wave, such a choice looks risky, but the viewing is full, The whole game was either a fight or on the way to a fight.

The blood volume of the mid lane tower is getting lower and lower to get closer to the bottom line, Calista reuses his old trick to smash Bronn out, and also knocks the aggressive prince away, but this wave is completely different, Calista, Nar and Leopard Girl want to step forward to output, but they are hit by the snake girl R flash on the side, and they are all petrified.

The bull head pushed Bronn back, and then Q lightning flew four people, and the prince dragon hit up Callista, and a big down Calista was actually killed directly in seconds, as Nar was hit by Verus, the team battle came to the end, and Karma was completely unable to resist MHG's five-person advance, and could only watch the blood bar of the base crystal decrease little by little, tasting the pain of defeat.

When Nakano was suppressed by the MHG team, this rhythm seemed to be a bit suffocating, and when facing the MHG team, Nakano couldn't resist head-on, and the advantage of other lanes didn't seem to expand as fast as this pair of Nakano.

"Handsome team fight!"

"Woo woo, it's all too smart!"

"Woo woo, my looseness."

"This coaching staff has a clubbing brain, take this Nakano lineup to play the champion Nakano?"

"I think it's because the leopard girl invaded the rhythm in the early stage."

"The leopard girl doesn't invade and play with hair."

"That's still only to praise MHG's tricky eyes."

The owner of the early rhythm is the key to winning for these two teams, the tactical game is too complicated, only professionals will consider it, and most of the audience only knows that this MHG team will press the FPX team to the ground to play, Nakano was even stranded, and Nakano can bear a lot of pressure when the pot is divided, but... The pot may be blamed on the Leopard Girl, and the direction of this whole game comes from the fact that he failed to sweep that eye position, and was found by that eye position.

One wrong step, one wrong step, maybe that's the horror of the professional league, a small vision difference is enough to change the direction of the whole game.

If the leopard girl succeeds in stealing red at the beginning, she will be caught directly at level 2, and she will be able to get the captain's flash without accident, and then brush from top to bottom, Calista has an advantage in the early stage, and the prince will not dare to change the wild area even if he knows that his red is brushed, and he may not even dare to go to the upper half of the wild area, after all, Narco is also an advantage, and the damage of Karma in the early stage is not low.

But all this is if, if it is discovered by the eye, it is impossible to stud at level 1, so that the game will go to the end from here, and the leopard girl who has no advantage in the early stage is not even as good as a super soldier.

The MHG team took the lead with a big score of 1-0.

The two sides were back on the bench and the second start was imminent.

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