The FPX team still chose the blue side in the second game.

First round of ban.

FPX Team: Zoe, Green Steel Shadow, Prince.

MHG Team: Big Mouth, Ryz, Marzaha.

The MHG team, as the winner, did not make any adjustments, while the FPX team replaced the prince with Han Xin's outstanding performance with Tamu, which can be regarded as a change of formation.

First round pick.

FPX Team: Calista, Tsar, Nar.

MHG Team: Captain, Tam, Verus.

The MHG team still chose a captain for 369, and the exercise of self-confidence would have required more experience, although 369 was still a fledgling at this time, he would definitely be trained to spread his wings and fly high before the World Championship arrived, or... Straight down.

The professional arena is brutal, and those who can't fly are not qualified to sit on the competition seat, and for 369, it is both lucky and unfortunate to be in the championship team when they debut.

The FPX team still locked Calista for Lin Weixiang first to ensure the strength of the lane, and the MHG team definitely didn't have a reason not to take it when they saw Tamu release it.

Then the FPX team locked the Tsar to provide a little protection for the later stage, now it is only the beginning of the season, it is still in the exploration stage, the FPX team has undergone a reorganization, and what the style of this team will become needs more experimentation.

In the last game, Nar single-handedly killed the captain, and there was no problem with this selection, and the last MHG team in the first round still locked Verus to ensure the strength of the lane period, and with the addition of Uzi, it was impossible to coax at least on the line.

Second round of ban.

MHG Team: Bullhead, Bron.

FPX Team: Kazik, Snake Woman.

In the second round of bans, the FPX team chose to continue to target the ban, which can be regarded as a helpless move from a certain point of view, while the MHG team continued to send Liu Qingsong's usable heroes to the ban position, and hook heroes such as hammer stone in this version are not qualified to appear.

Second round of pick.

MHG Team: Blind Monk, Sindra.

FPX Team: Leopard Girl, Shen.

Caution is used to play support is a trial period, more and more teams are also using it, and the blind monk is not in the ban position, Han Xin must not be polite to lock it directly, the last hand Kang Te position Lu Xiufeng thought about it for a long time or won the line hegemony like Sindra, from the perspective of the lineup, the responsibility for the rhythm of this game is still on the MHG team Zhongno, and the FPX team is trying to hand over the rhythm to the jungler and support, and let Doinb take the responsibility of Kerry.

The game begins.

Both sides chose a long snake formation, the leopard girl did not choose to invade, and the junglers on both sides were directly buffed from the bottom lane with the help of the bottom lane duo, and chose to brush from the bottom up.

At 3 and a half minutes, the leopard girl appeared in the lower lane, and the first mark was twisted away by Verus's position, and then the three of them set fire to swallow Verus directly, resolving a wave of crisis, although the blood volume was depressed, but no summoner skills were handed over.

At the same time, the blind monk appeared in the middle lane, Sindra QE pushed the tsar in two consecutive rows, the blind monk directly touched his eyes to adjust the angle, the heavenly sound wave hit the tsar, and hit the damage of electrocution, the tsar was slowed down by the blind monk's E and could only hand over the flash and treatment, and the blood volume was only in the early 100s, and he couldn't continue to stand on the line, so he could only choose to go home.

In the first wave of the jungle between the two sides, the blind monk made a small profit, and the tsar's DF second company was beaten out.

At 4 minutes and 30 seconds, the blind monk appeared on the lower road, just stuck in the shadow of the field of vision, this group of professional players can be called the range of the eye position is very well understood, and some bizarre card vision is simply basic for them6.

Someone has the confidence, Tamu shook his tongue in Shen, and then cooperated with Verus's slowdown to step forward and lick, suddenly so fierce Shen also knew that someone must be coming, and immediately went backwards, and Tamu flashed to follow and lick again, and when he was about to swallow, Shen also flashed immediately, so that Tamu failed to swallow Shen into his mouth.

There was still no head eruption.

At this time, the leopard girl appeared at the stone man on the red side and began to rebel, and Doinb chose a tsar to wander, perhaps this kind of thing was engraved in his soul.

"Miss in the middle lane, Brother 9, be careful." Lu Xiufeng glanced at the small map and issued a report, 369 was quite obedient, the line of troops was near the river, and he hid directly under the tower.

The Tsar's wandering ended in vain, and he returned to the middle lane to continue the line, but he didn't flash at all, and Sindra couldn't find a chance even if he wanted to.

The second round of buff is refreshed, but both sides have opposite eye positions in the wild area, and the movements of the blind monk and the leopard girl are all seen by the other party.

And on the road, the captain saw the leopard girl's movement and pressed forward, but Nar directly stepped forward and drove A to make himself bigger, pushing back to the captain, W hit the captain, and directly hit the captain's flash, Nar retreated directly, this pull was simply pulling people numb, the captain could only choose to go home, back and forth, the captain was pressed 12 times.

With the presence of Tamu in the lower lane, Calista didn't even take much advantage, and from the point of view of the supplemental knife, Verus even pressed Callista 7-8 times.

This pair of line strength is really powerful.

In 10 minutes, Sindra pushed the Tsar, the blind monk touched his eyes to adjust the angle, the sound wave hit the Tsar, and the Tsar drove R directly backwards, but the blind monk did not step forward for the first time, and waited for the Tsar to return to the tower before approaching, but at this time, Shen's white shield was put on the Tsar's head, making the blind monk hesitate for a moment and did not flash R.

Tamu drove into the middle of the road, and the blind monk W touched Tamu and retreated, and the two sides pulled away again.

Shen's white shield seems to have a great restraining effect on the MHG team that wants to be second.

10 minutes and 40 seconds.

Shen who came back was sucked by Calista's big move, and then smashed directly towards Verus, and Verus dodged this blow and flew away, pulled a little distance back, and mocked Verus, but Tamm was already staggering closer, and a tongue was thrown on Shen's body, the ship's big move fell, Calista could only retreat, Verus's big move hit Shen, and under the output, Shen didn't even bother to hand over the flash, and sent out a blood.

First blood!

Although there are 15 knives on the upper road, Lu Xiufeng in the middle lane has pressed nearly 30 knives with pure line suppression, and he has taken another blood on the lower road, and unconsciously, the early rhythm seems to have fallen into the hands of the MHG team again.

11 minutes and 10 seconds.

On the road, the captain was beaten to the killing line by virtue of the advantage of the line, and the leopard girl was twisted away by the captain, and she wanted to cut off the captain's retreat path after going around, but the blind monk appeared in the grass.

QE Ping ARQ, a set of combos hit the leopard girl, with the captain's shot, the blind monk accepted the leopard woman's head.

11 minutes and 15 seconds, the head-to-head ratio is 2-0.

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