The JDG team's Nosuke looks quite hard, and in the first game, he directly chose to confront the MHG team head-on, such a choice seems to be brave and unscrupulous, but everyone is a professional player, so how can they be cowardly, so it is better to surrender and retire directly.

The MHG team is kingly, they are still pursuing the feasibility of the lineup, so that they have fewer weaknesses, and if they can't play in the training match, they will go directly to the professional arena, and the combination of Uzi and Xiao Ming will be given a later guarantee on the lower road, and the jungler has chosen a hero who seems to be a little weak in the wild area like Pig Girl, and the style of the two teams looks very different.

Second round of ban.

MHG team

: Verus, Callista JDG team: Sindra

, the aircraft MHG team first sent Verus, who was strong in the early stage of the lower lane and also had guaranteed damage in the late stage, to the ban position, giving Uzi plenty of room to develop, while the JDG team sent Lu Xiufeng's Sindra to the ban position, making Marzaha's middle lane a little more comfortable.

Then the MHG team also sent Calista to the ban position, obviously bp tendency, and also quite trust Uzi's late carry ability, as long as this big mouth stably through the early stage without accidents, he must be the one who takes over the game in the later stage.

The two heroes on the opposite line have been sent to the ban position, BP's focus has shifted, and the protection of the upper lane seems to be reduced, and the pressure on 369 has become a little greater.

And the JDG team thought about it for a long time, and finally chose to send the plane to the ban position, which makes people a little confused, but as long as you look at Lu Xiufeng's rank record, it doesn't seem strange what kind of mid laner Lu Xiufeng can come up with...

Malzaha's lane is a little too weak, and it is purely by virtue of that unpretentious suppression that he has become a mid-laner in the current version of t1, and from this point of view, the JDG team's ban position is a bit insufficient.

Second round of pick.

MHG Team: Jace, Karma.

JDG Team: Ezreal, Orn.

Jace is a hero that 369 and Lu Xiufeng are training hard, after all, most of them had to be occupied by this hero when they played the Korean team last year, and they also learned from the pain, hurry up and practice, Jace's upper and lower limits are not low, and the practice Xi of this kind of hero is still very necessary, so choosing this to swing is a new attempt by the MHG team to make a new attempt for their own lineup.

And the JDG team has few heroes to choose from in the lower lane, so the current version of t1adc Ezreal can only be selected, and he is forced to choose to speed up, Ezreal and Calista are not bad in the early and middle stages, but the ability in the late stage is still a little worse, and then they locked Orn, which is also a helpless choice, at this time, the JDG team jungler is a blind monk to assist Bard, and there is no one in the front row, so you must choose such a hero to resist damage for the whole team, on the other hand, the MHG team, there is Tamu and Pig Girl, The choice will come much more freely.

The lineup is like this, there is always someone to make sacrifices for BP, so it's not just tough, it depends on the suitability of the team, Han Xin's biggest growth may be that he has gradually become the guy who can be sacrificed.

In the last hand, the Kangte MHG team chose the hero Karma, which is equivalent to double support, and when he communicated with Doinb before, Lu Xiufeng still stole a lot of Doinb's understanding of the version, and this version of the mid-laner is obviously weakened, giving more authority to the upper and lower.

Champion Nakano made sacrifices to make the other two more comfortable, this style of play is right or wrong, at least the courage is commendable, you must know that this choice is naturally a lineup disadvantage when facing the opposite Nakano.

369 looked a little nervous, and Han Xin said, "Lie down, Brother 9 and Brother Dog will take me to win."

Lu Xiufeng immediately continued: "If you lose, Brother Dog, please eat." (

᷄ὢ・᷅ ) Huh?

Uzi was speechless: ", haven't you split the pot yet?!" Lu

Xiufeng smiled like... No, this guy is a slut: "You just say please don't please~

" "Please, please, eat you!"

The game started in "laughter", and so far, the MHG team has won all of them except for losing a small point to the RNG team, and it will be a little worrying at the same time, after all, the exposure of weaknesses is accompanied by failure, and being beaten out by their own teammates in the regular season is better than being embarrassed in the playoffs at the World Championship.

The origin of the civil war phantom god is like this, the shortcomings that the brothers can't find are found by other countries, and then they attack the shortcomings, if they can be found and adjusted earlier, maybe it won't be like this.

The MHG team is basically playing on their individual strength now, and the linkage is actually a bit of a mess, whether it is the Nakasuke linkage, the Nosuke linkage or the Ueno linkage, it looks a little bad, Coach Bird saw it, and then began to reverse it little by little, and the lineup of this game is like this.

The lineup is confirmed.

Blue JDG: Top laner Orn, Jungler Blind Monk, Mid Lane Marzaha, adc Ezreal, Support Bard.

Red side MHG: Top Single Jace, Wild Boar Girl, Mid Lane Karma, Adc Big Mouth, Support Tam.

Both sides are in a long snake formation, and there is quite a tacit understanding, and the junglers choose to brush from top to bottom, so that the bottom lane combination can be online a little earlier.

Pig Sister is stronger in Han Xin's hands, from the perspective of jungler efficiency, the speed of the two sides is basically the same, and giving him the whole Zack Pig Sister feels that it has also been effective, and she can even compete with IG's Ning for the title of Zack King, although neither of them may want this title.

Blind monk stone man and f6 didn't brush,After clearing the other wild monsters, go directly to the lower river to fight river crabs,Trying to hit the pig girl by surprise,And the pig girl seems to have expected it.,He also didn't brush the two groups of wilds.,After brushing the other wilds, you can choose to go back to the city directly.,The weak jungler can only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.,Although MLXG's will definitely not play like this.,But the risk of that kind of play is really too high.,The ball has been thrown to the bottom road combination.,There's no need to force a breakthrough.。

The pig girl went back to the city to make up for the door and directly accepted the river crabs in the upper half of the wild area, and then turned around and continued to brush her stone man and F6, easily avoiding the rhythm of the first wave of the blind monk, Han Xin, this guy has not only made progress in operation, but also made a lot of progress in decision-making.

The upper road must be a pressure knife, if Jace can't suppress Orn, then this upper road is really too explosive, but with the passive that Orn can buy equipment for himself online, this suppression force is gradually weakening, Jace must find a time to return to the city, otherwise let alone suppress, it may even be better and better equipped Orn to play summoner skills.

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