There is still a gap in the strength of the lane in the middle lane, the Marzaha blue bar is empty, and the HP is left with one-third left, while Karma's blue and HP are both more than 50%, and there are several pawns' pressing knives.

The big mouth in the lower lane is still not as good as Ezreal in the early stage, but there is basically no difference in the number of reinforcements between the two sides, and Uzi's strength on the line can be seen. The right to push the line is still in the hands of Ezreal, after all, Ezreal Gabbard, both sides are professional players, and this can still be controlled by the big mouth The difference in strength is simply a bad rank, and there should not be such a big gap.

6 minutes, the blind monk came to the upper road, Orn directly opened the ultimate, Jace flashed to dodge Orn's second stage of retreat, the blind monk has not yet level 6 and has no stud, and Jace's flash has been played out and can be regarded as earned.

In the middle lane, with Marzaha rising to level 6, Karma didn't dare to press so fiercely, after all, he was carrying a teleportation not purification, and if he was touched by a blind monk without noticing, he would be waiting for death if he suppressed it, and it was useless to flash.

In 8 minutes, Jace, who had already used up the teleportation, fixed the line of troops at the river, and his own eyes and the eyes of the pig girl had already illuminated the river and the wild area, so he pressed forward a little, but the blind monk walked directly from the line on the blue side.

Wait until Jace has passed the acceleration gate, Orn immediately took advantage of the skill CD to open the ultimate, Jace who didn't flash and couldn't accelerate, couldn't dodge this ultimate, and was directly knocked away, and then Orn flashed closer to the position, QE two companies knocked Jace away again, and the blind monk who flashed W and touched Orn's body directly QRQ killed Jace, and Karma, who originally handed over the teleportation and wanted to keep the road, could only cancel the teleportation.

First blood!

The blind monk took a blood, and together with Orn, he beat the upper road defense tower to half blood before returning to the city, and Jace originally had 10 knives to press, but now he was overtaken by Orn.

But the pig girl immediately came to help Jace find a field, he also chose to go over from the line and crouched in the grass, and there was a teleportation Orn ahead of the eye on the road, and he actually used the E skill directly to push over for the gun carriage.

Pig girl is also not polite, directly hit Orn's body, with Jace's damage to kill Orn, but before his death, Orn poured all the damage on Jace, and Orn's damage was not low, Jace's blood volume was pressed to 50%, and this Orn was also resistant to beating, and it was also Ueno fire, and Orn had already landed when Orn died.

Marzaha moved forward, trying to catch Jace, but Pig Girl's Q skill directly pushed over and blocked the middle between Malzaha and Jace, and the short distance was like a moat.

Marzaha still wanted to retreat, but the MHG team was notoriously unforgiving, and Karma, who followed the teleportation canyon parkour, had already arrived, and the pig girl threw a whip on Marzaha's body, and then Malzaha retreated and flashed, and the group of guys didn't know if they really didn't know or pretended not to know, and without hesitation, the three flashes followed, and this Jace flash just turned around and actually flashed up together.

But fortunately, there is a flash of him, otherwise it would not be enough for Karma and Pig Sister to hurt.

Malzaha killed! Three flashes of changing heads is also a rare scene.

But it was still earned, and the three guys were directly pulled out by the three guys on the road and took down a tower, and the blind monk who went to Gank on the lower road was actually replaced one by one.

Tamu's eating couldn't be more timely, just avoiding the blind monk's Tianyin waves, although he was killed by the three of them, but he didn't stop the output for a moment The big mouth accepted the blind monk's head, and the jungler changed support, which Gank seems to be a little more profitable for the MHG team.

But that's the end of it, Big Mouth's blood is too bad, Ezreal and Bard directly take the lower road a tower, and the two sides are still evenly matched.

13 minutes and 11 seconds.

The head-to-head ratio is 2-3.

Economic ratio 22.8k-23.0k.

It doesn't matter if there is no advantage in an early lineup, it's still a little bit behind, which... The offensive pressure was immediately full.

The JDG team chose to gather four people to advance on the road, but the MHG team didn't mean to let it go at all, and directly asked Tamu to drive his teammates over, forming a 4v4 situation.

As both sides were rushing to the top in the middle, the JDG team actually chose to retreat directly, and the two sides pulled away.

The rare lower lane soldier line is directly released, allowing the soldiers to push each other, this is all white silver, which makes the commentary feel a little heartbroken, and the previously popular Korean-style operation is bound to have such a situation, which is also a unique scenery of LPL.

At 13 minutes and 50 seconds, Bud and Pig Sister collided together in the red buff wild area on the red side, and Bud directly threw out the Q skill to stun Pig Girl, and at the same time, the blind monk's Sky Sonic Wave also hit Pig Girl, and then directly echoed to bring himself over.

The pig girl who recovered from the dizziness directly retreated with her Q skill, and brought the blind monk to the pit of the red buff, the position of the blind man felt like it was already mortal, but Jace just hit with one shot, and Bud's big move was immediately thrown on the head of the blind monk, so that Jace's hammer form Q couldn't shoot, and there was only Tamu in front of Ezreal, and he hit a flat A, but the damage looked a little lower.

The blind monk who recovered from the golden body immediately retreated through the passage opened by Bud, but Karma on the other side was waiting here early, and the blind monk touched his eyes and tore off Karma's chains, but...

After all, this is the wild area of the red side, and the big mouth is much faster than Orn, and under the outflanking, the nimble Ezreal is actually the first to be seconds.

Under the rout, this JDG was actually beaten 0 for 4 by MHG, Jace scored three kills, and Karma picked up a head.

If Orn had come earlier, or if Big Mouth had come later, the outcome would have been very different, but there was no if.

4v3,As a result, it became 4v5 after fighting.,And the blind monk who can play the killing effect was also brought into the pile.,How can this still stand.,And the previous investment in the road has also reaped the reward.,Jace's damage at this point in time is so high that I can't understand it at all.,7 into the blood of Ezreal was killed by him directly in a set of seconds.,Obviously, this Jace equipment is just a dream and a sawtooth dagger.......

The head-to-head ratio came to 2-7, and the victory was in hand.

MHG took away the canyon pioneer, and Xiaolong didn't look at it, and assembled directly in the middle lane.

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