The damage was still unbearable, Verus preemptively handed over the flash, and twisted a little when he landed, but the blind monk did not follow directly, but waited for Verus to twist and move after flashing and kicking out the heavenly sound wave.

The Q that was supposed to hit was caught by Bloom Flash, and the damage was not enough to kill Verus, and the person lost ......

The blind monk lost his time to brush the field, and he flashed, and the big mouth and the bull head also failed to kill after the double moves, and Bronn still had one ignition left in his hand.

"Nice~" Uzi's dog life was saved by Xiao Ming, although this is not the first time this kind of operation, but he is still quite fortunate to have this kind of assistance.

"Hee-hee-hee~ they blew up. Xiao Ming's smile looked really sweet, completely different from Lu Xiufeng's guy who looked cheap when he laughed.

"This is love~

" "This block...... Cattle batches. "

Niu Niu's mistake shouldn't be ......" "

Tut-tut, this can survive, the Clid people are angry." "

Zoe is considered to have picked up a dog's life, and sure enough, with Uzi attracting firepower, the living space of other people will be infinitely expanded, and with the level of the enchantress, Zoe can still maintain the pressure knife, which is simply too comfortable.

Lu Xiufeng's face was about to laugh, and the jungler helped him squat, and this combination on the road carried the first wave of Gank of the blind monk, and now he has five and a half levels of experience and is about to be level 6, as long as he is at level 6, it will not be so easy to target him.

Although 369 doesn't know much about Nar, because he is facing vampires, he still has a pressure knife, but he can't fight the blood advantage, and the suppression is actually not done.

At this time, Nar has 46 knives and 40 vampires, allowing the vampires to develop, and the space for play in this later stage is a little bigger for vampires.

6 minutes and 45 seconds.

The blind monk came to the lower road again, this time the bull head walked to close the distance, and directly knocked Verus away with a Q flash, but he wanted to push back but was slowed down by Bron's Q skill, which was quite a bit difficult to walk.

Verus didn't go A either, he retreated directly, and Bronn hit A on the bull's head, so that it was directly stunned, and there was no way to push Verus back.

At the same time, the teleportation of the red and blue sides has begun to read.

It was Nar and the Enchantress who fell, and Zoe was worried that the Enchantress would find a chance to bring weakness in the early stage, so he couldn't keep up at this time, but the vampire's teleportation had been used to return to the line, and there was still a little time before the CD was completed, and the excavator arrived to form a 4v4 situation between the two sides.

As Zoe arrived on foot, the JDG team chose to retreat, but the 5v4 immediately formed this MHG team, how could there be a reason to let go, the excavator directly drilled the ground and flashed the last bull's head, and the five people directly set fire, instantly melting the cow.

The enchantress's combo hit the excavator's body, and the excavator couldn't bear the damage and fell to the ground directly, instantly fighting 1 for 1.

But after all, there were more people and fewer people, and the blind monk who had no big move and no flashes was also left, and Nar accepted the blind monk's head.

The two sides pulled apart, the excavator and Nar each harvested a head, but as Nar returned to the city, the grass behind the lower road lit up again, it turned out that the vampire's teleportation finally turned around, and the MHG team cleared the line and was already choosing to retreat, but the chain of the enchantress was still fatal, leaving Bronn behind, and Verus, who was already bloody, also lost his life under the fire......

In the end, the two sides fought 2 for 3, the enchantress gained 2 heads, and the big mouth gained one, judging from the distribution of heads, this wave of JDG teams made a lot of money, but at this time I had to mention ......

"Damn...... Your Zoe is a real thing. Han Xin, who was the first to die, could still take a look at the game, and immediately discovered Lu Xiufeng, a bastard, and the operation of flashing away the starry sky was simply spicy, which made him want to go back and look through this guy's rank record.

"I haven't played for too long, it's a bit ......" Lu Xiufeng forcibly defended, but in fact, this is also normal, there are dozens of heroes who can be used to play the middle lane, and it is impossible to train each of them every day, Zoe has been in the ban position most of the time, and it is normal to be lax.

Han Xin: "Brother 9's Nar is much better than you Zoe......

"Lu Xiufeng: "Don't you talk nonsense? That's Brother 9." "

Blowing 369 seems to have become their daily ...... These two shameless guys can really blow up.

10 minutes and 45 seconds.

The blind monk squatted in the pit of F6, and after Zoe handed over the r skill, he touched his eyes and flashed R in one go, and Zoe who flew in mid-air died directly, and there was no room for operation, and it was a little pity that the human head was taken by the blind monk's second section q, and if the enchantress could take this head down, it would really have the taste of doing whatever she wanted.

“...... I knew I wouldn't give you blue. Han Xin was also depressed, she died just after taking the blue to Zoe, this wave might as well eat the blue herself.

"They are targeting me~Brother Han~" Lu Xiufeng began to be cheap again.

“...... Shut up!"

This game is also a disadvantage, the rhythm is all in the hands of the other party, Bird should still carry a little bit of the pot, after all, the middle and upper heroes are very uncomfortable.

But what can be done...... This Zoe is both a strong version and a sign of toothpaste, and it may be more uncomfortable to be chosen by the other party, sometimes BP thinks too much about it, but it is definitely not right to think too little, so sometimes this is still a difficult thing to choose.

In 11 minutes, the enchantress and the blind monk came down and played four packs of two.

After the cow circled WQ two times to jack up Verus, directly opened the big anti-tower, the blind monk W touched the cow's head, slapped the floor with the big mouth of the damage Verus was directly melted, and Bron's blood volume was also very low, the small twist failed to twist the blind monk's Tianyin strike, but it doesn't matter if it is twisted or not, after all, the enchantress has come, under the damage infusion, the enchantress and the big mouth each harvest a head.

The excavator could only dig into the ground and retreat, and he couldn't even look past to take a look.

The lower lane was directly taken in, and the little dragon also fell into the pocket of the JDG team, with a head-to-head ratio of 2-6, and the economic difference was 18.5k to 21.1k.

The most important thing is ......

Enchantress: 3/0/2.

Big Mouth: 2/0/3.

This C-position equipment began to show a gap.

Not ...... though

The enchantress didn't go back to the city to update the equipment, and there was still a little money, so he appeared in the middle of the road and Lu Xiufeng immediately began to shake people.

"Teacher Han, come on, you can kill. The

excavator went to the middle lane without thinking about it, Zoe first handed over the flying star to clear the back row, and the enchantress saw that Zoe was without the flying star and immediately came up with a murderous set, and Zoe directly weakened on the enchantress and threw out the flying bubbles.

Weakness, this is too deadly, a little ......

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