The damage of the Enchantress could have beaten Zoe to the residual blood, so that she could not stand on the line at all, and not only could she counter-pressure the knife after coming and going, but the amount of blood of the experience defense tower could have taken advantage of anything, but if this weakness continued, the damage of the Enchantress would be completely insufficient.

The sleep bubble takes effect, the enchantress falls into a dizziness, and the flying star and Lexie's damage directly kills it instantly, and the ending head is taken by Lexy with the last turn.

This is pure operation skills, even if there is no weak demon queen just now, there is no way to kill Zoe, after all, the chain was twisted off by Zoe.

13 minutes and 50 seconds.

The bottom lane combination of both sides was changed to the top lane, but Zoe and Lexer did not show their heads, and the blind monk also followed his bottom lane combination directly to the top lane.

5 packs of 3, the MHG team has a murderous intent again, and Nar, who has accumulated a lot of anger, directly teleported to block the road, and the enchantress also teleported over, and the situation of 5 to 4 was formed, but there are still defense towers on JDG's side, and it's really hard to say which is stronger or weaker.

Da Nar landed on the e-skill and took the flash shot, the enchantress and the bull head were slapped against the wall, and the big mouth escaped by relying on his own position.

The Enchantress was knocked away by Bron's second stage of his ultimate, but Rex, who had just pounced, was kicked back by the Blind Monk, and even knocked Nar up so that he couldn't throw his follow-up skills.

Under the tower, Lexus was the first to die, and the two sides came directly to 4v4, and after Lexus died, it was Verus who resisted the tower, and the amount of blood visibly declined with the naked eye, and the big mouth flashed forward to avoid Zoe's sleep bubbles, and with the equipment gap between himself and Verus, he directly sprayed Verus to death.

This wave ...... Beat to pieces.

The JDG team fought 0 for 3, all except Nar and Zoe were killed, the blind monk's kick was too eye-catching, if it wasn't for his kick to save the enchantress, the outcome of this team battle was completely different, and the forward flash of the big mouth was also very eye-catching, otherwise the two sides would pull apart if it was 0 for 1 at most.

These LPL adcs all like to flash forward, except for ......

This wave was beaten, and the lower lane troops were all taken to the second tower by the vampires, and began to grind the tower of the second tower on the lower road, the canyon vanguard, the first tower on the upper road, and the vampire's mending knife surpassed Nal's 20 knives, and this wave of beautiful counterattacks under the tower allowed the JDG team to firmly control the early rhythm in their hands.

The head ratio is 3-9, and the economic ratio is 25.1k-28.5k.

Both sides may be toxic, and the side that takes the early lineup is controlled by the side that takes the late lineup.

The second little dragon refreshed, the MHG team chose to let go, without looking at it, the two sides entered the development stage, JDG was not in a hurry, they had vampires and big mouths, and their abilities in the later stage were still strong, so now they are advancing little by little, and after the middle defense tower was taken down by them, they began to arrange the river vision.

The third little dragon was refreshed, and the MHG team touched the small dragon pit from their wild area little by little, and at this time, Zoe already had a two-piece suit, with the possibility of touching the prize.

Team MHG's double c two-piece set, while Team JDG's double c are both two-and-a-half pieces.

Zoe is going to go to the lower road to sort out the line first, after all, the blood volume of the second tower is only 30%, and there is no reason to let it out directly.

I didn't expect to meet love in this corner, the bull head suddenly appeared, and the WQ second company knocked Zoe away, followed by a vampire, but ......

262 knife vampire you out of Central Asia?!

The damage has no effect of second killing, and Zoe's blood volume only dropped by half after a set, Zoe hurriedly handed over the bell that flashed to avoid the cow, and the blind monk who came kicked Zoe in the face, but this Clid did not have the Xi of qrq, when his r skill received Q, this q was caught by the flashing Rex, and the vampire single damage could not kill Zoe, but he was hit by Zoe's sleep bubble.

Bron's ultimate move came out of the shadows and accidentally knocked away the big mouth and the enchantress who rushed to fly.,This pair of c equipment can't be used with any equipment.,This wave actually let the MHG team win.,Directly hit a 0-for-3 record.。

Then the MHG team chose to start playing the big dragon, with the JDG team having both c's in it.

But the big mouth was single-guarded by Nar, and he couldn't go through it at all, and the enchantress was hit by Zoe's sleep bubble again, so he could only use displacement to pull out his position, otherwise he would also be at risk of being seconded.

In 25 minutes, the MHG team took over the big dragon!

It was a miracle that Zoe survived just now, the vampire would die if he didn't come out first, and the blind monk qrq instead of rqq would also die, but Zoe survived, making the JDG team rout.

On the other hand, if it weren't for Bron's ultimate, which just knocked Big Mouth and Enchantress away, and missed the most precious output time, the victory of this group is still unknown, but it is a little bit of time to shoot off, the blind monk and the bull head have already died, and 3 to 5 This kind of thing except for the MHG team and IG other teams will probably not make such a choice.

Although Xiaolong was still won by the JDG team, the MHG team with the big dragon buff still had the right to propulsion, and Zoe, who had the right to propulsion, was a little too disgusting, the cd was fast, the damage was high, and although this Lu Xiufeng was very rubbish when he first started playing, he gradually became proficient at this time, and the skill hit rate made the JDG team eager to cut his network cable directly.

Pushing two towers in the middle of the road, the economy changed from backward to 2000 ahead, but this group of guys played as if they were ahead of 10,000 and pushed forward quite resolutely.

Bronn was at the front, and the Enchantress was stopped by him several times, and Zoe Poke couldn't help it, and the JDG team still chose to start a group.

The bull head Q flashed up Verus and Bron, and then returned Bron to the top, but this was also due to Bron's ultimate, which accurately knocked the bull head away, so that the bull head could not find the C top, and at this time, the big mouth had already begun to squirt.

The bull head was the first to die, and Nal's E skill slapped the big mouth on the wall, but the blind monk kicked Nal away, so that he couldn't keep up with the next output, but Nar's role has been completed, and this dizzy time makes the big mouth unable to play the output.

The damage on the other side may have overflowed ......

This Zoe is so hateful, obviously hovering on the periphery of the battlefield, but he was the first to be killed, and the battle ended up being 2 for 3.

MHG Team Zoe, Lexy killed.

The JDG team was killed except for the double c.

"Xiao Ming is so handsome! When he saw Niu take a step, he realized it, and directly hit the big move, otherwise Verus would be forced to be seconded. "

Can this be turned over

?" "Tell me what you are doing as a vampire in Central Asia......" "

This enchantress can't do it either, she actually fights in the front, what......'s the use of the enchantress in the front?"

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