The MHG team has to be very careful in the next advancement, because the economic gap in this time period is not particularly large, after all, it has come to 30 minutes, and if it drags on, purely from the lineup, the JDG team has more advantages in the front.

At this time, Zoe and the Enchantress are already three-piece sets, and the ADCs on both sides are three and a half pieces, this big-mouthed sheep knife is broken and the wisdom end blade is plus a mercury frenulade, and the hurricane is in urgent need, and when he has the hurricane in hand, the outcome of this team battle is really hard to say, after all, it is not so easy to kill him on the MHG team's side.

33 minutes.

After the MHG team pushed the line over, they reflexively drove the big dragon directly, while the JDG team couldn't gather together because of the pull of the line, the bull head and the blind monk were on top, and the other three were below.

Dalong entered the punishment line, and the other three members of the JDG team had to go around Zoe's sleep bubble and couldn't rush over at the first time, so the blind monk had no choice but to become a Buddha in the flesh and go in to try the punishment himself.

But Rexse steadily punished the big dragon, and the blind monk who came was directly slapped on the wall by Nar and was the first to die, and the bull head also followed, although it was not a fire target, and there was a big move in hand, and it was not the first time to be second, but the blood volume was still down very quickly, and Q flash directly hit Zoe who came back, and then flew out of the big dragon pit and was directly melted by the other three members of the JDG team.

What a grudge this is......

The bull head was also killed, and the vampire flashed into the field and was hit by Varus's ultimate as soon as he released his ultimate, although the blood pool dodged the damage, but he got up and was knocked away by Bron's ultimate, and the golden body died in the air without handing it over.

Aren't you saying it's a waste for you to come out of this golden body......

The momentum of the pursuit came out, and the enchantress was too flexible to chase, but this big mouth was a small short leg, and the four members of the MHG team pounced directly, and the fierce and vicious made the big mouth tremble, or that sentence...... If there were multiple hurricanes at this time, it might be a scene of annihilation, but it was only a few minutes away, and the team didn't do enough to protect him.

1 for 4, the MHG team directly ended the game, except for the first loss to the RNG team, the MHG team still maintained an undefeated golden body.

"Nice~" Lu Xiufeng and Han Xin high-fived, and the game against the JDG team ended ......



The BLG team played against the OMG team, won the game 2:0, and the dark forces of the past seem to be no longer glorious, but the game of 50 drops of blood is unforgettable, even in the original world, 2018 is called the first year of e-sports, but there are still so many emotional moments in the previous games, almost ...... It really feels like it's a little bit, but it's always hopeless.

One can't help but think about how happy it would be if Faker and Bengi appeared in the LPL.

The league system is a little more regular, the e-sports environment is a little better, and the players and coaches work hard, and a little bit can make the LPL a little better.

But...... After all, it's just babbling.

Everyone has their own interests to consider, no matter how it is calculated, it is at least a little better than football, should they all be satisfied, except in the parallel world, any competition seems to be just a business in the end, which is regrettable.


The next day, January 25, today and tomorrow are both closed days.

"The next game is next Monday, against WE. Han Xin said while drinking soy milk.

"Oh, yes, we won't have a game next week, let's celebrate the New Year on the 15th this year, and there will be a game on the 23rd, it's been such a game a year ago, I feel like this year's holiday is quite long~" Lu Xiufeng stretched and said.

According to the rules of the club, most of this year's holiday will be from February 5th to the 22nd, and come back a day in advance to find a feel to welcome the 23rd game, so it will be about half a month.

If you don't go to work, you can still get a salary, it's really fragrant~

"Are you here for the New Year this year?" Han Xin asked casually, after all, it was a rest day, and the dining room at this time was just the two of them, and the others didn't know if they didn't wake up or went out.

Lu Xiufeng scratched his head and said: "It should be, grandma and sister are here, when the time comes, take them to the street to shop, I don't know if they are Xi to Xi after coming here for so long, I am here every day." "

A guy who is only 19 years old is like an adult in this family, and I don't know whether to call him lucky or unlucky.

Han Xin probably also understood the situation at Lu Xiufeng's family, nodded and answered: "Today and tomorrow are rest days, you go home tonight? You can take them shopping tomorrow, I'll accompany you

?" "Okay, where to go shopping? Is there anything suitable for the elderly?" Lu Xiufeng agreed without thinking about it.

Han Xin was stunned for a moment: "How do I know this......" "I know

that there is a park that is not bad." Su Youyan's voice came, Lu Xiufeng turned his head to take a look, Su Youyan, who was wearing a small suit and gold wire glasses, was full of intellectual taste.

"That's good, you send me the location, and Han Xin and I will take my grandmother and sister to go shopping tomorrow." "

Don't invite me, but you really have your Lu Xiufeng ......

Han Xin saw that Su Youyan's expression was wrong this time, and immediately changed his words: "I have something to do tomorrow, let Manager Su accompany you."

"( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) Hmm?

"What can you do with a single dog......" Lu Xiufeng's complaint made the corners of Han Xin's eyes twitch, and he glared at Lu Xiufeng viciously: "You don't care what I do."

When these two guys were about to argue, Su Youyan spoke: "Okay, I'll accompany you tomorrow, don't you have to pick up your sister from school in the afternoon? I can give you a ride, and I will go home today." "

Hah?!" Lu Xiufeng had a skeptical expression on his face, he had just invited Su Youyan, didn't he just have a position, and his memory was confused?

"Well, it's decided, tell me when you leave." Su Youyan turned to leave, hiding his crimson face.

"Did Su Da Meinu take the wrong medicine?" Lu Xiufeng scratched his chin and muttered, Han Xin's keen insight had already seen everything, but it was simply heartbreaking for this guy to be chased backwards, and he said that he didn't want to say a word to this guy.

When Lu Xiufeng was still confused, Han Xin slipped away directly, he was going to teach 369 to play mahjong with Uzi and Xiao Ming, these three guys are really not human...... I know that bullying children, although the age gap between everyone is a little small, but there is nothing wrong with 369 who has just joined the team to be called a child.

"Let's go. "

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