The glory of the past is only the past, and the current achievements are what can be brought out, and as one of the three former royal families, WE still has a deep heritage, which can attract players to continue to fight here.

Top laner: 957

Jungler: condiMid

laner: Xiye

Adc: Mystic

Jungler: Ben

In the domestic mid-laner, Lu Xiufeng won the championship of the global finals and was called the top no problem, followed by Xiaohu and Xiye, the two of them are the most brilliant existence in the domestic mid-laner, and at this time, the toothpaste, the left hand can only be counted as the second echelon, and it has not been a long time since joining the professional league, and there are no outstanding results.

Among the middle laners of Korean aid, Rookie is of course the top existence, and the lagging behind are Doinb, junior brother, and Hou Ye, and if you look at the price, ......

Lu Xiufeng is definitely the most expensive, and there is basically no gap between Rookie and Rookie, and the others are in the next gear, but the relationship between victory and defeat can not be determined through this.

The little-known night can kill Faker alone, and in this arena, the unknown is the most attractive existence.

WE is now considered the middle and upper reaches of the league, although it is not the best, but it is also above the average, and it doesn't feel like an upset if you win, and MHG is a proper top team in the league, although the degree of tacit understanding has been reduced after the split, but except for the top single 369, they are all famous players in the league, and Xiao Ming has the championship honor of MSI in hand.

WE is on the blue side.

First round of ban.

Team WE: Blind Monk, Captain, Big Mouth.

MHG Team: Tsar, Galio, Nar.

Han Xin's performance this season is quite eye-catching, better than last season's performance, and the growth rate seems to be quite large, but this is also reasonable, when a top player appears in the team, others can only choose to follow, and no one wants to be the guy who drags his feet.

Although Han Xin's hero pool is still broad, the blind monk, a hero who can firmly master the rhythm in the early stage, is unwilling to release it.

The captain of 369 still has the taste of his signature, although there are some problems with the handling of the online before, but the role played by the team battle is also very bright, not to mention that Lu Xiufeng has recently included the captain in his list of Xi heroes, and it is reasonable for WE to send him to the ban position.

As for the combination of tam and mouth, the effect of bantam does not look very good, so it ......

On the MHG team's side, although Lu Xiufeng has been training hard for a period of time, his appearance is really incompatible, and it is not even in line with the team as a whole, so he was directly sent to the ban position.

And Nar's hand, 369 is really not very good at playing, and even the line is not very good, which is understandable.

First round pick.

Team WE: Calista, Zoe, Pig Girl.

MHG Team: Prince, Ezreal, Marzaha.

The WE team is still the core of the lower lane, and first snatches Calista into their hands, the overall win rate of this hero does not seem to be very high, but the strength of the lane of this hero in the lower lane is really high.

So far, a total of 103 games have been played, Calista has been banned in 47 games, selected in 28 games, and only 12 have been won.

The MHG team grabbed the prince first, and Zoe and Ruiz locked Ezreal with the second hand while they were still outside, allowing the midlaner to see the move.

When it was WE's turn to choose, Zoe was directly locked in seconds, this hero was banned 61 games, 19 were selected, but there were 13 wins, and once the lottery bubble hit, it even had the effect of changing the situation.

The final pick of the first round ......

"You're going to lie down again?!" Han Xin looked at Lu Xiufeng with disgust, and the intention of taking out Marzaha was quite obvious, that is, to pass the ball to his teammates, and the simple and crude skills had no operability at all.

Before Lu Xiufeng could speak, Coach Bird spoke first: "Just try this possibility, the single kill rate of Xiye is very high, WE often relies on his single kill rhythm to stabilize, this stabilizes the middle lane, Han, come on."

Han Xin spoke to Lu Xiufeng and spoke to Bird completely differently: "Okay, coach.

This time it was Lu Xiufeng's turn to look at Han Xin with a disgusted face......

Second round of ban.

MHG Team: Bron, Tham.

Team WE: Orn, Kree.

WE continues to target 369, while the MHG team is two ban supports, and all the supports that cooperate well with Calista will be sent to the ban position, and this ban will wait for the second round to choose the bull head is already a sure thing.

Second round of pick.

MHG Team: Bull Head, Big Bug.

Team WE: Vampires, Hammerstone.

Sure enough, the MHG team chose the bull head, and the WE team was a second-lock vampire, and the quality of this coach was constantly improving, and the two sides kept playing tricks on each other, trying to directly take advantage of this bp stage, but this player still has a lot of attention.

If the mid laner wasn't Lu Xiufeng, Bird wouldn't dare to take Marzaha to Zoe who was on the line all night.

The choice of hammer stone seems to be quite hard, after all, this is already reduced to the level of t4t5, but this is also to blame Liu Qingsong for that guy, who showed his magic hook in the version of the incense burner monster, and it is strange if it is not weakened.

The lineup is confirmed.

WE: Top Single Vampire, Wild Boar Girl, Mid Single Zoe, ADC Callista, Auxiliary Hammerstone.

MHG: Top Single Big Bug, Jungler Prince, Mid Single Malzaha, ADC Ezreal, Auxiliary Bull Head.

On the one hand, it feels like the damage is going to overflow, and on the other hand, it feels like there is no harm, which ...... The exchange of heroes between the two sides seems to be more in line with the style of the MHG team, but this is also to pursue more possibilities, and the result is still to be known.

The game begins!

Pig girl brushes from top to bottom with the help of vampires, and the prince brushes from bottom to top with the help of the bottom lane combination, this is not only the pig girl in order to avoid the prince, the bottom lane combination also wants to go online in advance to ensure the advantage of the bottom lane, and it is indeed a bit hurt to take out Calista and not play the advantage.

The pressure was a little fierce, and the prince directly brushed the lower half of the wild area and directly hit the fruit to the next road, but this wave of Xiao Ming made a little mistake, and the bull's head was a little aggressive and was noticed by the other party, and he retreated directly.

However, there is another reason that the eyes of the red f6 have not yet captured the trace of the prince ......

The prince could only force himself forward and directly use the dragon strike, forcing out the flash of the WE bottom lane duo to make up for the lost jungle time.

Although Hammerstone's E may interrupt the prince's EQ second connection, it is Han Xin, the champion jungler, and We's bottom lane combination does not dare to bet.

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