Earned two flashes, and it can be regarded as a lot of money, and this combination is still a little careless, but this is only a matter ...... decision-making

Everyone knows that the election of the prince will definitely do things in the early stage, but we all think that they will help the road first, and the vampires that develop at will can directly beat the big bugs into small bugs, but I didn't expect this prince to come to level 2 to be a dog on the road.

Pig girl let go of her red buff and chose to go straight to the prince's red buff wild area, and also put an eye in her own red buff position.

Han Xin: "I'll go to his house to see me, and he'll up when he's there." Lu

Xiufeng: "Then you blow it up......"

The prince directly entered the blue wild area, although he was seen by the eyes, we did not react, let the prince take it out, they felt that it was not a loss to just change the wild area, but how could the MHG team just do this, and the combo came out immediately.

Malzaha directly consumed the blue push line, first plugged in his own F6 and then went directly from the river to the red buff wild area on the blue side, and played the explosive cones with the prince and landed in the stone man position, and the four-pack two of level 3 came very abruptly.

At this time, the pig girl was still fighting wits with the air, thinking that Marzaha would come to interfere with his brushing.

We's bottom lane duo didn't flash, the bull head directly WQ two times to jack Calista up, Hammer Stone's reaction was a little slower, and when E shot, the bull head's knock had already taken effect, and the prince's EQ was also as fast as lightning, and the four of them set fire, and this Calista couldn't even slide out of a step and was directly killed.

The treatment given by Uzi also allowed the bull head of the anti-tower to survive, this 0 for 2 to play out, let alone suppress the next road, and then thank God for not blowing up the line.

The prince ate less than a group of wild and changed two heads, and this set meal is really full.

Uzi, who returned to the city to replenish, directly touched the dazzling light, and the goddess tears did not come out first, which obviously meant that it was to be suppressed on the road, and the middle and upper lanes of the MHG team were now pressed by about 10 knives, but the situation was still tilted.

6 minutes.

Zoe in the middle of the night went to the road, at this time he was already level 6, and the gentle R skill pulled the flying star, but 369's reaction was also to quickly and directly dodge the sleep bubble, and this Gank could only end there.

And Zoe went to the upper road, Marzaha and the prince went straight down, this time they were found by the eye, but they still walked very resolutely, and directly let Calista and Hammerstone retreat to the second tower, but it was only 6 and a half minutes, and the first tower on the lower road fell into the pocket of the MHG team.

The middle lane is already level 7, and the junglers on both sides are only level 5, although the experience of the pig girl is a little ahead, but it is still a little short of level 6, and there has been no qualitative change.

8 and a half minutes, the pig sister hit her own f6, this shameless prince drove over directly with the cow, although the pig sister punished and ate the big 6, but the small one was eaten clean, after all, the MHG team has gathered four people to grab the red buff in person.

And thankfully, Pig Girl's Q skill dodged the cow's WQ second ...... The show turned out to be good.

"Lao Niu is giving you New Year's greetings!", "New Year's greetings


"Four people are too popular to be popular." "

369, it's obviously a five-player game, why doesn't I have a role. "

The red buff was accepted by the prince and also upgraded by 6 levels.,This red buff wild area is completely out of the control of we.,These guys from the MHG team are in it as if they're in their own wild area.,But what's the ...... way.

Calista's output is not at the same level as Ezreal's, and there is no reason for vampires to join the group at this point in time.

Xiaolong fell into the hands of the MHG team, and after returning to the city to replenish the supply in the lower lane, he changed to the upper lane, at this time, Uzi was already in the hands of the Dazzling Demon Sect straw sandals, while the brother-in-law only had attack speed shoes and vampire scepters, which was a little too big.

At 10 and a half minutes, Pig Girl's drift ultimate move was aimed at the middle lane, and Malzaha directly flashed and avoided Pig Girl's first ultimate, which made no sense for you to say that he was not good.

Ezreal is too flexible, and Callista's damage is too low, and the big bug is pure meat, there is no way to take him, and the pig girl can't keep the big recruits, so it's okay to try.

At 14 and a half minutes, the MHG team took the canyon pioneer, the WE team didn't even look at it, and the upper road tower was also directly released, striving for time for development, and not fighting with the MHG team.

However, when the prince EQ was in the middle of the transfer, Zoe still started the team battle, but on the one hand, there was no harm, and on the other hand, the equipment was not good, which caused the two sides to fight inseparably, but in the end, only the pig girl lost her life, 0 for 1.

All three towers fell into the bag of the MHG team, with a head-to-head ratio of 0-3, an economic difference of 23.8k-27.7k, and a 15-minute lead of nearly 4000.

16 and a half minutes.

The MHG team went to the upper lane to deal with the lane pushed by the brother-in-law, and the bottom lane was 369 and 957, which were inseparable, but these two ...... Obviously, the avatars on the map are stacked on top of each other, and they don't shed much blood.

The pig girl is brushing F6, and Marzaha directly flashes in order to avoid Zoe's sleep bubbles, but it may be that Xi is natural, this guy flashes forward and appears directly on the pig girl's face, suppressing the shot, and the damage looks more general.

The prince followed, and although the output of the two crushed the pig girl, Hammerstone and Zoe also rushed over, and even the vampire came first, after all, this was in someone else's wild area.

Malzaha, who did not flash, was like a fish on a chopping board, slaughtered by others, and was directly taken by the vampire, and the prince's EQ was hit by Zoe's sleep bubble before he made a second shot, and he was like helping Zoe to distance himself, and the flying star smashed down, but it was a pity that the damage was a little bit worse, and the head was ignited by the hammerstone.

These two swaying guys are giving ...... chance again

"My ...... I can't control how many I send, he actually eats F6 in front of me. "Lu Xiufeng's quibbling is very unreasonable, what does it matter to him that others eat their own F6, and if you eat Han Xin, you have to eat someone else's, you are a person.

But maybe it's this character who eats wild monsters everywhere, and this Malzaha actually pressed Zoe nearly 20 times.

"Nakano linkage, one death and one send.

"Uzi: These two batches played well, come down and reward each of them with a Tarzan top. "

369: Isn't this taking me

......?" Plus the barrage feels like there is no serious feeling at all.,Although this death is a send.,But it's still not out of the equipment that can pick up the group.,The second little dragon we still chose to let go.。

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