The acceleration shield was completed in one go, and the skin of the dog that Uzi's big mouth was already using suddenly became a vicious dog.


prince was sprayed to death directly, and then the five members of the MHG team gathered and advanced directly to the middle lane, the big mouth with the double moves in hand was quite aggressive, and there were Lulu and Bronn beside him to protect him, which was simply unreasonable.

The prince did not resurrect We could only choose to retreat, and the high ground in the middle was taken down directly, the defense tower just fell, and Lulu's w was put on the big mouth again, and at the same time, Orn's ultimate move was opened, and Bronn flashed forward with a Q to hit Ruiz's body.


bull's second company was dodged by the big mouth, Ruiz was stunned and melted immediately, the praying mantis who jumped up didn't even get the assist, and the narr was melted before it could get bigger, and the big mouth of the hurricane in his hand was like a god of war, but this is also because Lulu and Bron are both auxiliary outfits, so this big mouth is not a simple three-piece suit.

Obviously, it was so crushing just now, and this abrupt surprise actually allowed the MHG team to directly win the game, which made the commentary and the audience on the battlefield a little confused, although it was not as shocking as the annihilation of Sima Lao Thief, but everyone saw how terrifying it was to be protected by the four guarantees and one one, and this RNG's signature tactic MHG was also used in a good way, and I always felt very surprised.

"Nice~" Lu Xiufeng and Han Xin looked at Uzi after high-fives, and although Uzi was very excited on his face at this time, he still pinched the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and the pain seemed to be magnified after the game, making people a little unable to support it.

I don't want to lose a game, maybe this is the real owner of the heart of esports, although the vision will become narrow, and I can't see many around me clearly, but ...... What can be seen is his greatness.

"Are you okay?" Lu Xiufeng's own hand was also a little painful, but he still asked with concern, this is really annoyed by the difficult brothers, the operation of this C position is already more difficult, and injuries are inevitable.

Uzi replied with a smile: "It's okay, let's go, shake hands and go, the holiday has begun."

After shaking hands, Uzi went to be interviewed, and when it was over, everyone left together, and the games of the previous year were all over here, the MHG team with a complete winning record ranked first in the league, the IG team lost to RNG and ranked second, and FPX only lost to the MHG team, but they were directly shaved heads, so they were ranked third, and then the RNG team and the EDG team followed closely behind, and the background still exists.

The struggle between the newcomers and the old players has entered the white heat, and it is still unknown who will get the final victory, the LPL league is changing, because the MHG team won the championship, everyone is working hard, including the LCK players, reshaping the glory or guarding the glory, the competition is not that breath.

On the second day after the game, Lu Xiufeng and Uzi were dragged to the hospital at the same time, these two guys who were still thinking about forbearance were directly rejected by Su Youyan, caring about the physical condition of the players is the responsibility of the manager, as mentioned earlier, considering the pressure, salary cap, etc., the MHG team still did not choose a substitute to the list, and due to time constraints, it is definitely impossible to add a substitute in the spring game, after all, if the list can be changed at any time, it always feels a little unfair.

Although it is possible to negotiate with the official to reschedule the match, each team can only use it three times a season, and it has to be agreed by the opposing team, which can be a hassle due to the combination of various factors.

After a series of inspections, Lu Xiufeng and Uzi glanced at each other, and smiled tacitly, everyone is a strange operation, the eldest brother does not talk about the second brother, it is reasonable to have this situation, but Uzi still has some doubts, this Lu Xiufeng has officially become a professional player for only the third season, and there is actually a hand injury, in addition to not being good enough, this guy is also working too hard......

The most fearful thing about hard work is not to see the results, and everyone may work harder when they can see the results, although the system is quite unreliable and often plays missing, but that panel ability has really become the driving force for Lu Xiufeng's efforts, and it is always exciting when the value of an item changes.

In the same way, if students can actually watch their grades change after each set of questions and memorize an ancient text, the motivation for this effort will definitely be stronger...... Not only is the feedback not timely, but it may even not come at all, which feels like overlapping, and it seems to be an option.

However, you still have to choose to work hard, although the opportunity is hard to find in a lifetime, but when that moment comes, all the hardships suffered by hard work will become an exciting past, just like when Lu Xiufeng stood on the stage of the final of the World Finals, he was very glad for his perseverance.

Arrive, take, may all have such a day.

Back to the story, Lu Xiufeng's hand injury is not as serious as Uzi's, after all, because of the version, the assassin with higher requirements for operation has no chance to appear, and the rise of the big core midlaner in the later stage makes the middle lane less bloody, not to mention that Lu Xiufeng has not been a professional player for as long as Uzi, so this situation is also reasonable.

Uzi is not very good at using functional ADCs, he is more Xi to playing an advantage on his own line, and then taking over the game in a faster time, which has also changed after coming to the MHG team, not because of Lu Xiufeng's strong strength, but an overall style, the MHG team often makes risky decisions, and then ends the game within thirty minutes through personal strength, only saying that the spring game last year, except for Lu Xiufeng took out Lulu to open the mix, the rest of the game basically did not exceed thirty minutes.

"If you don't have a girlfriend, what can you do......" Lu Xiufeng looked distressed.

And Uzi was stunned for a moment when he heard his words, and then immediately reacted: "You're not the same!"

This time, Lu Xiufeng was stunned, and then before he could speak, Su Youyan walked over with the report, and Uzi gritted his teeth and turned his head when he saw Su Youyan, vowing to start preparing to get off the list.

I forgot to say that although the team doesn't care much about personal emotions, the competitive state is its own, and if you do, the income is very different, and the golden period of professional players is not long, they are already adults, and they will weigh the pros and cons by themselves.

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