It's not serious to say it's serious, but it's too child's play to say it's not serious, these two guys' hands are not only drugged, but they are also ordered by Su Youyan and Bird not to touch the computer again, and the tickets they bought to go home are still some time away, so now everyone is still gathered in the training base, but the sound of the keyboard can't be heard, replaced by a crisp mahjong collision sound.

But it's a bit too much ......

"Eighty thousand, Uzi, you hit the second cylinder, I will immediately post on Weibo that you are the first ADC. "Lin Weixiang is really shameless, playing mahjong and using off-site factors, but ......

"You get out, Uzi, you play two-of-a-kind, and if you win, I'll give you half of it." "It has to be Lu Xiufeng, this guy is obviously even more shameless, is this the attitude of playing mahjong, isn't this cheating.

Looking a little farther away, the four people who are competing in the Ma Tan are Uzi, Lin Weixiang, Lu Xiufeng and Doinb, the most popular of the four is of course Doinb, he doesn't know what to say when he looks at these three "bullies" at this time.

Doinb is an old acquaintance of LSPL, and he also plays the most training matches, and this familiarity also has the sharing bonus of the female anchor's URL, so it is not surprising that he can be completely mixed in as a supernumerary, and Lin Weixiang and Crisp are purely equivalent to returning to their parents' home.

League of Legends in the parallel world is more influential, clubs have become more standardized, even the players' desire to win is stronger, and the laws of various countries are cracking down on spinach, and the bad things that may happen in this world are basically non-existent.

At the end of the year, the Spring Festival is still so terrifying, so it's not like you can go back, you always have to have some fun during the holidays, and now this situation is reasonable.

also made up two tables, the other table is Crisp, Han Xin, Xiao Ming and 369, this group also takes into account the tacit understanding of Nakano, the tacit understanding of the lower road, I have to say that it is still a little rigorous.

Uzi gently lifted a piece of mahjong, rubbed his fingertips, and smiled like a weasel on his face: "I'm sorry, I touched myself!"

Lu Xiufeng of the Wuzi family pouted, and immediately changed his face after touching the cards: "Self-drawing~"

Doinb didn't want to speak, he didn't know why he hadn't figured out what he should do, and he had already left the two of them, and after playing a card casually, Lin Weixiang also immediately drew himself, which felt ...... It's like kneeling in your own ranks.

"You guys, are you cheating......" Doinb looked at the three guys suspiciously, and then heard the three of them answer in unison: "No~"

This tacit understanding ...... Just let the police arrest it, there is absolutely no ...... of unjust, false and wrongful convictions

Mahjong is really terrifying, when Lu Xiufeng's table ended, the sky was bright, and the new and old c positions of the MHG team ruthlessly educated a Doinb, money is not a big deal, after all, the entertainment bureau plays very small, but this experience is simply terrible to the extreme, the number of winning cards in one night is only a handful, and the face gradually turns green from ruddy, but Doinb is worthy of being a mid-laner trump card, and he will never give up.

As his teammates left one by one to go home for the New Year, the training base gradually became deserted.

"Go home?" Su Youyan said softly.

Lu Xiufeng, who was standing next to Su Youyan, glanced at the training base again, nodded and said, "Hmm." "

Unconsciously, it's the second year of coming here, too many things have happened, I can't remember how many training days have been spent here, from the initial confusion to the present, everything seems to be too smooth, the system is really too buggy in life, but the effort is still real.

This year's IG is staggering, obviously Jack Ai, who has just entered the league, actually has the momentum to hit the league's first adc, and Ning, who has moved from the adc position to the jungler position, seems to have finally found his place, The, who is on the road shy is the most perverted operation monster in the league on the list, although it is still easy to be caught, but as long as he is let go a little, there will be an unsolvable top single in the later stage, not to mention the mid laner Rookie, the strongest mid laner in the Korean aid is not blown out, it is played one by one.

From this year's point of view, IG and FPX are the biggest enemies of the MHG team, KT and Gen.G on the LCK side are also fierce, and FNC and G2 seem to have changed after personnel changes, ready to make their voices heard in this world.

The former worst enemy is a little bit worse with Faker's form slipping, and it is unknown if SKT will be able to enter this year's World Championships if this momentum continues.

The establishment of a dynasty cannot be achieved overnight, and there is only one way to surpass Faker, and that is the four crowns...... Not to mention that it takes at least four years for the four championships, as the age increases, whether it is injury or reaction, it will affect the state of the players, even if Lu Xiufeng has a system...... But that system is obviously not reliable enough, and God knows what that guy means.

"Four crowns?!" Su Youyan was stunned, almost drove directly into the wall, and drove directly to the finale, but fortunately he reacted and saved Lu Xiufeng's life.

The two didn't have any topics, they didn't know how to talk about retirement, and the answer given by Lu Xiufeng was to retire after winning the four championships, and then talk about what they want to do when the time comes, maybe they will be coaches, or they may be managers and anchors.

Lu Xiufeng clutched his chest, always feeling that his little heart was beating faster, and he didn't expect that his casual answer would cause Su Youyan to react like this, otherwise he would still think about it, after all, the steering wheel is in someone else's hand.

"Beyond Faker...... Maybe this is what all LPL people want to achieve, just like those who play basketball want to surpass Jordan, and those who play football want to surpass Pele.

"But you're retired...... What if Faker doesn't retire, it's not surpassed. Su Youyan said with a strange face.

“...... Makes sense. This time it was Lu Xiufeng's turn to be stunned, he really didn't expect this before, this ...... Could it be that when did Faker retire before he retired, but he always felt that it was time to retire when his strength declined, and tenacity didn't seem to allow him to change his age, although it was still possible to continue to win the championship, but the core of winning the championship was not really meaningful.

There is no problem with either option to retreat bravely or continue to fight, it is just a choice.

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