The shy's Orn single-handedly dragged the captain of 369, and even completed a single kill, so that MHG's strongest wave collapsed like this, as time went by, Ezreal's role became smaller and smaller, and the two sides still had an economic difference of 5000, but the initiative gradually fell into the control of IG.

Jacklove's move has become constricted, so that a lineup like MHG can't find a suitable opportunity at all, if it can be pushed by virtue of its economic advantage before, after winning the middle lane highland tower, this crystal can't be pushed down.

When the flash turns around, MHG chooses to force the group directly, if the other party is given time to develop, it seems that the victory of this game can only be handed over, IG is faced with a choice, that is, to continue to drag on, until the ancient dragon group, this MHG even if it wins the big dragon, it is difficult to take them down in a wave, the chance may be half and half, and continue to drag on their winning rate is more than eighty.

But who are they, they are IG, all of them are reckless, if you want to play a group, then come to the group, as long as this wave of the group wins, what do you need in the later stage.


shy called out to his beast again, and he took the lead, but Ning didn't let it go, and the two of them wanted to mess up the back row of MHG, aiming at Uzi, who was already difficult to deal with them quickly.

Baolan stood by Jacklove and Rookie's side like an impregnable barrier, but ......

The four of them dispersed, and Ryze drove Ezreal and Mantis to the middle route, and then he and Tamu not only didn't run, but also went straight forward.

It's ......

IG didn't expect MHG to make such a decision, so he could only turn around and rush towards the middle lane, but this Tamu and Ruiz were irritating, especially Ruiz, this guy actually took out an ice stick, so that IG couldn't run at all.

Kill first!

IG made a quick decision and directly reflexively cleaned up this guy who kicked his nose and face.

Baolan lost the Q skill first, and was twisted away by Lu Xiufeng's position, and then he directly flashed forward and wanted to use Ping A to hang up his passive, but Xiao Ming directly ate Lu Xiufeng into his stomach, and flashed and took Lu Xiufeng to avoid this face.

Lu Xiufeng, who was spit out, turned around to dodge Rookie's R flash, and then flashed directly forward to Jacklove's side, a set of unexplained combos almost killed the big mouth, but there was no hat but with an ice staff, and the damage was still a little worse.

Jacklove couldn't stand on the pile output, so he could only flash and pull away, and then turned on his w skill to spray, Lu Xiufeng's blood volume fell a little too fast, but this is the case, Lu Xiufeng also moved to twist the slowdown of the big mouth and Bron's big move, and the waltz on the tip of the knife was intoxicating.

At this time, Han Xin, 369 and Uzi had already arrived at IG's mid-lane crystal ......

The more anxious the more likely it is to make mistakes, the more urgent the Q is, before he stands up, he has already crashed over, and he failed to hit the effect of flying, so that Lu Xiufeng played another set of skills, and then directly put his golden body on the spot, IG The five people couldn't walk and walk, so they could only vent their anger on Xiao Ming's body, even if there was a white shield, this tam was still as brittle as paper.

When Lu Xiufeng's golden body ended, it was also melted in an instant, and the IG five-person group who returned to the city never hated it so long to return to the city, and when they returned to the base, the incisor tower was gone, and the three of MHG had not left yet, and A was on the base crystal.

The acceleration of the base allowed them to rush out directly, and the captain who did not move out of the way shot a barrel, and the damage was not enough to play the effect of earth fire, and he did not get any advantage against The shy from beginning to end.

Maybe it's the same as the posture, one shot at a time in the training match, and I was beaten by The shy on the field and didn't know who I was......

369 was the first to die, Uzi and Han Xin's skills were still a little worse, it was really just a little bit, the remaining blood volume of the base crystal was less than 100, IG lost the mid lane crystal and the two incisor towers, and played a 0-for-5 record.

The game is not over yet, the desperate blow failed to seal the throat with a sword, IG took down the big dragon and advanced to the MHG mid highland tower, the two sides exchanged offense and defense, but it was particularly difficult for MHG to defend without a start.

The shy went to the front, Lu Xiufeng and Uzi's damage was like scraping, and Jacklove came up to steal some damage as long as w's cd improved, obviously there was a highland tower, but the MHG's HP fell a little faster.

Lu Xiufeng really couldn't stand the line, he could only retreat, he just arrived at the base to supply this IG and opened the group, 369 points when the barrel was a little misaligned, The shy flashed and hit the highland tower, knocking it away, and it was still in the air, and the 369 was directly melted.

There is the shy's Orn carries the tower, IG is like a pack of wolves rushing to the high ground of MHG, MHG is one less person first, Ruiz is in the base again, there is no way for MHG with only three people to resist IG's advancement, Uzi survived with his flexibility, but Mantis and Tamu couldn't escape, but there was still a little episode, Uzi's Ezreal pulled out a big move, Baolan's Bron didn't block it, so I don't know why the big mouth that started to carry the tower was directly gone.

2 to 4, there are two incisor towers behind him, Orn's blood volume was knocked out a lot by the tower, and he couldn't directly carry it to continue up, judging from the number of towers, this MHG is also ahead of a highland tower compared to IG.

ig was decisive, and the withdrawal did not drag the slightest mud and water, Lu Xiufeng and Uzi wanted to rely on the incisor tower to fight 2 and 4, but the reckless ig suddenly calmed down, judging from the screen of the live broadcast, Rookie looked like he was about to shout ...... out of breath

However, this wave of retreat is also all the hope of MHG is extinguished, when ig once again gathered on the mhg heights, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all, this time the jacklove who did not carry the tower won three kills, ig directly won the game.

The big score is 1:0 ahead.

Lu Xiufeng, who had finished the game, shook his hand, looked at the IG team who was high-fived and celebrated opposite, frowned and didn't know what he was thinking, and then turned around and walked towards the preparation room to prepare for the upcoming second game.

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