369 rubbed his hair in some pain, the post-war data had come out, and the damage from the captain was not as good as Oundo, so that everyone didn't know how to comfort 369, and without the interference of the jungler, 369 was directly blown up by The shy from the line.

I haven't encountered this situation before.,369There's no problem with the ability to line online.,Awareness,Tactical execution and the like still seem immature.,The shy in this game is purely from 369's strongest point to force a breakthrough.,The victory or defeat of this game is secondary.,The test of mentality is the biggest problem.。

As long as Ning got the advantage in the early stage, the unreasonable invasion made Han Xin only take care of himself, and this one did not lag behind his mantis in the case of Lu Xiufeng constantly eating his wild monsters, and his strength can be seen, but Han Xin really did not have the strength to take care of 369 anymore, and the captain was pressed and beaten by Orn, which ...... It's really hard to imagine.

And Rookie's wandering may not be as strong as Lu Xiufeng, but purely from the online theory, the pressure on Rookie to Lu Xiufeng is also huge, and one or two waves of opportunities to forcibly find out by losing lines seem to be more profitable than helping 369, not to mention...... Catching an Orn is a bit silly no matter how you look at it.

Jacklove and Baolan withstood the pressure given by Uzi and Ming, and although their development lagged slightly, the time difference between the two four-piece sets was only a few minutes, and the four-piece set with Big Mouth was much stronger than the Ezreal four-piece set.

Can be reckless...... Occasionally, the growth of ig is very bright, especially The shy and jacklove, their performances have made the whole team have a reborn performance.

They may make mistakes because they are aggressive, but they will never miss any opportunity because they are looking ahead.

If mhg wants to defeat IG, 369's growth seems to be the most important thing, and only if the lane can withstand The shy's indiscriminate bombardment can the game be steered in a favorable direction.

The original West Starling must be okay, but the current 369 is not mature enough ......

Lu Xiufeng slapped 369 on the back and said loudly: "What are you doing, I am the core, you are in such a hurry to slap me in the face, Brother 9."

Uzi also patted 369 on the shoulder, he may understand 369's feelings better, it may be uncomfortable to struggle c, but it is even more uncomfortable to fight despite trying his best, he has been up and down in the league for several years, and he is the oldest veteran in this team, although he is ...... age

"Don't listen to that guy's fart, it's all ADC's problem that I can't win the game at this time, I can't take over the game this game is my problem, if you want to say the core, I'm the core. "

I'm the core!"

Lu Xiufeng and Uzi scuffled together, and the depressed atmosphere just now was swept away, 369 was stunned and didn't know how to pick up the stubble, and Han Xin was covering his mouth and shaking his shoulders beside him.

In the end, Lu Xiufeng and Uzi reached a consensus ......

"It's all the coach's fault, the lineup is too bad!" Coach

Bird nodded with a wry smile, he did have some problems with the top, and he wanted to try the upper limit of 369, which almost made the mentality of 369 collapse and uncomfortable.

A team from the players to the coach is not afraid of taking the blame, which may be a fortunate thing, when he stepped out of the preparation room again, it didn't look like he had just lost at all, but 369 still looked a little strange, Han Xin and Lu Xiufeng held his shoulders left and right and continued to brainwash, and the effect was ...... It's not as big as it used to be.

The two sides sat on the table again, the two sides switched sides, and MHG faced IG on the blue side.

First round of ban.

MHG: Olaf, Blonn, Kasumi.

IG: Svein, Sain, Piggy.

Although Ning dares to fight, his style is between mlxg and karsa, and a wave of operations on the top may make him explode in the wild, and the bug of small-scale team battles like Bronn also has great restrictions on the rhythm of mhg in the early stage.

IG continued his strategy, first sending the version of the hero Svein to the ban position, and then Pig Girl and Sein, which means obviously, not only to play the line, but also not to instigate the other party, and the rhythm of the big brawl is their favorite rhythm.

First round pick.

MHG: Zach, Big Mouth, Karma.

IG: Verus, Tam, Scorpion.

MHG knew the other party's intentions, and did not choose any strong heroes first, but chose to sacrifice Han Xin, preparing to make a move on the other party's choice, and fight for Kangte and line rights from the line.

Verus + Tamu, this is currently recognized as the strongest combination in the lower lane, and MHG also knows this situation, but no matter which one is grabbed, the other will be demolished by the other party, and simply don't choose one, and IG is not polite, and directly locks in seconds.

MHG first locked the big mouth to provide a little guarantee for the later stage, and then won the Kalmar swing, the difficulty of this hero is not high, and Lu Xiufeng still plays well.

IG's last hand is to lock the scorpion down, and the first three hands to lock the jungler down, judging from the remaining jungler heroes so far, this choice is not a problem.

Second round of ban.

IG: Bull head, Lulu.

MHG: Yan Finch, Ruiz

IG continues to block the support, it is not cost-effective for this Lu Xiufeng, that guy can take out any hero.

And mhg is to continue to drive for Rookie, Tamu and the collection of mid laners is something that is very suitable for the rhythm of ig, so I directly pressed the mid laner with two hands in a row.

Second round of pick.

IG: Clockwork, Kenhime.

MHG: Galio, Captain.

IG takes the clockwork down first, leaving the Kangte position to the top single, Rookie's two balls and a chicken are the signature, and the other ball and a chicken can't play, which can be guessed by taking the clockwork, but there are few options for IG.

mhg took down Galio and the captain, Lu Xiufeng swam to speed up, 369 continued to be trusted by the team and chose a signboard for him, and ig's The shy was to directly show the sword, and the top commander Orn beat the captain like that, this one ...... It's hard to be optimistic.

Lu Xiufeng: "If you can't get up, please have dinner tonight?"

Uzi: "Eat

, eat, eat, eat you!" These two are performing cross talk, after all, the problem of 369 can only be solved by himself, and if you go over, you can't get over...... At most, it's blue-collar.

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