MHG's lineup is very much like 4 to 1.,But there are still some variants.,Chose a signature hero for the road.,There's no way to do it.,There's already some way to beat it on the road.,This road and then choose an unfamiliar hero will be what it will look like Bird has no bottom in his heart.。

League of Legends is a team game, five people are stronger, any way to collapse will be directly snowballed to death, IG's strategy is undoubtedly revealed from the BP stage, that is, on the road with a single line ability to tear a hole.

The choice of Galio is to play the group, and the one who refrains from playing the group is the four-one point band, and the sword Ji can be regarded as the leader of the four-one point band, and in the later stage of development, even if the captain is equally equipped to fight the sword Ji, it is also four or six open, plus the relationship of this ID, the win rate may be even lower, not to mention...... Can the equipment really be equal?

The depth of the hero pool will also limit the coach's play,Uzi in this version is still very strong,But limited by the hero pool, he really can't be above other players,In the same way,This Lu Xiufeng and faker are the same reason,The heroes they are good at are weakened by the version so that they don't look like words at all.,You can't board the field.,Under the advantages of one or the other,Lu Xiufeng can still be regarded as a top mid-laner.,But it's still unreasonable to say that it's too much more than other players.。

Get in the game.

The talents of the two sides are not special, but there is still a difference in the summoner's skills, the clockwork in the middle lane is purified, while Galio is teleported, the Karma belt in the lower lane is weak, and Tam is ignited by the belt, and the ig is more fire.

Zack chooses the three wolves to open, and the scorpion chooses the red buff to open, MHG has the right to push the line with the advantage of the hand length, and the upper lane and the middle lane are a little uncomfortable, the middle lane Galio can only be suppressed by clockwork, and the captain on the upper lane is also extremely uncomfortable.

Uzi and jacklove are both able to point people first, and then consider the matter of mending the knife, the red medicine on both sides has been knocked, and the blood volume is probably controlled at 70%, but uzi already has a 10-knife mending knife lead, and the ability on this line has nothing to say, uzi is full of suppressive power in the lower road like the shy on the upper road.

Ning relied on the push line right in the middle and upper lanes to invade the upper half of MHG's wild area, but he still failed to fight Han Xin when he fought for punishment, which was regarded as helping Han Xin fight the work.

And the first wave of variations came from the middle lane, 4 minutes and 50 seconds, Lu Xiufeng, who was already bloody, was ready to return to the city, Rookie directly flashed Qw and hit Lu Xiufeng's body, but Lu Xiufeng was highly concentrated at this time, and directly flashed to avoid qw, but Ning drilled out from the corner.

This corner meets love...... That's desperate, Lu Xiufeng glanced at the small map, immediately seconds, taunted the scorpion while reducing the damage, knocked the scorpion up under the tower, and then filled all his output, although he was also dead, but the scorpion's blood volume was also precarious, and the scorpion could only hand over his flash, but Zack had been waiting for a long time, and a super long trampoline hit the scorpion, and A took the scorpion's head.

First blood

!MHGHan kills IGNing!

, one for one, the jungler's head for the middle lane, two flashes for one.

Uzi on the lower road has already begun to point the tower, and the advantage of this hand length is fully exerted in the hands of Uzi, but the upper road is ......

The shy appeared next to the demon swamp frog, and it had begun to break the line, 369 could only return to the city in the second tower, which was so tragic that it was desperate, and there were still a few seconds left in five minutes, and the shy suppressed nearly 20 mending knives.

The clock was 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

The shy continued to suppress 369, the meaning is obvious, come and arrest me, I want to fight two!

Counting from the point of view of damage, Han Xin will definitely not make such stupidity, he glanced at the small map and immediately went to the lower road, ready to help uzi squat.

Sure enough...... Tamu exchanged the opening cheats for the teleportation line, Verus directly kept the person, and the E skill slowed down Uzi and Ming at the same time, and at the same time, the scorpion came out of the grass.

Lu Xiufeng dropped the teleportation directly, and the teleportation that Jian Ji didn't hand over also lit up, 369 had to hand over the teleportation to make up for that big wave of lines, so this wave couldn't follow, and the clockwork didn't teleport the flesh and it seemed too late, and the next road 4v4 started immediately.

Uzi and Ming directly set fire to Verus, although he has a knife advantage of about 20 knives, but the advantage of not returning to the city is equivalent to non-existent, and it will take time for Tamu's teleportation to land, and the blood volume of Verus, who is responsible for keeping people after a wave of defeats, is already in jeopardy.

The first one to arrive was Baolan, he directly handed over the flash face Uzi, and wanted to eat Uzi directly into his stomach, there are many ways to protect the ADC, and killing the person who beat his own ADC is also one of the ways.

Uzi flashed directly towards Verus's face, forming a position swap with baolan, jacklove flashed and didn't hand it over, and when he died, Uzi's blood volume was also pressed to half blood.

MHGuzi killed IGjacklove!The

flash that uzi handed over just now not only widened the distance between him and Baolan, but also opened the distance between himself and Ning by the way, as soon as jacklove died, he sprayed at Baolan, wanting to make his damage as much as possible...... Death anyway.

Ning, who didn't flash, could only run forward, and he couldn't run yet, a lump of green poop fell from the sky, making him look confused, and Han Xin chose a good time to enter the field.

Catch far and catch

close!A pick up W!The

two who wanted to get close to Uzi were pulled back directly, and at this moment, Galio and Jian Ji finally landed, but as soon as they landed, Jian Ji was held by Karma's chain, and weakness was also put on his head, and the first wave of damage failed to hit at all, although Jian Ji blocked the chain's confinement effect with w, but the sword qi that poked out was twisted away by Uzi's position.

The shy used the Q skill to slide towards uzi again, but Lu Xiufeng stared at him, and the righteous punch went directly towards the landing point of the shy.

The shy avoided Lu Xiufeng's righteous punch, appeared on the other side of Uzi, and saw the blood seal his throat!

The two sides became 3v3, and they didn't have the intention of retreating, and Jian Ji, who couldn't be promoted to 6, was also brittle without w, and was directly killed by the passivity of the big mouth.

At the same time, Karma was also directly lost ...... his life

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