0 for 3, IG ignored MHG's ability to grab the edge, and Galio, who fell from the sky, shattered IG's advancement, and because of the death of the three people, MHG directly took down the big dragon, although IG used Xiaolong to stop the loss, but this wave still lost to grandma's house.

MHG took advantage of this opportunity to advance, pulling out two outer towers in the middle lane, and then fell into a stalemate, the shy's single belt is still unsolved, 369 doesn't dare to get out of the tower at all, and he can basically be declared dead when he is touched by the shy without flashing.

Another wave of troops ...... ended

"I'm in a three-piece suit. Uzi's development ability still doesn't need to worry too much, even if he has a mercury frenulum out, he still has a three-piece suit ahead of Jacklove on the other side, and the sheep knife hurricane is in his hand, and his combat power is strong enough.

"Can you fight or not, I can drive!" Han Xin's Zack was already ready to jump, and Lu Xiufeng swept the small map and shouted: "Open it, open it!369 ultimate teleport!".

The baba man who fell from the sky couldn't make a face for Jacklove, and Baolan's reaction was also the limit, Zack who jumped out of the blind spot instantly found it and swallowed it into his stomach in one bite, but he himself was hit by Zack, grabbed the clockwork far away, grabbed Tamu closely, and at the same time the aperture of the hero's appearance lit up, and the captain's bullets rained down at the same time.

Purification can not be solved to fly,The flash of the clockwork is not handed over before it is pulled.,Now there's no chance to hand it over.,Galio's hero appeared on the scene and knocked it away twice.,Ning directly flashed the face of the big middle uzi,uzi mercury second solution,Then flash to adjust the output position,The big move of the clockwork is just to be ming big in the middle.。

Blew up ......

Jacklove was limited by Han Xin and Lu Xiufeng together, and the output space can basically be regarded as nothing, Tamu's disadvantage was revealed, and he could only block the first wave, and he had no way to restrict the other party one after another.

The 369 flash on the ground is close to the face rookie, rookie can only hand over the flash immediately, but the operation of 369 is still clear, and the three barrels directly hit it, and when uzi kills ning, the balance of victory and defeat is tilted, 1 for 4.

Except for ming who was pierced through the heart by jacklove, everyone else died at the same time, and the opening of this wave was extremely eye-catching, and sure enough, teams like MHG and IG let them play a backhand lineup is tantamount to self-restraint, and only when there is a first hand can they play an unscientific team battle.

And the ...... who didn't come

Theshy has begun to tear down the Highland Towers on the road.

"Don't go back, don't go back, a wave, it's too late!"

369 wanted to go back to the city to defend, but Lu Xiufeng roared loudly again, obviously the command of this team was his, just like whoever commanded the loudest.

Against time, Lu Xiufeng and Han Xin took turns carrying the tower to protect the soldiers, and when MHG's incisor tower collapsed, IG's incisor tower shattered at the same time.

IGjacklove killed MHGAugust

!IGRookie killed MHG369!The

Baba people were beaten into four pieces and no one cared about them, and it was for this reason that the Baba people got up and knocked on IG's base one last time, and at the same time ......

IGRookie killed MHGuzi!

MHG's crystal was just two flat A's, and the director's split screen made everyone's hearts rise to their throats, this duel was a little too thrilling, but in the end, MHG had a little more luck and firmly grasped the victory of the game.

The two sides drew 1:1, the game is not over yet, and the strength of the first and second teams in the standings is really real.

This time the break was a little longer

, and the game started again! This time MHG is still on the blue side to face the tiebreaker, this game is dispensable points for both sides, more than half of the schedule, these two teams have basically ensured that they have entered the playoffs, but both sides still do not give up an inch, and the battle spirit revealed in their eyes seems so turbulent and surging.

You don't want to lose a game, that's competition.

First round of ban.

MHG: Lowe, Olaf, Rock Sparrow.

IG: Svein, Karma, Kaisha.


Lu Xiufeng: "Have we been eavesdropped?" Uzi

: "When you just stepped down, you kept asking me to use that

......" Lu Xiufeng: "The other side doesn't talk about martial arts!"

Uzi: "You can shut up...... Recently, my rank has been all Kaisha, and I didn't feel like the other side looked down on me if I wasn't banned before. Lu

Xiufeng: "Tsk...... It's normal for others to look down on you like this. Uzi

: "Is there a hero on the other side?"

Lu Xiufeng: "Shut up." "

MHG chose to send Luo to the ban position, not Kasumi, this time it seems that he wants the other party to choose, although uzi's Kasumi is not as strong as other heroes, but there is still some confidence in the matchup, after all...... Verus was still outside.

And Olaf, the reckless man, is the most suitable for IG's reckless play, there is no problem in sending the ban position, and the last hand is to restrain IG's dual-driving system, they can't take Tamm in one grab, and the other party has to think about it.

And IG still routinely sends version bug Svein to the ban position, and the second hand Karma is purely to prevent MHG's swing, and when it comes to the red side, it must be to pursue online Conte.

First round pick.

MHG: Verus, Piggy, Sain.

IG: Trolls, Xia

IG still started targeting 369 from the selection of people, but this kind of targeting is to let 369 go to the front line, they are full of confidence in their own home's road, as long as you dare to come, I can beat you.

IG's second hand also completely fell into the trap of bird, although Kasumi is the most suitable hero in the version to use against Verus, but Uzi was beaten by Kasumi a few times and also beat out his experience, and he was quite good at using Verus against Kasumi.

MHG won Pig Girl and Sein, and the whole lineup seemed particularly solid, but it seemed a little unreasonable to choose this way with trolls in the field.

And the last hand of the first round of IG is to take down the bull's head, the opponent's opening is full, and he can't fall too far behind, if he doesn't choose this hand, the possibility of the next round can be selected is very small.

Second round of ban.

IG: Morgana, Tham.

MHG: Nar, clockwork.

IG's ban people don't have to say, send two very protective heroes to the bqn position together, and the bull head is paired with Xia, which is the choice to play an advantage in the lower lane.

And MHG is to protect the upper road, Nar fell into the hands of the shy, this upper lane can't match the line at all, and then two balls and a chicken, and the other two can't play, then send the only one to the ban position.

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