Second round of pick.

IG: Orn, Snake Girl.

MHG: Alchemy, Bron.

Unexpectedly, IG actually chose Orn to fight against 369's Sain for the shy again, which is destined to have no shots on the road, and it will be a big problem if Meat Tuotuo kills alone.

But MHG is even more unexpected.,They actually chose alchemy.,This hero really hasn't been seen for a long time.,Although the lck has appeared on the side.,But the effect seems to be very average.,This is the first time in the spring game in the lpl.。

Lu Xiufeng: "Look at my old driver showing you a show of the drainage canal corner." Uzi

: "Have you played?"

Han Xin: "Don't ask, this guy has practiced Xi mode and said it is a signboard." Ming

: "I'm afraid it's cold......"

The lineup is confirmed.

MHG: Top Single Alchemy, Wild Boar Girl, Middle Single Sain, ADC Verus, Auxiliary Bron.

IG: Top laner Orn, Jungler Troll, Mid Single Snake Girl, adc Kasumi, Support Bull Head.

This MHG began to dig up things again, I thought it was enough for Ning to target 369 with a troll who had basically never played, but MHG immediately slapped him in the face, who can have me sass!

The game begins

! The enemy army still has thirty seconds to arrive at the battlefield and crush them!

Both sides are five-star positions, level 1 seems a little conservative, mhg didn't choose to invade with the old driver and Bron, and it seems to have grown a little.

Han Xin and Ning chose to mirror the field, Ning brushed down from the upper half, and IG's lower road did not hide it, and directly went online first, grasping a 2-grab opportunity.

5 minutes and 40 seconds.

Because of the teleportation brought by Lu Xiufeng, he even rose to level 6 faster than the snake girl, and directly hit Rookie with a car close to his face, and then the overlord was dodged by Rookie, but the blood volume had already entered the killing line, Han Xin flashed around Ning's pillar, and then the Q skill hit Rookie, and under the slowdown, Lu Xiufeng's light flat A took Rookie's head.

First blood!

And because of the advantage gained in the middle lane, the 369 on the lane has broken off the line between the first tower and the second tower, and I have to say that when the shy chooses a hero like Sain to face alchemy, the suppressive power is completely insufficient.

7 minutes and 15 seconds.

Han Xin, who had been promoted to level 6, drove the scan and came to the middle lane again, and at the same time, Ming also followed, and there was no flashing rookie ......

Pig Sister Q started to close the distance, and the ultimate hit Rookie accurately, but Rookie purified the second solution, but was hit by the jumping Bronn Q skill, and the ultimate was accurate and hit by the three people, but there was still no way out.

Pig Girl's passivity, Bron's passivity and two dizziness made Rookie unable to move at all, and the troll's pillar was bypassed by the old driver's flash, and Rookie was killed again!

This fight, Lu Xiufeng, who should have been suppressed in the middle lane, became free, and Rookie's flash had not yet turned, so he could only make up the knife under the tower, and if he died again, this middle lane would be completely gone.

However, the free Sein followed the pig girl to invade the wild area, when Ning was thrown by the pig girl's big move, Sain drove into him again, only Tiamat in the hand of Ning flashed and was killed directly, Lu Xiufeng began to kill the ......

369 and Orn teleported at the same time, but ...... can only pull apart, go back to their own homes and find their own mothers.

The next road wanted to rush to support, but the bull head was hit by Verus's ultimate, and directly hit the ultimate, and then he couldn't continue, so he could only pull away.

With the advantage, MHG will not be half polite, and Xiaolong will also be in the bag, IG has no intention of taking over the group.

And the middle ...... Lu Xiufeng's first piece of equipment actually touched the command flag, and cooperated with the middle lane to take down the first tower in the middle lane, the snake girl couldn't even clean up the artillery that was made bigger by the command flag, and could only summon trolls to help.

The rhythm completely fell into the hands of MHG, The Ahy on the road is an Orn, and I can't even see where IG's hope is in this game, but these two battles are in this style, and IG's selection does not match their own style, and it is normal to be played like this, although they have chosen a lineup with a high win rate and a high rating ......

Mastering the rhythm is to speed up, Lu Xiufeng and Han Xin went to the lower road, Jacklove and Baolan could only retreat, this tower is not necessarily safe, and a tower on the lower road was also taken over by MHG, at this time it was only 15 minutes, and MHG's economic lead reached 4000, just from this one, the two sides are not even at the same level, but the previous two games that pulled each other to the edge of the cliff were also played by them, which only proves one thing ......

Both of these teams are rhythmic teams, and whoever breaks ...... will die

In the first game, Uzi's strongest wave failed to win, and the rhythm was broken, so it was cold, and in the second game, the shy was too aggressive to give a chance, and the rhythm was broken, so it was cold.

And in this third game, so far, I haven't seen where IG's rhythm point is, and it seems understandable to be played like this, forcibly wanting the completion of the lineup regardless of the team's appearance, this coach should be deducted from his salary.

But this is also nonsense......

If the first wave of Sein fails to grab 6 stickers to the face and hits the snake girl, or the snake girl dodges the car, the situation between the two sides is now reversed, and both sides regard snowballing as a good game.

Back to the game, MHG won the Canyon Vanguard, Alchemy couldn't ignore the line in the lower lane, and the team battle couldn't be launched without Orn's presence, and the suppression of vision made IG very difficult.

At 17 and a half minutes, a tower on the IG road was also taken by MHG, and even the canyon pioneer was not released, and the old driver with 3 heads was in the wild area, and the snake girl had no way to ...... him

Pulling, the Korean operation style of play was beaten by MHG, in fact, they didn't want to fight like this, and tried several waves of old drivers to open a group, and the damage was really low, and it couldn't kill people at all, and IG couldn't kill MHG's people, which ...... It's embarrassing.

So MHG changed the way of playing, they just don't Xi the Korean style of operation, and it's not that they can't, they keep changing the line and involved, this time the second tower on the road is also taken by them, and the command flag is particularly buggy, Orn and the snake girl can't deal with the cannon car at all.

In 25 minutes, the two sides finally fought a serious team battle in the middle.

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