At the beginning, it was just a pair of people and a jungler in the lower lane, and the two sides fought for the right to the line in the middle 3v3, and in the shadows, Han Xin's big move just hit Jacklove, and Baolan's reaction was called the limit, he directly knocked Uzi and Ming into the air with the top of the front, and ate the big move that Uzi wanted to throw on Jacklove.

Uzi couldn't keep up with the damage for the first time, Han Xin's ultimate move was wasted like this, this wave played two ultimates IG ready to retreat, and Ming went directly to the top, and the edge of the ultimate's hit jacklove, the same problem is that Uzi still can't keep up with the output ......

The double teleportation lit up at the same time, and Lu Xiufeng and 369 rushed to the battlefield, and at the same time, Rookie and the shy, who were originally going to clear the line up and down, also drilled out from the side and appeared on the frontal battlefield.

The shy made a big move.,But the 369 who landed directly threw him back into the lineup.,So that he couldn't hit the second stage of the big move.,Uzi's ability to hit meat is quite strong.,Under the fire.,The shy didn't even crash out and died directly.,And the flash was also caught by Uzi's Q.,There was a wave of flash arrows.。

At the same time, the blood volume of ming and 369 has become very crippled, and they can only retreat, from the point of view of blood volume, although this ig did not kill, but it has the advantage of 4 to 3, but in fact, there are still few people.

What kind of team is IG, it is all reckless, and they chase it directly without thinking about it, and MHG is not used to them, Lu Xiufeng directly reflexively drove and hit the bull head and the troll, although he was also hit by Rookie's big move petrification, but Jacklove's injury hit him like a scraping.

And Uzi is also directly reflexive, and Jacklove immediately turned angry when he saw him coming up, but it was just ...... Uzi's wave showed off directly, and under the pull, Jacklove was shot directly by Uzi when he arrived, which was also an egg.

IG can only choose to retreat at this time, and MHG pursued all the way and hacked Ning to death, and immediately turned around to fight the big dragon, with the big dragon buff, plus Lu Xiufeng and the flag of the 369 order, two Italian cannons were erected in the middle and lower roads, and the middle and lower highland towers were blown up at the same time, although 369 was caught and killed, but IG's middle and lower highlands were declared lost at the same time, and MHG chose to retreat after taking the highland tower, without giving a chance at all.

Waiting for 369 to be resurrected, taking advantage of the last little bit of the big dragon buff, the Italian cannon was also set up on the road, and the three-way was broken, which is difficult for the gods to turn over.

MHG was not verbose, and 369 flashed forward and wanted to carry Jacklove, but was dodged by Jacklove's ultimate, and there was no choice but to throw Rookie back.

Rookie: "???"

and Jacklove, who landed with a big move, was also hit by Lu Xiufeng's face-to-face car, just a moment of effort, IG double C both stepped on the Yellow Spring, and the damage of the other three was not enough to change the situation of the battle, 0 for 5, MHG won the game!

"nice!" Lu Xiufeng and Han Xin high-fived and celebrated, should I say it or not, this game is the most difficult game in the spring season, even if the last game is close to crushing, but that is also because of the ig from the bp level to be caught off guard, this kind of lineup should wait for the playoffs to take it, but Bird saw the players' desire to survive, not to mention that 369 was educated twice in a row, which may have an accident if you don't find confidence in advance.

But...... This also reveals a message, the equipment at the bottom of the box of the Command Banner has re-entered everyone's field of vision, this equipment is a devastating blow to the team with too many APs, and other teams will definitely consider it in the future.



"Yawn ~ early ~ " Lu Xiufeng sat on the dining table, and casually took the bun on Uzi's plate in his hand, without seeing it at all, and Uzi looked at Lu Xiufeng with a bewildered look and bit on the bun, and said with a twitch in the corner of his eyes: "What are you special...... Can't you take it yourself in the kitchen?"

"Don't pick the door like this~" It is worthy of Lu Xiufeng, he is embarrassed to say that it is someone else who picks the door, this guy has three or two mouthfuls of buns, and he feels that he has not eaten enough, so he picked up the fritters on Han Xin's plate again, Han Xin glanced at this guy, and he didn't know how to complain at all.

For crowdfunding breakfast, Lu Xiufeng took some food from everyone's plate for everyone's figure, but this "selfless dedication" guy was choked directly because he didn't get the drink, and the other four teammates were choked to death because they didn't save them, and they were choked to death like this, the whole book is over

, and the flowers are scattered at the end~ This ending feels pretty good, and then use ~

369 to quickly hand Lu Xiufeng a glass of water, Lu Xiufeng finally eased up, and said unashamedly:" Look at other people's 9th brother, you actually don't save you when you see death!" "

You go die, what are you doing today?Playing mahjong?" Uzi touched his stomach and considered whether to get some more food, but he was robbed of a whole bun by Lu Xiufeng, and he was still a little full.

"Hit you in the head...... Playing mahjong every day off, can you be a little energetic at a young age!" Lu Xiufeng looked righteous and awe-inspiring, as if he had played mahjong without him before.

Han Xin leaned back on the chair to consume food, and said casually: "Then what are you doing today, your sister is in class today, and I can't take her out to play." "

“...... I suspect you have a problem, you'd better restrain yourself, or you're the real criminal. Lu Xiufeng looked at Han Xin's expression, no matter how he looked at it, his father was looking at the little yellow hair.

Uzi also looked at Han Xin with a shocked face, he didn't know what to say, he could only give a thumbs up silently, this stealing was simply a show, after all, he had also seen Lu Xiufeng's sister, and at that age, he could directly confiscate the tools of the crime, and there was no unjust, false or wrongful case at all.

Han Xin snorted angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "You can shut up, say, what do you want to do?"

Lu Xiufeng scratched his chin: "Why don't we go climbing the mountain, just brush up this week's fitness routine, otherwise we will be punished again." "

MHG has weekly fitness tasks, steps or fitness equipment usage time, Xiao Ming and 369 have completed well every week, and the other three guys, 80% of them are being punished.

Uzi looked at his stomach and always felt that someone was plotting against his hard-earned fat, but there was nothing he could do, because the tacit combination of Nakano directly set him up and walked outside.

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