League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1100: I don't force you

Seeing Hirohito Inoue who was already a little lost with his earth-colored face, Su Ming knew that his flicker was almost successful, so Su Ming continued to flicker and said: "I still have to remind you.

"I got this poison by accident. It's a secret poison from China. It doesn't work if you go to the hospital to find a famous doctor. They can't even detect a problem."

Su Ming has carried out the flicker to the end, and instilled a saying in Inoue Hirohito that no matter how you find someone to treat it, it is useless.

This guy was okay. He only ate a small fruit. If he went to the hospital for an examination, he must be in good health. So Su Ming blocked his road ahead of time. Even if the examination is okay, he will feel that I have a problem.

Inoue Hirohito had no doubts about Su Ming's words at all, because the East was heavily influenced by the culture of the Huaxia Kingdom. Many of the popular martial arts novels of the Huaxia Kingdom in the past have flowed into the Eastern Kingdom. Inoue Hirohito has read these novels.

He also knew that there was poison feeding, so Inoue Hirohito was completely fooled by Su Ming, patronizing him with fear, and even forgot to suspect Su Ming.

Using a piece of fruit almost scared this guy to pee, and Su Ming's level of flicker was not blown out.

"Give me the antidote, hurry up and give me the antidote!"

After Inoue Hirohito came back to his senses, he quickly stretched out his hand and was constantly said by Su Ming. He was obviously scared, for fear that he would die immediately.


Surprisingly, Su Ming glanced at Inoue Hirohito coldly. This guy behaved like the real one, and he had an antidote when he reached out. Is there such a direct thing?

So Su Ming said: "If you are obedient, I will naturally give you the antidote. I will sign the contract first."

Seeing that Hirohito Inoue didn't respond as soon as he heard this, Su Ming was not in a hurry, and continued to speak: "I can give you time to think about it before you took the poison. There should be no problem in the last few days."

"But it won't be so in a few days. You will gradually die in pain. When you think about it, come to me for the antidote. If you don't think about it, you can just wait for death." Su Ming said coldly. The expression on his face looked extremely cold, as if he didn't put the life of Inoue Hirohito in his eyes.

In fact, Su Ming is also betting, and there is no absolute certainty. If Inoue Hirohito is really tough and just leaves, then Su Ming's plan has failed, because he can't really threaten Inoue Hirohito.

But individuals are afraid of death. There are hardly many people in the world who are not afraid of death, not to mention the identity of Inoue Hirohito, and people his age, so Inoue Hirohito is more afraid than ordinary people.

Seeing Su Ming seemingly indifferent and about to leave immediately, Inoue Hirohito really panicked. If Su Ming left, wouldn't it mean that he had no cure?

Although Su Ming said that he still had a few days left, the ghost knew what had happened in the past few days, so Inoue Hirohito immediately persuaded him and said: "Sign, I will sign this contract!"

After Hirohito Inoue's words, Su Ming was relieved, so he gestured to Qin Shiyin. Qin Shiyin immediately understood, and said to the senior executives of the company that he had brought over: "Take out the contract we prepared before."

This contract was prepared before, and it came in the name of negotiation today, so these things are naturally brought, who knows it really comes in handy.

In fact, this contract is not too bad for the Inoue Consortium, but the benefits they get are slightly smaller, so they disagree. After signing it, it will not do them much harm.

At this time, Hirohito Inoue was already frightened by Su Ming. He wondered how he could get the antidote quickly, so he didn't even think about it, and asked the people from the Inoue Consortium to show the contract, then sign and seal.

At this time, the people of the Inoue Consortium had no right to bargain at all. Even if they were given an extremely domineering contract, they still had to sign it. After all, the life of their president was still in Su Ming's hands.

After the signature and seal were completed, Qin Shiyin asked someone from the Qin Group's legal department to check it again. No problems were found, which proved that the contract has officially come into effect.

"The antidote, give me the antidote!"

Hirohito Inoue doesn't care about the contract at all. To put it bluntly, this contract is not a big deal. To the behemoth Inoue Consortium, it is not worth mentioning. Inoue Hirohito is only thinking about the antidote now.

Qin Shiyin nodded to Su Ming, indicating that there was no problem, even Qin Shiyin didn't expect that, originally thought Su Ming wanted to clean up this Inoue Hirohito, but unexpectedly signed the contract.

Su Ming had already prepared, and he unconsciously pinched a purple-black grape from the fruit plate just now, and no one noticed Su Ming's small movements.

"open mouth----"

Su Ming said coldly. The moment Inoue Hirohito opened his mouth, Su Ming immediately bounced the grape in his hand.

The others didn't even see what it was, like a black lightning, they entered Hirohito Inoue's mouth directly.

More importantly, Inoue Hirohito still couldn't taste any taste. The moment he spoke, Grape swallowed directly down his throat.

"Okay, after taking this antidote, you will have no problem within the last month. After one month, send someone to get the antidote." Su Ming said calmly to Inoue Hirohito at this time.

He has to be threatened like this. You can't say that taking this antidote will be useless, otherwise, who knows if this guy will immediately turn around after returning to Toyo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kind of antidote will be taken once in a period of time. The means are better.

As long as this Inoue Hirohito does not discover the truth for a day, he must always be afraid of Su Ming in his heart.

Hirohito Inoue also didn't expect it. He thought it would be better after taking the antidote. He didn't expect to have to take it again after a month. He immediately said, "What do you mean, why do you have to take the antidote again after a month?"

"I've told you before. There is no cure for this poison. You can only relieve it by constantly taking the antidote, but you can rest assured that as long as you keep taking the antidote, there will be no harm to your body."

Su Ming's implication is also very clear, if your antidote is broken, then you are not far from death.

Although it was nonsense, Inoue Hirohito knew this, so he just believed it. He didn't know whether this poison could be solved, but he could be sure that Su Ming did this deliberately, just to hold his lifeline. For a while, Inoue Hirohito That's an ugly face.

And Su Ming said nonchalantly: "If you feel unhappy, I won't force you, or you can vomit the antidote you just ate, we'll assume we haven't signed this contract!"

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