League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1101: Su Ming miscalculated

Su Ming's words are similar to nonsense. How could it be possible to vomit everything that I ate. I want Inoue Hirohito to vomit.

If this guy really spit out with his throat, it is estimated that the fruit he ate would come out all at once, and Su Ming would reveal the filling 100% by then.

But even if Su Ming was right, Hirohito Inoue would definitely not dare to vomit. This guy was fooled by Su Ming, and he always suspected his life was in danger.

Although Inoue Hirohito's face was not very good-looking, he still resisted it. If he was cheated, he was cheated. If he offends Su Ming, it is estimated that the antidote will be gone.

So Hirohito Inoue said: "Okay, I hope you will do what you say, and I will send someone to you for the antidote in a month!"

"As long as you fulfill the contract seriously, I will definitely give you the antidote on time to ensure that your life will not be affected." Su Ming also directly nodded and said, if Inoue Hirohito does not fix any moths, Su Ming naturally does not need to follow He tore his face.

The reason for doing this was to prevent Hirohito Inoue from going wrong, but if he was given an antidote in the future, he would not be able to use fruit to fill his head. Su Ming had to consider whether he would pinch a pill or something to fudge Inoue Hirohito.

After Su Ming had finished speaking, Inoue Hirohito took the person away directly, saying that he was gone, but in fact, someone from the Inoue Consortium helped him and carried him away.

Hirohito Inoue's key parts of his body were traumatized, and he couldn't walk for a while, and he moved a little bit, and it was painful.

"Su Ming, are we going back?"

After seeing Inoue Hirohito left, Qin Shiyin didn't feel much happy in her heart. He was always a little worried. Su Ming gave Inoue Hirohito so miserable today. Will Inoue Hirohito find a chance to report to Fuming in the future.

"Don't rush away--"

Su Ming, on the contrary, looked very calm, and said: "These dishes are all ordered. If you don't eat it, it would be a waste. Let's go after eating."


Looking at Su Ming's calm look, he could not tell at all that Su Ming had just cleaned up the president of the world-renowned Inoue Consortium.

On the other hand, Hirohito Inoue didn’t have such a good mood as Su Ming. After leaving the hotel, Hirohito Inoue was picked up by two of his subordinates and he was still groaning with pain. It was weird and caused a crowd of passersby.

A private car rushed Hirohito Inoue to the best hospital in Ningcheng, the affiliated hospital of Ningxia Medical University.

A person like Hirohito Inoue has a certain relationship even in China, so he hasn't been in the hospital yet, his subordinates have arranged for him in advance, and the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University opened a special channel for him. .

After entering the hospital, Inoue Hirohito was immediately assigned to the consulting room of the top expert in andrology, and began consultations. In fact, compared to his own poison, Inoue Hirohito was most worried about his male function.

Don’t think Inoue Hirohito is already a long time old, but this guy is famous in the East and he is horny. Basically, he finds beautiful women every other way. I don’t know how many young girls have been harmed. If I can’t enjoy the joy of being a man in the future It's worse than killing him.

In a short while, the diagnosis results of the experts from the Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University came out: the following suffered a gravity attack, which caused soft tissue contusion. Although recuperating for a period of time can recover from the injury, it has lost the male function.

Face as gray as death!

After Inoue Hirohito learned of the expert's diagnosis, he was dumbfounded. The situation he was most worried about had happened. This was the last thing Inoue Hirohito wanted to see.

Although he was very reluctant to believe this was true, he rationally told Inoue Hirohito that since the top experts of the Ningxia Medical University Affiliated Hospital had made such a diagnosis, it proved that there was indeed no hope.

Hirohito Inoue gritted his teeth while feeling extremely distressed. Of course, he knew that Su Ming's kick was to deliberately abolish him. He was so miserable by Su Ming today. One can imagine the hatred in Hirohito Inoue's heart. .

"President, the results of your blood and body X-ray examinations have come out, showing that your body has no abnormalities, just some skin injuries." At this time, the guy who nodded and bowed came in with a lot of examinations in his hand. As a result, he said to Inoue Hirohito.

In addition to checking the situation under Hirohito Inoue, he also checked the poisoning incident. But after hearing nothing, Hirohito Inoue's heart became even heavier.

Because he can still remember what Su Ming said to him, Su Ming made it clear that the poison he gave Inoue Hirohito could not be examined by any hospital.

If Inoue Hirohito was detected as being poisoned, Inoue Hirohito would not have been so worried, but as Su Ming said, nothing was detected in this hospital, and Inoue Hirohito believed Su Ming instead.

Su Ming was very careful and completely fooled Inoue Hirohito.

Hirohito Inoue looked ugly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. Then I saw Hirohito Inoue suddenly opened his eyes and ordered: "Notify the private plane of the consortium to prepare, and fly directly back to the East tonight. You cannot stay in Ningcheng. "

Even though he had already left Su Ming, for some reason, Inoue Hirohito always had a very insecure feeling in his heart. He had to return to Toyo quickly to feel safe.

As for what to do with the antidote one month later, he is afraid that it will be less than a month later. Hirohito Inoue's eyes are full of cold light. He has made up his mind. After returning to the East, he immediately sends someone to Su Ming. Killing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming is still miscalculating. He thought that using poison to fudge Inoue Hirohito and take Inoue Hirohito's life in his own hands, and Inoue Hirohito would definitely succumb.

Inoue Hirohito was indeed fooled by Su Ming, but there is one thing that Inoue Hirohito is different from others. He is a cruel person, and he does not like the feeling of being controlled by others very much.

Therefore, he planned to return to Dongyang directly, and then arrange manpower to kill Su Ming in the past, and before he killed Su Ming, he just had to hand over the antidote.

Inoue Hirohito didn't believe it anymore. With Su Ming's life threatened, he still could not give himself an antidote.

So Inoue Hirohito made up his mind, he must take revenge, and he must kill Su Ming to wash away the shame of today, which Su Ming never expected.

"But Snake King, what about your injury?" The guy who nodded and bowed glanced at Inoue Hirohito's crotch and said.

Hirohito Inoue said with a gloomy face, "Arrange two private doctors to take care of me on the plane. The sooner I go back, the better!"

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