Hirohito Inoue took the luxurious private jet of the Inoue Consortium and returned to the East overnight. His visit to China this time left him an extremely painful lesson that he will never forget.

The distance between Huaxia Kingdom and Dongyang Kingdom is not very far. There is only a few seas in the middle. Ningcheng is a city on the eastern coast. In this way, Inoue Hirohito successfully arrived in the East within a few hours. .

This time Inoue Hirohito returned to the East, the incomparable secret, almost no one knows, being so miserable, Inoue Hirohito does not want this to be spread.

We must know that Dongyang was relatively hostile to China, but ordinary people are better, especially those in the upper class, which are very hostile, so Hirohito Inoue was cleaned up in China. If this matter is spread out, It will definitely become a laughing stock.

Hirohito Inoue, as a man of Toyo with a good face, he can't afford to lose this person.

After returning to Toyo, Hirohito Inoue had no time to rest. He urgently met with several famous doctors in Toyo, but almost every famous doctor shook his head helplessly after diagnosing the situation under Hirohito Inoue.

Originally, Hirohito Inoue didn’t do well at a very old age. In addition, he had eaten a lot of Viagra and the like over the years. The side effects were very serious. It was not good at first, so he was hit by Su Ming. , Even if Hua Tuo reincarnated, it might not be cured.

Two days later, Inoue Hirohito completely gave up. He had given up his heart. The cold reality told him that there was indeed no hope. He would no longer be able to enjoy it like a normal man.

The disappointment in the heart quickly turned into endless anger. Inoue Hirohito hated Su Ming. If it were not for Su Ming, how could he have become like this. Even a normal man can't do it. Inoue Hirohito who has given up his heart, even more Strengthened the belief to kill Su Ming.

Only by killing Su Ming, can the breath in his heart be completely exhaled. Sometimes if people hold a breath in their heart and can't get out, they may be depressed for a lifetime, until they die, they will bring this breath. go.

"Come here, get me a car, I'm going to visit the Miyamoto family!" Inoue Hirohito stood up and said.


The guy who nodded and bowed was dedicated to serving Inoue Hirohito. Inoue Hirohito's fart was better than the imperial edict, so this guy hurried to prepare the car.

Inoue Hirohito lives in Kyoto Prefecture of the Oriental Kingdom, and the Miyamoto family happens to be here, so there are still some contacts. This time, when dealing with Su Ming, Inoue Hirohito was the first to think of the Miyamoto family!

"Elder Miyamoto, don't be unharmed, you still look so good!" After arriving at the Miyamoto family, Inoue Hirohito said to the old white-haired woman in the Miyamoto family.

The status of this white-haired old woman in the Miyamoto family is very high, even second only to the Sword God. Now that the Sword God has returned to the West, this white-haired old woman has become the highest-status person in the Miyamoto family.

The old white-haired woman sat there with no expression on her face, glanced at Inoue Hirohito twice, and then said, "President Inoue, you don't seem to be very good."

Hirohito Inoue is not very profitable walking now, and in the past two days, he has been exhausted and has not rested at all. His face looks haggard. You don't know how much worse your complexion is than usual. Almost a discerning person can see it all at once.

Inoue Hirohito has not been out for the past two days. Seeing a doctor is secretly seen at home, just for fear that others will see something wrong, but now that he has come to the Miyamoto family, Inoue Hirohito has been seen wrong. intend.

Therefore, Hirohito Inoue was not embarrassed, but directly said: "Elder Miyamoto is indeed a good look, this time it is indeed for this matter."

"I ran into some troubles in Huaxia Kingdom. My opponent had two attacks and poisoned me."

Inoue Hirohito directly said his intention: "So I want to ask you a favor, send a master to destroy that guy, and help me get the antidote."

As the two behemoths of the Eastern Kingdom, the Inoue Foundation still has some connections with the Miyamoto family, so when looking for help, Inoue Hirohito was the first to find the Miyamoto family. I believe the Miyamoto family will definitely not refuse his.

Although the death of the sword **** hit the Miyamoto family very hard, the lean camels were bigger than the horses. The Miyamoto family's heritage in these years is still there, and they are still a very powerful family in the East.

In Inoue Hirohito's opinion, it goes without saying that the Miyamoto family can also clean up the kid Su Ming, but he did not know that he overestimated the entire Miyamoto family.

"So it's like this—"

The old white-haired woman of the Miyamoto family slowly spoke and said, there is no clear abnormality, but she does not refuse, their family has a good relationship with the Inoue Foundation, and even the Inoue Foundation is the big wealthy owner of the Miyamoto family.

Some time ago, when the body of the sword **** was transported back to the Eastern Kingdom for a funeral, the Inoue Foundation contributed a lot to it. The human relationship is mutual. This time, the Miyamoto family will not refuse him at all.

So the white-haired old woman continued: "I really didn’t expect someone from China to bully President Inoue. Naturally, our Miyamoto family can’t stand idly by. Tell me that person’s information. I will arrange for a master to go to China. !"

"No problem, bring the information over—"

Now that they have come to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it proves that Inoue Hirohito must have prepared Su Ming's materials. It is not difficult to investigate some basic information of Su Ming.

Inoue Hirohito handed a few white papers to Inoue Hirohito, and then said, "That kid is Su Ming, he is a young man, this is his information, please take a look."

Speaking of Su Ming's name, Hirohito Inoue couldn't help but flashed some anger in his eyes, which showed that his hatred for Su Ming had reached a level.

"What do you say his name is?"

When the white-haired old woman heard the name "Su Ming", the expression on her face suddenly changed. The name seemed familiar, and she was still a young man. Could it be...

Sure enough, after the white-haired old woman picked up the information in front of her, her face suddenly changed, and she was shocked. Isn't this person the one who fought the sword god?

The Miyamoto family of this person is too familiar. It can even be said that the Miyamoto family knows Su Ming best in the entire Eastern Kingdom. She couldn't help trembling, showing the panic in her heart.

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