League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1122: Why did you come empty-handed?

When Liu Guilan said this, Shen Mu remembered that it was a small partner who grew up with her when she was a child, but after Shen Mu Kechu moved out, there has been no news since then.


   Shen Mu Kexin’s dissatisfaction disappeared immediately, and she asked in a little surprise: "Why is Liang Xu brother, he has moved away for many years, how did he find it here?"


   "I don't know too well. He said that he has returned to Ningcheng for development recently, and he seems to be pretty good now. I went to the old place where we lived and inquired about it before knowing that it was going to be demolished."


   Liu Guilan said: "Who knows how he got here, go in and talk quickly, Su Ming, you shouldn't mind, it's an old neighbor."


   "It's okay, Auntie, you can entertain him well today. I am just like my own, and I don't need to entertain him." Su Ming joked with a smile, and regarded himself as his own.


   Liu Guilan also smiled happily. The more Su Ming was out of sight, the happier she was.


   "Muke is back"


   After Shen Muke and Su Ming went in, Shen Lijun sitting on the sofa immediately said something, and sitting across from Shen Lijun was a young man with a good figure, and his facial features were justified.


   is dressed in a standard suit with an unknown watch in his hand. It looks pretty good. At least it makes people feel that this person is not a hanging silk.


   Unlike people like Su Ming, who sometimes walks and gnaws while holding a pancake fruit, for fear that others don't know that he is hanging silk.


This person is an old neighbor of Shen Muke's family, and his name is "Liang Xu". It can also be said that he grew up with Shen Muke. To put it in a bit more popular, he can barely be called a childhood sweetheart, but later This guy has moved and hasn't seen him in a long time.


   After Liang Xu saw Shen Muke, his eyes lit up, and then he said, "Muke, it’s been a long time since I saw you. You used to be much more beautiful."


   Shen Muke did not reject this person, and said with a smile: "Brother Liang Xu, you still speak so nicely. I remember that when you were a kid, you used to praise this when you met girls."


   Recalling what happened when they were young, everyone smiled, but Su Ming on the side seemed a bit redundant, but Su Ming didn't think there was anything. After all, he hadn't seen him in so many years, which was understandable.


   Instead, Shen Lijun opened his mouth and said to Su Ming: "Come to Su Ming, come and sit by my side."


"Who is this?"


Only then did Liang Xu notice Su Ming standing next to Shen Muke, and suddenly an invisible sense of crisis spread in his heart. This is the innate hostility between men, not to mention the handsome and handsome Su Ming. Of men, it is easy to cause hostility from other people.


   After Liang Xu's complexion returned to normal, he involuntarily asked, he still knows Shen Muke's family quite well, after all, he has been a neighbor of many years.


   knows that Shen Muke's family is only such an only child, and there is absolutely no second child. Then the origin of this young man inevitably makes Liang Xu suspicious and even wary.


  Shen Lijun smiled and said, "Let me introduce you. This is Su Ming, Mu Ke's current classmate Gao."


   "This is Liang Xu, my neighbor's child used to be a few years older than you two, and now you are both successful people." Shen Lijun pointed to Liang Xu and said.


   Su Ming and Liang Xu nodded each other, and they didn't talk cordially. It was impossible, let alone Liang Xu was a bit hostile to Su Ming.


   After staring at each other, Su Ming immediately felt that this guy's eyes seemed to be hostile to him. For a while, he was a little puzzled. He said I didn't mess with him. Is it because he is so handsome?


   But after Su Ming noticed Shen Muke who was on the sidelines, he immediately understood and couldn't help but smile. It is estimated that this guy has already regarded himself as an imaginary enemy in his heart.


   "Uncle Shen, look at what you said, what is a successful person? I'm still in the development stage, and I am far from a successful person." This Liang Xu spoke somewhat modestly.


   Shen Lijun said: "Xiaoxu, you are too modest, but it is a good thing for young people to be humble, indicating that you have a lot to do in the future."


   Liang Xu immediately showed a smile, his mouth was still humble, but his heart was happy, Shen Lijun praised him like this, it made him very happy.


   But in reality, Shen Lijun was just talking politely. After all, he was an old neighbor. In Shen Lijun's eyes, Liang Xu was really nothing. After all, there was Su Ming next to him.


  Su Ming is too good. It is good to let other young people be by Su Ming's side, and I feel that everyone is not of the same grade at all.


   After talking for a while, Liang Xu glanced at Su Ming from time to time. Su Ming didn't say much, and he whispered a few words with Shen Mu from time to time. Such an intimate behavior naturally fell in Liang Xu's heart.


   This made Liang Xuxin a little bit irritable. He must have thoughts about Shen Mu. When he was a child, Shen Mu was a beauty. They both grew up together.


At that time, when other boys molested Shen Muke, he always rushed to give him a fight. In addition to protecting Shen Muke, it was actually more of a mentality, not wanting others to get involved in Shen Muke. Psychology.


Because of family reasons, Liang Xu moved away, and left Ningcheng, and broke the connection with Shen Muke, but now he has a good foundation, holding the investment from his dad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Came to Ningcheng to get a small company.


   After he was busy with the company's affairs, he thought about Shen Muke. He hadn't seen him for many years, and he didn't forget Shen Muke, and even kept thinking about it.


   I thought that Shen Muke was going to university soon, and now that if you come into contact with Shen Muke, you can just fall in love with him, who knows **** such a high classmate Su Ming.


   It’s a rare thing to take a friend of the opposite **** home casually, not to mention that it’s the juncture of the third year, and Liu Guilan and Shen Lijun seem to have no opinion at all. While Liang Xu is surprised, his heart also has a sense of crisis.


   At this time, Liang Xu suddenly got up, picked up some things left at the door, and said, "Uncle Shen, this is some tobacco and alcohol I bought for you. I don't know if you like it or not."


  Shen Lijun saw these things a long time ago, but he just didn't say anything. Now that he said it himself, Shen Lijun must have said something: "Xiao Xu, you are too polite. You are here. What else do you bring."


   Actually, this guy is also very generous. He buys high-end tobacco and alcohol. The alcohol is Moutai, and the cigarette is also 1,000 yuan per piece, which is very good for ordinary people.


   "Mu Ke, you classmate Gao came here empty-handed?" After Liang Xu talked to Shen Lijun with a smile, he suddenly turned and pointed the finger at Su Ming.




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