League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1123: The air is full of embarrassment

This Liang Xu is still quite good at hiding himself, and his acting skills are also good. Obviously he was targeting Su Ming. It is estimated that when he introduced the high-end tobacco and alcohol he brought, he had already planned to target Su Ming in his heart.


   Su Ming had already felt the hostility in this guy's eyes, so Su Ming could tell it when he heard this, and it was obvious that Su Ming was in Ge Ying.


   But Shen Muke and Shen Lijun didn't notice anything wrong, because the tone of this guy did sound like asking casually. Everyone didn't think much about it, and thought he just thought of this suddenly.


Shen Lijun was afraid that Su Ming would be a little embarrassed. After all, anyone who heard such words would feel uncomfortable. This was a face problem. So Shen Lijun smiled. Before Su Ming could speak, he said in advance: "Su Ming, he often comes over. , How can you carry things every time, that's too much trouble, Xiao Xu, don't do this next time, just come over."




   When Shen Lijun said this, Liang Xu almost spit out blood without a mouthful of blood. He only then realized that he co-authored Su Ming often coming. As a result, the unpleasant feeling in Liang Xu's heart could not help but deepen.


   What is the relationship between this kid and Shen Mu? Is it just a classmate? It's not possible. If it's just a classmate relationship, how could it be possible to come to Shen Muke's house often?


   Since childhood, I have been in contact with Shen Muke. Liang Xu knew that Liu Guilan had strict requirements for Shen Muke. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to allow her to have such contact with boys in high school.


For a while, I couldn’t figure it out, but Shen Lijun said so. His plan to embarrass Su Ming naturally fell through, so he said nonchalantly, “What Uncle Shen said is that he is still a student and has no income. It doesn't matter whether you bring things over."


   On the surface it sounds like speaking for Su Ming, but in fact he still despises Su Ming secretly. The boss of a small company naturally looks down on a high school student. This is also human nature.


  If there are people who know the real situation, I am afraid that I can't help but admire the courage of this guy, and I don't know where the courage is, dare to look down on a magnificent billionaire, naive.


Su Ming had no reaction, just smiled. It was too boring to compare with this kind of person. Su Ming could show him the balance of the bank card, and it scared him, but it was too low, and Su Ming couldn’t mention it. What interest to get.


   So Su Ming said: "I'm sorry, I was negligent this time. I will definitely pay attention next time. Thank you brother for reminding me!"


  Looking at Su Ming's cheerful talk, Liang Xu didn't know what to say even if he was angry for a while. It was like a punch on cotton, which made people very weak.


   "Hurry up and wash your hands, so I can eat--" Liu Guilan walked over at this time, interrupted everyone, and said something.


   Liang Xu reacted very quickly. He immediately stood up, ran to Liu Guilan, and said, "Auntie, I'll bring you food!"


   After a short while, the dining table at Shen Muke’s home was filled with dishes, a table of sumptuous dishes, as usual, Liu Guilan worked hard, and Liu Guilan basically cooks so many dishes every time.


   "Come, everyone sit down, hurry up and eat, Su Ming come to sit, and Xiao Xu, you also sit." Shen Lijun sat down in the seat of the main seat, and then shouted to everyone.


   The kid Liang Xu has been watching Shen Muke all the time, thinking about sitting with Shen Muke when eating, so he didn't sit first at all, but planned to see where Shen Muke sits for a while.


  Who knows, Shen Muke pointed to the position next to Shen Lijun and said: "Brother Liang Xu, sit next to my dad, and have a few drinks with my dad at night."


After speaking, Shen Muke ran to Su Ming and sat down. Liang Xu almost turned black when he saw it, but he could only pretend that he didn’t know anything, and he sat beside Shen Lijun with a smile on his face. Down.


   This is just an episode, except for himself, I am afraid that no one knows this careful thought in his heart, but unfortunately it did not succeed.


   "Liang Xu, I haven't seen you for so many years. Don't be polite today. Come here just like your own home. Eat whatever you like." Liu Guilan shouted to Liang Xu.


   Shen Lijun also smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, this kid has never been to our house before. He has a very good nose. Once he smells the scent, he will pass, so he won't be polite to you."




   After saying something, everyone laughed, Liang Xu couldn't help but laugh loudly, especially when Liu Guilan said just now, "Come here like my own home", which made Liang Xu feel very comfortable.


   What does this show? It shows that Liu Guilan didn't treat him as an outsider. He hadn't seen him for so many years, and he still treated him so affectionately.


It seems that Su Ming has been left out now. Liang Xu was the core of the dinner table. He couldn't help feeling even more proud for a while, saying, "Auntie, you are too polite. Just get something to eat. The food is too good. too much."


   Then Liang Xu raised his glass and said to Shen Lijun: "Uncle Shen, come and I will toast you."


   "When I saw you drinking with my dad before, I was drooling on the sidelines," Liang Xu said.


   When two people were drinking, Liu Guilan put a lot of dishes for Su Ming, and then said: "Su Ming, you don't have to be polite, hurry up, Auntie cooked all your favorite food today."


Indeed, the reason why Liu Guilan cooks so many dishes today is entirely for Su Ming. If she had not known in advance that Su Ming was going to eat~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she would not prepare so many dishes, basically every time Liu Guilan would look like this when Su Ming came to eat.


   It may seem that Liu Guilan was too grand, but in fact Liu Guilan thought it was nothing. Su Ming finally came and asked him to eat better.


Moreover, many times contact with Liu Guilan can be regarded as a little bit of Su Ming's taste. Today's dishes are completely according to Su Ming's taste. This is why Shen Muke always feels that he picked it up. Su Ming is only It's the treatment of your own life.


   As for Liang Xu, he was completely coincidental. Liu Guilan didn't know in advance that he would come, how could he prepare so many dishes for him.




   Liang Xu still had a sip of wine in his mouth. After listening to Liu Guilan's words, almost no sip of wine came out directly. This... this is a bit hurtful.


   Liu Guilan actually said that Su Ming loved to cook everything, and Liang Xu thought that Liu Guilan had prepared it for him. For a while, the air was full of embarrassment.


   (End of this chapter)

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