"Okay, this is easy to say, and it should be. In order to show our sincerity, you two can come and see the real person, but I warn you, don't get out of the moth."

The white thief held back his inner joy, pretending to be far-fetched, and finally agreed, and at the same time quietly warned them both.

Don't really say that this guy's acting skills are top-notch. When he said that, Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei were even more convinced. They said that looking at him like this is 80% true.

So Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei paid the tea money immediately, and went directly with the group of street hooligans.

When they were on the road, they also attracted a lot of people's attention. You must know that this group of street hooligans are famous near Chinatown, and there are two Chinese who dare to follow them. This is really courageous.

The group walked for about ten minutes. Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei's nerves were tight along the way. In fact, their vigilance was not low, but they still couldn't detect anything wrong. After all, it was the first time in country M. , How to know the way here.

Ten minutes later, Su Qishan suddenly noticed something was wrong, and the two of them were taken quietly by a group of hooligans to a dead end that was impassable in front of them.

Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei's faces changed at the same time, and when they were taken into such a dead end with no road, almost everyone could feel something was wrong, Su Qishan immediately turned around and prepared to leave!

Only then did I realize that something was wrong, it was a little late, and the road behind was blocked by these hooligans. The white thief directly took out a black pistol and pointed it at Su Qishan's head.

What is the feeling of being pointed at with a gun? Perhaps 90% of people have never experienced it in their lives, but those who have experienced it can understand the horror, and there will be a strong psychological pressure invisibly .

The person who was pointed at by the gun was Su Qishan. He didn't see any change in Su Qishan's face. Instead, Liu Shuwei on the side was frightened. These hooligans even used the gun directly. It's over. I am afraid that it is completely over today.

"Give me all the money and the like!"

The white thief's gun was still facing Su Qishan's forehead, and he shouted loudly, revealing his true colors.

This dead end was originally a very remote place. Few people came here at all. Even if he shot directly, no one would notice it. So this place can be called a paradise for criminals. For these street hooligans, This is the best place.


Su Ming didn't know at all. His father Su Qishan and his companion Liu Shuwei were already in crisis at this time, and the system didn't even give a hint.

Su Ming rode in Benjamin's luxurious private car and drove to the base camp of those street hooligans, where Huang Zhong lived, together with the police cars that cleared the road in front.

The architectural style of Chinatown is still a combination of modern and ancient styles. Huang Zhong lives in a small courtyard. Although it looks shabby, it looks quite spacious!


The policemen who rushed in front were very vicious and violent. They kicked them directly, and the red-painted gate was kicked open.

Huang Zhong was relaxing in the cool yard, waiting for the people under his hand to pass the news, who knew that suddenly a group of police rushed in, but Huang Zhong was taken aback.

Huang Zhongli turned over and got up from the sun lounger, and shouted: "What are you doing, who let you break in casually? Believe it or not, I can sue you for breaking into the house?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's this guy, he is the boss of these gangsters, handcuff me, don't let anyone here!" The bald federal director immediately shouted loudly.

He must have investigated some information before coming. It can be said that he knew Huang Zhong well and recognized Huang Zhonglai at a glance.

Like these rascals, don't look at no one to touch them, just because they are too lazy to touch them. With his relationship with the Newcastle Sheriff, if the person above really wants to touch them, they are not even a hairy.

"Where's the Newcastle Sheriff, I want to see your Newcastle Sheriff. I am a good friend with him. Does he know if you just catch me?" After Huang Zhong was handcuffed, the whole person couldn't help feeling a little anxious. Yelling.

The bald federal commissioner laughed as soon as he heard this, and then said: "You are an old friend with the Newcastle Sheriff, right? Then it is even more okay to catch you. The Newcastle Sheriff will accompany you inside."

Huang Zhong's expression changed as soon as he heard these words. What does this bald-headed statement mean? Is it possible... Is it possible that the Newcastle Sheriff was in an accident?

"When you wanted to frame me, did you think that you would end up like this?" Su Ming walked over and said to Huang Zhong. Although he didn't know him, the two had never seen him.

But Su Ming also learned from the police that this guy is the boss of the group of hooligans, and he also colluded with the Newcastle Sheriff to frame Su Ming.

Huang Zhong also didn’t know who Su Ming was, but the **** man whose arm was broken by Su Ming was right next to Huang Zhong. He knew Su Ming and was broken by someone. Do you remember I'm afraid it will be difficult.

And because his arm was injured, he didn't go out with the white thief and their group. After seeing Su Ming, he was immediately stunned, and he asked if he was arrested, why did he come out again? ?

"Boss, he is the Chinese man who beat me!" The **** man quickly whispered to Huang Zhong.

When Huang Zhongyi heard this, he was immediately shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at Su Ming with an incredulous look. Isn't this person arrested? Why did he come out again? Could it be...

It is inevitable to get in touch with these police officers tonight, and thinking about what the bald-headed Federal Commissioner said just now, Huang Zhong suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He should have been planted this time.

"Report to the Chief, everyone has been arrested!" At this time, a policeman ran up to the bald-headed Federal Chief and began to report.

In addition, there were about a dozen street hooligans together with Huang Zhong, all of whom squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms.

The bald federal director nodded in satisfaction. The action tonight was very efficient. No one could rush to him. At least he was not ashamed in front of Benjamin.

Surprisingly, Su Ming looked around at this time, but found something wrong. He couldn't help but said, "Wait for Mr. Director, I found that the number of people here is wrong."

Because Su Ming noticed that among the few hooligans he had taught him before, only one **** man with an injured arm was present, and the remaining few were gone, showing that the number was wrong.

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