League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1158: Killing intent began to spread

To put it bluntly, the ten or so people arrested here hardly knew Su Ming, just a **** man whose arm was broken by himself.

The street hooligans, especially the white thieves, who were taught by Su Ming in the previous afternoon, were gone. Su Ming mainly wanted to clean up those people.

Benjamin's attitude towards Su Ming is so polite. People are always aware of words and opinions. Even if Su Ming's identity is not clear, the bald federal director dare not ignore Su Ming's words.

Instead, after listening, he immediately said: "The person didn't grab it. What are you doing to eat? Let me continue the search. Don't miss every corner."

"No need to search, they are not here, they just went out!" Who knows at this moment, the Huang Zhong said directly.


As soon as the head of the bald federation heard that there was still a fish that had not caught the net, he immediately pulled his face off and said directly: "Where are those people? How many people are there in total? Give me a quick account!"

"This...how do I know this?" Huang Zhong directly stated that he didn't know, but when he was speaking, his hesitation and the blinking eyes made Su Ming suddenly have a very bad feeling.

So Su Mingli immediately grabbed Huang Zhong's neck, and said viciously: "Don't lie here, tell me the truth, where did those guys go?"

Su Ming didn't expect the street hooligans to find trouble with his father at this time. Su Ming suspected Huang Zhong was trying his best to hide those people.

Unexpectedly, being so frightened by Su Ming, Huang Zhong felt a little flustered, and Su Ming's constant force on his hands and a fierce look on his face made him almost breathless.

Huang Zhong realized that this guy is indeed a ruthless person. If he really hurts his two accomplices, this person might be able to kill him directly. For a while, the Huang Center was very panicked, and he immediately persuaded him. , Quickly said: "I said, I said————"

"The few people, they... they went to find your two companions, saying they want to retaliate against them." Huang Zhong was a little breathless when Su Ming was pinched, and he blurted out with difficulty.


Su Ming was shocked when he heard this, he quickly threw the guy to the ground, and then said: "What are you talking about, they are going to trouble my dad?"

"When is the matter, how long have they been there?" Su Ming immediately became anxious. Su Qishan and Liu Shu are all people of a few years old, how could they be the opponents of those street hooligans.

Benjamin was also aware of the seriousness of the matter. No one thought that there would be such a thing, but Benjamin was calmer than Su Ming, and he grabbed Su Ming, who was about to explode, and said directly: "Master, you Don't worry, just call Master, if they are blocked by that group of hooligans, just ask Huang Zhong to talk to them on the phone and let them stop first."


Su Ming’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t expect this in a hurry. Benjamin was still very witty and he could contact him by phone. So Su Ming said, "My cell phone is with my dad. You can call me directly. Just call my cell phone."

Benjamin was also very efficient. He took out his cell phone, quickly turned on the recent call, and dialed the "master" number above.

"Beep, beep, beep——————"

Benjamin turned on his mobile phone hands-free. Everyone knows that when this is important, no one dared to make a sound casually. The sound rang, but after a long time, there was no sound.

The call was made, but no one answered at all, and automatically hung up after rang for tens of seconds.

No one answered the call, making Su Ming seem even more anxious. He continued to hold back the anger in his heart and said, "Give me the phone, and I will call my dad directly!"

Su Ming called Su Qishan's phone again. It was the same as before. No one answered at all. Su Ming didn't know Liu Shuwei's number. In these days, anyone can remember other people's phone numbers except for family members. number.

"What the **** is going on, no one answers the two phones." Su Ming was anxious, and he had to worry under this situation.


Su Ming immediately slapped Huang Zhong's face with a slap, and said fiercely: "You have made it clear to me how many people in total passed by, when they went, and where they went."

Huang Zhong is at best a person with a little ability, and he gets along with those rascals very well, but in front of the real ruthless people, he persuaded him, such as Su Ming who was furious at this time.

Huang Zhong was so frightened that his body trembled twice, so he dared not hide it, and quickly said: "A dozen of them have gone out, and... and they... brought two guns."


As soon as I heard that the group of hooligans were still carrying guns, Su Ming's whole body suddenly became cold, and at the same time, there was a "bang" in his head, which suddenly became blank.


At the same time, in the dead end, Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei had already handed over everything on their bodies. In fact, they didn't bring much cash. The more important thing was their ID cards and passports.

The phone was also taken away by the group of gangsters, so when the phone rang just now, it was not in Su Qishan's hands at all. How did Su Qishan answer the phone?

"The money and mobile phones are already given to you. We don't have anything else besides our ID cards. Can we let us go?" Su Qishan looked calm and said directly.


The white thief counted it, and the total of the two people was only a few thousand dollars. Although it was a huge sum of money, it was still not the same as he expected. I thought it was two big fish~www.wuxiaspot .com~ So it made him a little unhappy.

So the white thief sneered and said: "I want to go now, is it too impatient?"

"What do you mean?" Su Qishan's expression changed.

"What do you mean?"

The white thief smiled and said, "You don't know how bad your son beat us this afternoon, do you really think that if you give the money, I can let you go?"

While talking, the white thief continued to hold Su Qishan's forehead with a gun, as if he was going to do something.

"Don't, don't shoot, speak well if you have something to say."

Liu Shu looked panicked. Although he was afraid, he still asked for mercy, for fear that Su Qishan's life would be in danger.

"Don't go too far."

Su Qishan didn't feel nervous and afraid. Instead, he said coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly filled.

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