League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1189: New rivals have appeared

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When Jiang Xiaojun hugged Su Ming, Su Ming was full of disgust, he almost kicked Jiang Xiaojun away, and the two elders were still holding each other. Su Ming always felt strange.

"What do you mean?"

But the first sentence Jiang Xiaojun said made Su Ming a little puzzled. He looked up and saw that Shen Muke was still sitting there in front of the classroom, earnestly a million~million! Say, why should I say that the school flower is about to run away with others? ?

"You don't know at all?" Jiang Xiaojun asked.

Su Ming was asked inexplicably by Jiang Xiaojun, and said with a dazed expression: "What can I know? I have been very busy in Country M these days, and I haven't contacted Shen Muke."


Jiang Xiaojun saw that Su Ming really didn't know anything, so he said, "Have you seen these flowers in our class?"

Su Ming was reminded by Jiang Xiaojun that there were many more glass vases in the class, two on the podium, and around the classroom. There were naturally flowers in the vases, there were delicate red roses, and some fresh and lovely. Bai Baihe, and the enchanting blue enchantress.

These flowers seem to be quite expensive. Su Ming probably estimated one kind, and it is estimated that a bundle of packages would cost at least several hundred yuan.

After Su Ming took a look, he said, "I'll just say how it feels that the class seems to be a little fragrant. Who bought these flowers, such a trench?"

"Your rival bought it!"

Jiang Xiaojun no longer had any appetite for Su Ming, and he said directly: "After you left, a person popped up from the school and started to pursue Shen Muke, sending flowers twice in three days."

"These flowers were sent directly to the class. Shen Mu was definitely not going to want them, so we left them in the class. Our monitor felt it was too wasteful. So we bought a few vases with class fees and installed all these flowers. Got up."

"Thanks to Shen Muke, now our third grade (4) class is already the class with the best air quality in the school." Jiang Xiaojun teased again.

Su Ming finally understood what was going on. After he left the co-author, some people began to pursue Shen Muke. Just now Jiang Xiaojun said that the school flower was going to run away with someone, and he also deliberately teased Su Ming.

In fact, both Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun knew in their hearts that it was almost impossible to pursue Shen Muke. In the past, countless people pursued without any results, not to mention that there is Su Ming beside Shen Muke. Exists.

Although not worried, Su Ming still feels uncomfortable when he hears this. His woman is being chased. I believe no man will be happy, right?

Su Ming frowned, then said: "Who is it, so courageous?"

"Speaking of this person, you should have heard of it. Didn't our school have a basketball genius before, named Zhou Bo!"

Jiang Xiaojun has clearly clarified the situation: "This guy is at the same level as us, but he has outstanding basketball talent. He was poached by the provincial team when he was a freshman."

"I have been training for the past two years. He is obviously going to take the path of a professional player. I heard that he has performed very well and has been favored by the cba team."

"Professional teams gave him the conditions, as long as he joins, the annual salary will start at one million!"

Jiang Xiaojun continued: "But this kid is not bad at home, and he is really good at playing basketball. He is ready to come back and sprint to take the college entrance examination. After getting a score, he will go abroad to study. He should be planning to go to country M."

Su Ming also had an impression of this Zhou Bo. He was tall and fair-skinned. He was still coquettish when he played basketball, just like Rukawa Feng in the comics.

When Su Ming was still fresh in his memory, when he was playing a basketball game in his first year of high school, this guy abused everyone in his class by himself, and made countless girls scream for him when he was in the limelight.

However, after the high school game, the outstanding basketball talent was discovered, and he left the school to train. This kind of character who graced the school was naturally retained.

There are indeed two occasions for this product. It was taken by the CBA team, the highest level of China's basketball league. He didn't want to go. It shows that he wants to train himself in the most developed country of basketball and join the nba in the future.

However, to go to a university in country M, you still need a college entrance examination score, so he returned to school during this period. It was a coincidence that Su Ming happened to go to country M when he returned.

This guy has always been obsessed with Shen Mu, the schoolgirl of Ningcheng Middle School. Back then, he and Shen Mu were in the same class when there was no division in liberal arts in the first year of high school.

Shen Muke's charm makes him obsessed with it. Now that he comes back, he has countless auras on his body. He is already a professional athlete. If he is willing, he can go to CBA and get a million annual salary.

Even after training, he is likely to join the NBA and be selected for the China National Team. This guy has even been reported by the media more than once, saying that he is the future star of China Basketball~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as Zhou Bo returned to school, It has attracted countless attention. When he was studying, he did not forget to pursue Shen Muke, planning to use this time to win Shen Muke in one fell swoop.

I heard that Shen Mu has a boyfriend, but he hasn't been in school for a long time. I don't know the horror of Su Ming, so he doesn't care at all.

What's the matter with a boyfriend? If you get married, you can get a divorce. As long as you wield your hoe, there is no corner that can't be dug.

So when Su Ming went to Country M, this guy started digging Su Ming's wall, but several days passed, and it seemed that he hadn't seen any results.

"No wonder, it turned out to be that guy, I said that ordinary people in the school dare not provoke Shen Muke." Su Ming nodded.

After the tragic case of Song Zhe, no one else would dare to provoke Shen Muke. This Zhou Bo just returned, so it is understandable.

"If that guy is not honest anymore, I'll have to clean him up." Su Ming said lightly.

Jiang Xiaojun said: "Come on, this guy can be regarded as a celebrity at any rate. It has been reported by China National TV. You should not be impulsive, and just like his bird, with well-developed limbs and simple mind, how can the school flower look at him?

Su Ming hasn't spoken anymore, the reason is the same, but if that guy keeps harassing Shen Muke for some reason, Su Ming will definitely not let him go easily.

Su Ming doesn't want someone to mess around and affect his mood when he gets along with Shen Muke.

"Let me wipe it, Su Ming, look at it, the **** has sent flowers again."

At this moment, Jiang Xiaojun suddenly shouted, and Su Ming looked up and found that it was like this. There was a tall guy with a bunch of pink roses in his hands, waiting at the door. .

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