League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1190: What dare to be so crazy?

"Muke, the flower sender is here again, calling you out to get it?"

One of the girls in the class came back from the toilet. It should be the flower-giving person standing outside and told her. So after the girl came in, she said something to Shen Muke.

A look of disgust appeared on Shen Muke's face, and his good-looking brows frowned unconsciously, and then said, "Regardless of him, these people are annoying."

The girl didn't say anything. She knew that Shen Mu wouldn't take it, but it had nothing to do with her. She was just a messenger. After the word was passed, her mission had been achieved.

Su Ming saw this scene in his eyes. Su Ming had just finished speaking. If Zhou Bo dares to be uninterested, he has to teach him a lesson.

Who knows that the flower-giving person is here in a blink of an eye. Su Ming can't bear it, so he stood up and said to Jiang Xiaojun: "Go, let's go over and take a look!"

"Su Ming, you...what are you doing?"

When Shen Muke saw Su Ming stood up, he realized that Su Ming had returned today. Then Shen Muke's expression changed and he seemed to have guessed what Su Ming wanted to do.

So Shen Muke hurried up and stopped Su Ming, for fear that Su Ming would do something impulsive.

"I heard Xiaojun say that someone has been pursuing you these past two days. If I don't take any action, I guess my wife will run away with them." Su Ming smiled and joked.

As soon as Shen Mu heard the words "daughter-in-law", his pretty face blushed immediately. This is in the class. Su Ming actually called her that directly, and he didn't know how to avoid it.

Then Shen Muke said: "Don't listen to Jiang Xiaojun's nonsense, I won't pay attention to that person, Su Ming, don't pay attention to them either."

The expression on Jiang Xiaojun's face on the side called him an innocent. He found that he was always sold by Su Ming from time to time, and his role was to use it as an innocence.

Su Ming couldn't help but smiled, and stopped joking with Shen Mu Ke, and said: "Don't worry, Mu Ke, you go back to study, this person is handed over to me, I won't do it, just warn him. Save these people always bothering you!"

Shen Muke saw Su Ming's expression quite serious, so he didn't say anything, listened to Su Ming obediently, went to his seat, and watched Su Ming take Jiang Xiaojun out.

The person who is standing at the door of the class giving flowers is not Zhou Bo himself. Every time he sends flowers, he asks others to send them.

It doesn't look like the school is a few days away, but he has already gotten acquainted with the basketball team in the school. This guy is the future star of China Basketball. Who doesn't want to hold his thigh.

The person in front of him who held a bouquet of flowers in Gao Ma Da's hands is probably from the basketball team of Ningcheng Middle School.

"Where's Shen Muke from your class, call her out, and someone asked me to give her flowers." This tall fellow doesn't even know Su Ming at all, just heard Su Ming's name.

As soon as I saw Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun coming out of the third grade (4) class, they immediately yelled that their attitude was not very good. Just ask others to do things for him with this attitude. If Su Ming is an ordinary person, it is not too good. Want to talk to him.

What's more, Su Ming didn't even think about helping, but was ready to find trouble.

"Give me this flower, I'll help you give it to her." Su Ming said calmly.

The tall fellow naturally disagrees. A few days ago, Shen Mu did not ask for the flowers. Zhou Bo was a little unhappy. He even gave a death order today. The flowers must be delivered to Shen Muke. .

That's why this tall fellow has been standing at the door of the class, waiting for Shen Muke to come out, but Su Ming was waiting for him to come out.

Su Ming smiled, then smiled and said, "Shen Mu is my girlfriend, do you think I might go in and call her for you?"


This guy was immediately scared. It is no secret that Shen Mu has a boyfriend, and Su Ming has risen so quickly in the school this year that almost no one knows it.

Although the tall guy doesn’t know Su Ming, he has heard of Su Ming’s terrible name. It’s so terrible that he can take away the previous campus bully Song Zhe. Exist, everyone knows in their hearts.

"You... are you Su Ming?!"

This guy was frightened, and even pretended to be a lot bigger than Su Ming. As a result, he was frightened and he took a few steps back, which shows Su Ming's reputation in the school.

Su Ming has revealed his identity, so he won't follow him more, and directly shouted: "Bring me the flowers!"

The tall guy immediately became guilty, and he didn't even have a sense of resistance, so he obediently handed the flowers to Su Ming.

At the beginning, Su Ming was at the school gate, punching and kicking the video of Shao Mao's group of gangsters. This guy also saw it in the post bar. How dare to provoke Su Ming?

"Go back and tell Zhou Bo, if you dare to send flowers next time, let him send them directly to me, or be careful that I kill him!" Su Ming said viciously.

The tall guy was so scared that he ran away and ran back to the indoor basketball court of Ningcheng Middle School. At this time, Zhou Bo and those from the school team were still playing basketball leisurely.

After this guy came to the indoor basketball court, he watched breathlessly as a group of people were still playing basketball, but before he could speak, Zhou Bo noticed him and made a gesture to indicate that the game should be suspended first. Everyone should rest for a while. .

Others immediately obeyed and stopped fighting with their hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that this week is quite a boss.

"How is it, have the flowers delivered to Shen Mu?" Zhou Bo asked expectantly.

The tall guy shook his head quickly, and then said, "No...No!"

Zhou Bo immediately changed his face, and then said, "I asked you to give the flowers to her personally. If she doesn't come out, you can bring the flowers back. Don't put them in the class anymore. Their class will soon become famous. The air is optimized for the classroom."

The guy who is tall and majestic was talked indiscriminately by Zhou Bo, and he was not angry, or dared to be angry. After Zhou Bo finished speaking, he said: "It's not that I don't want to bring the flowers back, but Her boyfriend came out and took the flowers away."

"Also let me bring you a message. If you dare to send flowers next time, he will kill you directly!" Zhou Bo slightly reduced what Su Ming asked him to bring, and he felt that this was what he meant.


Zhou Bo suddenly became furious and cursed directly: "What is her boyfriend, dare to be so crazy?"

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