League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1200: I'm not the kind of ungrateful person

Author: Cold Night flower

"Well then, I'll go right away!"

As soon as Song Zhe had spoken, Li Dalei had run errands like this, and he was definitely afraid to say anything, so he immediately nodded and put down his chopsticks to solve the matter.

"Okay, stop arguing, how much money, I paid for him, how can people eat with such noise?" Li Dalei came over and said very pretentiously.

The proprietress is worried that she can't get the money for the meal. If this product is really a rascal, I am afraid it will be useless to call the police. It's not that I haven't encountered this kind of eating hooligans before.

So when I heard that someone was coming to pay for him, the lady boss was too happy to have time, so she quickly said: "It's 163 yuan in total, just give me 160 yuan."

Sure enough, just like Song Zhe said, if a person eats it alone, he can't eat a lot of money at all, so Li Dalei paid the bill directly.

"Don't hurry up and thank you, if you don't have any money next time, don't go out to eat. I don't know when my leg is interrupted!"

After receiving the money, the proprietress was satisfied, but she was still not forgiving, and she said something crookedly.

The young man who owed money flushed with anger, and said directly, "Do you want to die? Tell me again and try!"

Seeing that these guys were going to be impulsive, Li Dalei hurriedly grabbed him so as not to cause any trouble to disturb Song Zhe drinking.

Just listen to Li Dalei said: "Oh, buddy, this was originally your fault. When people say you just say a few words, you don't want to do anything impulsively. You will have to lose money again."

As soon as he heard the words "losing money", this guy immediately became honest a lot, and he didn't dare to impulse casually, and then he handed over to Li Dalei and said, "This brother, thank you very much, and wait until I have money. It will be returned to you."

"It's not that I want to help you, it's my boss who asked me to come over. If you really want to thank you, just go and thank my boss." Li Dalei pointed to Song Zhe who was drinking next to him.

The young man seemed to be quite sincere, so he walked over and said to Song Zhe: "Xiongtai, thank you for your help!"

Song Zhe glanced at this man and couldn't tell why he wanted to help him, or Song Zhe didn't want to help him at all, just because he didn't want to be so noisy, so he asked Li Dalei to pay the money in the past, so as not to disturb his mood.

Now that this person came to thank him, Song Zhe simply nodded his head and accepted it, and then said: "Next time you go out and be careful, how can you go to dinner without any money."

When he talked about this young man, he seemed a little embarrassed, and then said, "Xiongtai, I can't help it. This is the first time I have come to Ningcheng."

"I don't have any money with me. I have been hungry for more than a day and haven't eaten, so I can't come to eat Bawang's meal." The young man said.

When he said this, Song Zhe and Li Dalei couldn't help but look sideways. After a glance at him, Song Zhe said, "You dare to go out without a dime?"

"I used to have no idea about money at home. After I went out, I discovered that nothing was possible without money outside." The young man said.

When he heard that this guy was drifting away alone, Song Zhe felt a sense of pity or pity for the same sickness even though he didn't know what was going on.

Song Zhe’s parents basically quarreled as soon as they were at home. There was no interest at all at home. Song Zhe hadn’t been back home for many days. After finding some feelings of pity for the same illness, Song Zhe said, "This brother, it seems you It should be the first time to come to Ningcheng."

"If you don't mind, you can sit down and have a drink and chat for a while." Song Zhe said.

This young man had a good impression of Song Zhe. When he heard that Song Zhe invited him to drink, this guy also gave a nasty mouth, and seemed to want to drink.

He had no money just now and felt a little guilty, so he only ordered food and gobbled it up. How could he be in the mood to drink.

Anyway, it was someone else who asked him to drink it for nothing, so this guy said directly: "If that's the case, then it's better to be respectful than to live."

"Da Lei, what are you doing in a daze? Go get the cup and the tableware." Song Zhe said.

And this person is not stage fright at all, he looks familiar, and he directly said: "Brother, my name is Ouyang Shuo, I don't know what you call Xiongtai?"

"My name is Song Zhe, and that guy is Li Dalei!" Song Zhe had nothing to hide, and said directly.

When drinking, a few people drank it very happily, mainly because this Ouyang Shuo was very bold and the volume of alcohol was relatively good, which made people feel that drinking with this kind of people was very interesting.

Song Zhe hasn't made friends for a long time, and Li Dalei is almost a dogleg, and the rest are just friends and friends. This Ouyang Shuo still has an appetite for Song Zhe.

After drinking, the three people came out of this restaurant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and they were a little drunk, while Song Zhe said, "Brother Ouyang, do you have a place to stay at night? If not, you can go to me. There is no one in my family. My parents are not going home anymore."

"How embarrassing is this, will it trouble you too much?"

"What you said is troublesome and not troublesome. If you want to, you can live as you like. There is still a place left for you."

"Then thank you Brother Song."

Ouyang Shuo's face was also full of smiles. After he came to Ningcheng and was separated from the others, he was very desperate. He had no food and no place to live. He did not expect to meet such a good person as Song Zhe.

"Here, brothers quickly grab him for me!"

However, at this moment, suddenly a large group of people surrounded Song Zhe and the others in the dark, with a rustling footsteps, and then dozens of people surrounded Song Zhe.

The head of the big bald head said directly: "Song Shao, you can't hide now, you have been owed money for so many days and haven't seen people, you are not kind."

This big bald head is Tan Boss, Song Zhe's creditor. When he saw this man, Song Zhe's expression immediately changed. Unexpectedly, he was blocked by them for a meal here.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Ouyang Shuo looked at these ferocious hooligans, not afraid at all, instead he asked.

Song Zhe's face was very ugly, and he knew he was going to be unlucky, so Song Zhe said, "These are my enemies. I'm troubled by them. You will run away soon and don't get tired."

Now that Song Zhe has a good impression of Ouyang Shuo, he does not want to hurt him, and he does not want him to know that he owes money.

Who knows this Ouyang Shuo directly said: "It turns out that it's the person who is causing you trouble, so how can I go? Ouyang Shuo is not the kind of ungrateful person."

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