League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1201: I found the treasure

When Ouyang Shuo said this, Song Zhe was moved for a while. He had no sincere friends around him. Song Zhe knew in his heart that only Li Dalei could not be regarded as completely loyal to him.

But who knows that the Ouyang Shuo I met today, the two sides only had contact for one or two hours, and invited him to eat a meal. I didn't expect this Ouyang Shuo to be so loving and righteous.

You must know that facing these dozens of rascals with sticks in their hands, I am afraid that a normal person would be afraid. Who knows that Ouyang Shuo didn't leave and wanted to stand here to help Song Zhe, which made Song Zhe very moved.

So Song Zhe said, "Brother, let me go first. I can't let you in because of this. Let's go first. I'm glad to meet you today."

This Ouyang Shuo is also a tough guy. The more Song Zhe said that, the less he was willing to leave. He looked at Song Zhe as his confidant and said, "Brother Song Zhe, if you say this again, then I just look down on Ouyang Shuo."

"I, Ouyang Shuo, have never been the kind of ungrateful person. If you are in trouble, how can I leave it casually? What's more, these people are just a few small people. What is there to be afraid of." , It seems that some look down upon these people.


The bald-headed Boss Tan snorted coldly and said coldly: "Boy, don't you be afraid to flash your tongue if you talk too much?"

"Song Zhe, you owe me the money and don't want to give it to you, right? I tell you, today I will put it down. If you don't pay, I will just interrupt your leg!" Tan Boss He said directly: "You people, if you don't pay, don't even want to leave today!"

At this time, Song Zhe's expression suddenly changed. He only heard Song Zhe continue to say: "Brother Tan, I don't want to give money, and I didn't mean to avoid you on purpose."

"You should be clear. These three million are really a lot to me. I can't come up with so much money for a while. I have been raising money for this period of time."

"I don't have any money in my hand, and I was embarrassed when I saw you. Didn't you think that I planned to collect the money in a few days before I went to find you, but I didn't expect you to bring my brothers to find you today."

"Brother Tan, please give me a few more days. I will collect the money. When the money is enough, I will contact you immediately. How could I be wronged? You can't find me." Song Zhe's face was full. Said sincerely.

In fact, Song Zhe didn’t even plan to give money, but this situation is very unfavorable to him. If he dared to say a "no", he would probably be beaten to his head. Give stability.

"Ha ha----"

Boss Tan sneered twice, with an interesting expression on his face, looking at Song Zhe as if he was mentally retarded. With his experience, it would be strange if he could believe Su Ming. How could he not tell Song Zhe was Bullshit.

Just listen to Tan Boss saying: "Song Zhe, don't think I don't know, you don't have to fool me with these words. If I didn't bring anyone to block you today, you never thought about paying back!"

"I will put the words here first today, Song Zhe, you will either pay me back today, or I will kill you directly, you can choose one yourself!" Boss Tan said viciously, cooperating with his big bald head. It looks scary.

Song Zhe was a little panicked for a while. He is usually awesome, but he can't get up at this time. How can he beat so many people by himself? It can be said that he shouldn't be ridiculed every day.

"Brother Tan, I didn't lie to you. I really don't have that much money right now. Give me a few more days. Even if you kill me now, it's useless. On the contrary, I can't get the money." Song Zhe said .


Unexpectedly, Boss Tan's face suddenly became ugly, he snorted directly, and then said viciously: "Do you think this can threaten me?"

"I'm definitely not going to kill you. No, I can break your leg or twist your arm first."

Boss Tan grinned and said, "Moreover, I have already inquired about your family clearly. Your father is backed by the Song family for doing business. You can still get a few million dollars. I can directly notify your father to get the money!"

Song Zhe's face changed drastically. The last thing he didn't want was that his father knew about it, and Su Ming broke the leg of Song Jiji's son Song Qingyun last time.

Song Zhe had already angered his own Laozi, and caught Song Zhe with a belt. If he owes millions and is known, it is estimated that it will be over again.

"Brothers, interrupt this kid's leg and teach him a little lesson. My boss Tan is not so owed for money."


After speaking, the dozens of gangsters looked at Song Zhe with unkind expressions. This scene looked like a group of big bad wolves staring at a long, poor little sheep.

In fact, how can so many people shoot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just pick one or two out and break Song Zhe's leg is not easy.

"Song Shao. This...what can I do?"

At this time, Li Dalei was already at a loss, and his words were uncomfortable.

The expression on Song Zhe's face also looked desperate. He didn't know what to do. If he knew, it would be fine. It seemed that there was no other way but to be beaten obediently.

Resist? How can you resist? There are dozens of rascals here, how can they be dealt with by the three of them?

"Go away, don't bully my brother!"

Unexpectedly, it was the first gangster to come out. When he was about to move Song Zhe, Ouyang Shuo, who was standing next to Song Zhe, refused to agree, and suddenly shot the guy, and suddenly fanned the guy.

This violent shot immediately stunned everyone. No one thought that this calm boy was so powerful that he slapped everyone and fainted.

Song Zhe couldn't help looking happy. He didn't expect that Ouyang Shuo would still have two slaps, but at this moment, Song Zhe suddenly changed his face. It seems that Ouyang Shuo's slap just now directly detonated the explosive barrel.

"Malpi, I dare to do it, do you want to die, brothers!"

Suddenly someone yelled, and then these gangsters became angry, and together they wanted to prepare to hit someone.

But Ouyang Shuo remained unmoved at all, even rushing over, hitting dozens of them one by one, looking like he was desperate.

But what is surprising is that this guy's fighting power is too terrible. One hit dozens of them, and he did not lose the wind at all, and he also won. Under Ouyang Shuo's fist, these people seemed to have no resistance at all.


Song Zhe was dumbfounded, and he was stunned. He realized that he might have found the treasure.

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