There was no word for a night, and Lin Yingzhu got up early the next morning. She couldn't accompany Su Ming to sleep in anymore, because she had a morning flight and had to rush to participate in activities. Recently, the schedule is full.

As for Su Ming's business dealing with her this time, to endorse the jewelry brand of the Qin Group, after making Lin Yingzhu repeatedly begging for mercy last night, Su Ming said about it.

Lin Yingzhu was obedient to Su Ming's words. Naturally, he did not consider it, so he agreed directly. Moreover, Lin Yingzhu knew that Su Ming must have known it beforehand, and Su Ming would not be able to cheat her.

However, the endorsement contract must not be signed today, because today Lin Yingzhu has to go to other cities to have activities. He will contact the Qin Group first, and then everyone will find a suitable time to come out and discuss the specific details of the advertising endorsement. .

Su Ming woke up when Lin Yingzhu left, and said a few words to Lin Yingzhu, and then Su Ming fell asleep again, anyway, it was the weekend, and Su Ming didn't need to worry, so sleep for a while before talking.

At about noon, Su Ming slept very well. Coupled with the complete indulgence of himself last night, Su Ming felt that the whole person was in a very good state.

Leaving the room to return the room, it should be Lin Yingzhu who said hello in advance, although Su Ming did not register last night, but the front desk staff did not think it was too strange.

When I got home, I got something to eat. When Su Ming was bored and didn't know what he was doing in the afternoon, Qin Xiaoke called.

After the call was connected, Qin Xiaoke was very clean and straightforward, and just said: "Brother-in-law, do you have an appointment this afternoon?"

Damn it, you need to ask, definitely make an appointment, it just happens that Su Ming's idleness now hurts, rather than wasting time at home, it is better to go shopping with Qin Xiaoke.

The thought of other people studying hard at home in order to prepare for the college entrance examination, but Su Ming is very depraved, not reading at all when doing nothing, which makes Su Ming feel, there is better than not studying in this world Thing?

If there is, there is only one, and that is the novel "League of Legends Invincible Lottery System".

"Okay, when will I leave? Brother-in-law, I have nothing to do today." Su Ming said directly.


A few dozen minutes later, Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke met, and the two met in the downtown business district.

It’s easy to hang out with Qin Xiaoke. Although Qin Xiaoke has a lively temper, he is not the kind of person who likes tossing around. It’s almost enough to take her to go shopping and eat some delicious food.

"Hey, brother-in-law, how do I feel that you are so fragrant?" Qin Xiaoke unconsciously took Su Ming's arm after seeing Su Ming. This was also a habitual movement of Qin Xiaoke.

However, when approaching Su Ming today, Qin Xiaoke suddenly realized something was wrong, sniffed with a dexterous nose, and felt the fragrance of Su Ming body.

Su Ming's face changed immediately before he realized that something was wrong. After taking a shower last night, he slept with Lin Yingzhu in arms for the whole night, and he would definitely have the scent of Lin Yingzhu.

As for Qin Xiaoke, this strange little thing with a special nose, Qin Xiaoke directly smelled the faint hormonal smell in the air last time at Qin Shiyin's house.

Su Ming didn't know how to explain it for a while. Needless to say, he knew it was the smell of a woman. Could it be that it was his own? This is too fake, and it sounds disgusting that a big master puts himself so fragrant.

Seeing Su Ming stammering and unable to speak, Qin Xiaoke said, "Brother-in-law, don’t explain it. I don’t know anything about you and my sister. I guess I didn’t know anything about my sister last night. Do things inappropriate for children, right?"


Su Ming also didn't expect Qin Xiaoke to directly transfer the matter to Qin Shiyin, so that it really saved Su Ming from explaining, and could only let Qin Shiyin silently carry the pot.

"What do you know, don't talk nonsense, be careful that your sister hears it and wants to train you again." Su Ming deliberately said under the name of Qin Shiyin, lest Qin Xiaoke really ran over to ask Qin Shiyin, like Su Mingke It was exposed.

Sure enough, after taking out the name of Qin Shiyin, it was still quite useful to Qin Xiaoke. Qin Xiaoke spit out his tongue, and the topic was so exposed.

After strolling around, the two of them entered Huasheng Mall, which is a huge shopping mall. Basically, all the world's big names have shops here.

Today is the weekend, so the flow of people in the mall is relatively large. Although online shopping has been very popular these years, there are more or less problems with shopping online. I still feel like shopping in person.

"Brother-in-law, let's go in and stroll around."

When he came to the entrance of a "Hermes" store, Qin Xiaoke took a look and then said to Su Ming.

Generally, women have very low resistance to international luxury brands such as Hermès, Chanel, and LV. Any woman with some capital will definitely have these big-name products in hand. This is a woman’s nature. Women in this world make the best money.

I accompanied Qin Xiaoke in for a stroll, Su Ming couldn't see why he came, but Su Ming noticed the women who were walking in this store. They all had light in their eyes.

Qin Xiaoke still looks quite and he just wandered around. The products in this store have fewer styles, especially the latest models. For Qin Xiaoke, if she If you want it, you must have taken it from abroad.


When Qin Xiaoke was walking around, there was a woman's cry. It turned out that Qin Xiaoke hadn't paid attention and stepped on a woman's high heels. Although she was not strong, she still made the woman call.

This woman looks very fashionable, with light yellow long wavy hair, looks and figure are not counted, a standard net red face, looks okay.

The net red-faced woman was taking a picture in the mirror with a bag. She didn't expect to be stepped on, and she felt a little upset for a while. Before Qin Xiaoke could speak, she immediately cursed: "Who is this, she is walking Are you blind?"

Qin Xiaoke immediately realized when he stepped on someone, and quickly turned around to apologize. It was indeed that she was not careful just now, but she didn't expect this woman to directly curse.

Qin Xiaoke is not the kind of person who is a vegetarian either. He has a very hot temper. He definitely cannot bear being scolded directly. He said directly: "I accidentally stepped on you, what do you mean by scolding?"

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