League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1211: How do you know such a person?


"Yeah, you are quite capable, right?"

This net red-faced woman knew at first glance that she was not a good-tempered person. She was so upset by Qin Xiaoke, and she immediately became even more upset.

Pointing at Qin Xiaoke, he cursed: "You stepped on me, is it reasonable? I haven't seen someone like you with no quality."

Qin Xiaoke's nose was about to get mad. Just stepped on her by accident. There were indeed a lot of people in the store. In addition, Qin Xiaoke didn't pay attention to the goods when he was walking.

Obviously this net red face was the first to scold people, but Qin Xiaoke had no quality. Qin Xiaoke was very upset and was about to tear it apart.

Fortunately, Su Ming arrived in time. Seeing that Qin Xiaoke had a tendency to explode, he hurriedly pulled Qin Xiaoke over and said, "Xiao Ke, forget it, don’t be familiar with her. many."

"Sorry, I accidentally stepped on you, everyone was unintentional, and you don't need to be so angry!" Su Ming immediately turned over to apologize to the net red face.

It's not that Su Ming was stunned, but Su Ming felt that this kind of trivial matter was unnecessary. It was indeed that Qin Xiao was wrong first. He accidentally stepped on someone's house, and Su Ming couldn't directly go up and beat the net red-faced woman.

This kind of woman has a very big temper. If you get into trouble, you will be embarrassed to hit her, but you can't scold her. Moreover, there are so many people in the store, and Qin Xiao can take care of it if things get bigger, it's not necessary.

Qin Xiaoke was persuaded by Su Ming so that he didn't have any episodes. After finally coming out with Su Ming, Qin Xiaoke didn't want to cause such unpleasant things.

If it was Qin Xiaoke himself, with Qin Xiaoke's temper, he would have to tear this woman out of doubt in life!

When the woman heard Su Ming apologized, she was too embarrassed to have more attacks, and then snorted and said nothing. Su Ming suppressed a conflict that was about to break out.

After that, Qin Xiaoke returned to normal and continued to stroll around the store. He picked up a few bags and took a look, but he was not very interested.

Su Ming saw that Qin Xiaoke had been shopping for a long time without buying anything, so he said, "Which one do you like? If you like, then buy it?"

Qin Xiao laughed a bit, and then said: "This bag is too expensive, one can cost tens of thousands of dollars at least, and there are 20,000 to 30,000, forty to 50,000, I can't afford it, or brother-in-law, you give me one? "

At least tens of thousands of bags are indeed luxury goods for ordinary people. Many people will never buy them in their lives, but to Qin Xiaoke, this is nothing.

The main reason is that Qin Xiaoke's family has too many bags, and she doesn't like the ones in this store. She has some bags, and some do not meet her vision.

Qin Xiaoke didn't even think about buying it, and deliberately joked with Su Ming.

Su Ming knows Qin Xiaoke's knowledge, knowing that Qin Xiao is joking with him, so Su Ming also joked with him: "Brother-in-law, I don't have that much money. I will buy one for you when I have money!"

Qin Xiao couldn't help but curled her lips. She also knew that Su Ming was not short of money, and she said that her brother-in-law would pretend to be forced, and she almost believed it.

Little did they know that these two of them were joking with each other, and they were heard by the red-faced woman on the side. It was a coincidence that this woman happened to stroll nearby and heard what they said.

Immediately, the net red-faced woman showed a look of disdain, and said with a mockery: "I can't even buy a bag. I really don't know what you two are here for shopping."


When Qin Xiaoke heard that the woman was talking again, and even taunted, he was immediately ready to scold her "dog eyes look down on people".

However, he was stopped by Su Ming. This kind of person is relatively low-level, and if he has a small amount of money, he thinks he is terrible. In fact, Su Ming doesn't like this kind of person at all.

If you want to slap her in the face, it is too simple. If Su Ming wants to, you can buy the whole shop without blinking, but that doesn’t make much sense. Su Ming is now mature. This kind of low-level slap-slap Su Ming dislike.

"Waitress, wrap all three bags for me!" The net red-faced woman immediately said to the waiter braggingly, apparently for Qin Xiaoke to see.

These three bags cost 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. It is estimated that Qin Xiaoke and Su Ming must be jealous and hate at this time.

Little did she know that the bags in her hand were all old styles that Qin Xiaoke looked down upon.

"It's boring, brother-in-law, let's go—"

Qin Xiaoke didn’t bother to look at this net red-faced woman. The more he looked at it, the more angry he became. It is completely unnecessary to be angry with this kind of person. So Qin Xiaoke was going to leave the shop with Su Ming. There was nothing good in the shop anyway. Something to buy.

"Mr. Su, it's you—"

At this moment, Su Ming suddenly heard a voice. Su Ming took a look. The person who was speaking together was Yang Xiaowen. The owner of the monday bar was an old acquaintance of Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~Su He smiled brightly, hadn't seen this person for a long time, and said directly: "Mr. Yang, why have you come to this kind of shop too, did you buy gifts?"

"My girlfriend is shopping here, I came to see her, the company is busy with something." Yang Xiaowen said.

Su Ming realized that he co-authored Yang Xiaowen who was in his thirties and was not married yet, but it is normal for a successful person like him not to get married.

"My dear, you finally came here, and people have been waiting for you here for a long time." At this moment, a familiar voice rang.

Su Ming turned out to be the red-faced woman who came over and grabbed Yang Xiaowen's arm. This scene looked a bit spicy. Su Ming was stunned and said to his heart.

Who knows Yang Xiaowen said with a smile: "Mr. Su, Miss Qin, let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend, Fangfang!"


Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke's expressions immediately became a little weird. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that this net red-faced woman turned out to be Yang Xiaowen's girlfriend. This is a little coincidence.

But Yang Xiaowen didn't notice that Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke looked a little bit wrong. Instead, they were very enthusiastic about introducing them, and said to the net red-faced woman: "Fangfang, don't froze. Say hello, this is Mr. Su."

Who knows that this net red-faced woman is indeed very reluctant. After looking at Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke with disdain, she immediately said, "My dear, how do you know this kind of person?"

ps: Many friends have left messages for the role of the dragon, but you all ask for something like ancient warriors. There is no way. The ancient warriors have to take your time, so don’t worry, I have to make arrangements slowly, not me Forget it, the role is really limited now, hope to understand. Just read a refreshing novel

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