When the middle-aged man wearing a black jacket appeared in the surveillance footage, all the people present, including Su Ming, Xia Qingchan, and Luo Xiaoxiao, couldn't help but feel a bit of a twitch.

When Huahua was outside the school, someone came into contact with her, which means that Huahua was abducted this time. This situation is much worse than when she lost herself.

Su Ming was very anxious, but at this time anxiousness did not solve the problem, and Luo Xiaoxiao was working on the case, Su Ming was too embarrassed to disturb her, so Su Ming temporarily endured it, and everyone continued to watch the situation on the screen. .

The middle-aged man in the black coat came to Huahua and didn't know what he was talking about. The monitor could only see the screen, but the sound was nothing.

After saying a few words, the man squatted in front of Huahua again, looking a lot like Huahua's parent, and the people next to him did not find anything abnormal.

If this guy chooses to do it directly after seeing Huahua, he may not be able to succeed, after all, when school is over, so many parents at the entrance of the kindergarten will pick up their children.

If he acts strongly to grab the child, someone will definitely stop him, but this guy is also very smart, and he chose to fudge. How can the child distinguish the bad and the good, and he will definitely not be able to withstand the flick of others.

It's not that Xia Qingchan has never taught Huahua and you can't just trust strangers outside. It's just that she is too young to go to kindergarten. How can she remember so much? If she was in elementary school, she might be better.

After the middle-aged man in the black coat squatted down, he didn't know what he said. After he got up, Huahua actually followed him.

"It's over--"

After everyone saw this picture, things were almost clear, Huahua was obviously kidnapped.

Su Ming also has a deeper worry. If this were the last few ancient warriors who did it, it would be terrible.

Luo Xiaoxiao directly turned off the monitoring screen, and then said: "You should have seen it, too. From the screen, the child was abducted."

"This man in a black jacket, judging from the surveillance screen, he should be a veteran. First of all, he has been staring outside the kindergarten for a long time before he found a single flower!"

Luo Xiaoxiao analyzed: "And he is also very wary of the surveillance pictures. He knows that there is a surveillance camera at the door, and he even knows the location of the camera."

"So his body has always been facing this side. We can only see him as a person, but he can't see the specific face shape at all, and he never showed his face."

After listening to Luo Xiaoxiao's analysis, everyone suddenly realized that if they didn't say anything, they hadn't noticed yet. Now thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. They didn't see clearly what the man in the black coat looked like.

Professional is professional after all. Luo Xiaoxiao can see what other people have not noticed. Don't think that Luo Xiaoxiao's identity as deputy director was really picked up for nothing.

After listening to Luo Xiaoxiao's words, Su Ming couldn't help but moved a little, and then said, "Officer Luo, you mean, this suspect didn't identify a target. Is he looking for a random target? "


Luo Xiaoxiao nodded, and then turned on the monitoring screen again, called up the lens of the time period just now, started to rewind a bit, and turned on the slow mode.

Luo Xiaoxiao locked the middle-aged man in the black coat, and then said: "Everyone can see, this guy pretends to be waiting for students, and has been walking around outside the school."

"Basically it was a single student. He stared at it. When Huahuacai came out, he didn't notice Huahua for the first time." Luo Xiaoxiao said.

Su Ming was analyzed by Luo Xiaoxiao, and he felt that what he said was quite reasonable. The middle-aged man in the black coat was like a hunter, constantly looking for hunting targets. Huahua unfortunately became his aims.

If he really came over at Huahua from the beginning, he wouldn't have looked around for so long before starting his hand, but only later discovered that no parents had come near her, so he decided to start.

In this way, Su Ming feels a little better, and this also eliminates the possibility of those ancient warriors taking action, if they send someone to hijack Huahua.

I would definitely do it as soon as I saw Huahua. I wouldn't choose it for that long. In other words, this time, Huahua was purely a trafficker that I encountered very unfortunately.

"Sergeant Luo, can...can you find this?" Xia Qingchan couldn't help but asked. What she cares most now is Huahua's safety.

The look on Luo Xiaoxiao's face is not too good, he thought for a while, and then said: "I will tell you the truth, in fact, this case is not easy to handle."

"This middle-aged man in a black coat should actually be a veteran. As you can see from his modus operandi, it is not the first time that he has done this kind of thing."

"It means that after he succeeds, his anti-reconnaissance ability is definitely very powerful. Maybe he has already taken a person to escape, so it is quite difficult to find it."

After speaking a bunch of truths, Luo Xiaoxiao turned around again and said: "Don't worry too much, I will try my best to contact the police immediately and investigate the surveillance cameras at various intersections around here~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Hurry up and find out where that guy is."

The feeling in Su Ming's heart is not very good. Every year, so many children in the country disappear, but there are very few that can be found, enough to see the difficulty.

"Su Ming, you probably have to wait patiently. We won't be able to find it for a while. The other party's experience should be very rich." Luo Xiaoxiao was also afraid that Su Ming was anxious, and then turned to Su Ming. One sentence.

This is also impossible. If possible, Luo Xiaoxiao also hopes to find Huahua, but this matter is too difficult, Luo Xiaoxiao dare not pack the ticket.

Su Ming was very anxious. The longer the time passed, the more dangerous it became. How could Su Ming wait so long, and Su Ming was only given six hours on the task.

At this time Su Ming was not worried about the task at all, he was only worried about Huahua. If he waited for Huahua to be retrieved, Su Ming could accept it even if the mission failed.

At the same time, if the time is delayed for a long time, the guy in the black coat will most likely run out of Ningcheng, and Luo Xiaoxiao can only take care of Ningcheng, and I am afraid it will be even more difficult to find.

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