League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1246: Found something wrong

Luo Xiaoxiao had already gone out to work, and began to call and order, but Su Ming had nothing to do at this time, and he didn't even know what to do at this time.

A sense of powerlessness, a deep sense of powerlessness. At this time, Su Ming's heart was filled with a feeling of powerlessness. This feeling appeared when he was almost killed in a competition with the Sword God.

Su Ming thought he was invincible and very powerful, but after encountering this kind of thing today, Su Ming realized that no one is omnipotent. When it comes to this kind of thing, there is no way except to be anxious.

Moreover, Su Ming is not an ordinary person anymore. He has connections and friends in the police station. They are not much stronger than ordinary people. If they are ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be even more indifferent at this time. Help.

After Su Ming waited for a while, he decided that he could not sit like this, so he decided to call Cheng Ruofeng and let Cheng Ruofeng also arrange for someone to go out and look for it.

Even if the hopes are relatively slim, they still have to try, it is better than just sitting and waiting like this, and they can't pin their hopes on Luo Xiaoxiao and the others.

If this road fails, Su Ming can't help but look for it.

"Jingle Bell----"

Luo Xiaoxiao was about to come over and talk to Su Ming. Suddenly the phone in his pocket rang, and Su Ming who was about to make a call stopped and signaled that Luo Xiaoxiao should answer the phone first, and then come back to talk with him. Speak for yourself.

Luo Xiaoxiao took out the phone directly and found that it was a call from the police station, so he directly connected the phone and said, "What's wrong, I'm working on a case now?"

"Director Luo, aren't you working on a missing child case? Just now a young man came to report the case and said he found a homeless child. Could it be the same person?" One of the people spoke at this time.

Luo Xiaoxiao is now working in a hurry. This call interrupted Luo Xiaoxiao's rhythm. In fact, Luo Xiaoxiao was still a little uncomfortable. As a result, the content on the phone shocked Luo Xiaoxiao. Up.

"What, you mean someone took the missing child to the police station to handle the case?"

Luo Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment and then randomly exclaimed all over her body, and then continued to ask: "Is that child a male or female."

"It's a little girl, she's pretty cute!" The other end of the phone continued.

Luo Xiaoxiao's breathing gradually became faster, because the characteristics of this child seem to have become more and more similar to those of Huahua. If it is really Huahua, it would be great!

So Luo Xiaoxiao immediately said: "Don't tell me on the phone, you quickly take a picture of that girl, and then send it to me, let me take a look!"


After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiaoxiao hurriedly said: "Su Ming, there is good news. Just now there was a message from the police station. Someone took a homeless girl to the city bureau to call the police. It is very likely. It's Huahua!"

"real or fake?"

Su Ming couldn't sit still right away, so he stood up quickly, and then said, "Are you sure it's a flower?"

"I'm not sure yet, wait a while, and everyone will know when the photos arrive." Luo Xiaoxiao was also very excited, but he still calmed Su Ming.

I'm afraid that Su Ming's emotions are too agitated, if after seeing the photos for a while and discovering that it is not Huahua, it would be too disappointing.


At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao’s mobile phone vibrated. It was the people from the police station who had posted the photo to Luo Xiaoxiao’s mobile phone. Su Ming and Xia Qingchan also quickly stood up and stared at Luo Xiaoxiao’s mobile phone. Everyone was a little cautious about breathing.

"It's Huahua!"

After Luo Xiaoxiao clicked on the photo he received on the phone, Su Ming immediately called out, because the little girl above is Huahua, and Su Ming will not admit mistakes.

Xia Qingchan also pointed to the phone screen very excitedly, and said, "Yes, this is Huahua. She is wearing this dress today."

After waking up every day, Huahua's clothes were worn by Xia Qingchan himself, and even the braids were woven by Xia Qingchan one by one. Xia Qingchan couldn't be more clear.

After confirming that it was Huahua, Luo Xiaoxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. Since it was Huahua, it would be okay. At least the person had been found, and it was safe.

So Luo Xiaoxiao immediately faced her walkie-talkie and said, "Hey, please pay attention to all departments. Now that the person has been found, everyone should stop their work and quickly gather the team and go back."

Immediately, Luo Xiaoxiao said again: "Su Ming, you two go to the police station with me, Huahua is at the police station now."

"Okay, hurry up--"

Su Ming nodded, and then got into the police car with Xia Qingchan. At this time, both of them couldn't wait to take a look at Huahua herself.

After the group arrived at the police station, they walked in and saw Huahua sitting there with a small schoolbag on his back. At this time, there were tears on Huahua's face, and he should have cried.

Even the eyes are red, and it looks like he should have been crying miserably.


As soon as Xia Qingchan entered, he immediately shouted, Huahua heard it was Xia Qingchan, and immediately rushed over in tears, hugging Xia Qingchan while crying "Mom" and crying, which seemed a bit uncomfortable~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Su Ming showed a smile, Huahua was a bit wronged and frightened, but this was the best result. She was found safely and okay, much better than Su Ming imagined.

"Who brought this girl to the police?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked.

"He is the man!" a police officer pointed to a young man beside him, and said.

Su Ming's eyes swept over. The young man looked a little over 1.70 meters tall, and his symmetrical figure also looked like a good person.

As soon as I saw this person, it meant that it was not the guy who hijacked Huahua, so Luo Xiaoxiao asked: "This gentleman, I am the deputy director of the police station, Luo Xiaoxiao, and the person in charge of this case. , Can you tell me what is going on?"

"Today I accidentally saw a middle-aged man holding this little girl. The little girl kept crying, but the middle-aged man had a very bad attitude and kept threatening the little girl."

The young man said: "So I found something was wrong!"

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