League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1247: I do not have a phone

Speaking of which, the young man didn’t pay attention at first, but accidentally ran into the middle-aged man and Huahua. He thought they were a family, so he didn’t care. This year, an adult went out with a child, which seemed normal. .

However, when the middle-aged man passed him holding Huahua, the young man realized something was wrong. Huahua was crying and crying very loudly. It can even be described as a piercing heart. If a child is It's terrible to cry when you are really angry.

After discovering that something was wrong, the young man must have looked back twice more, but after seeing that, he found something wrong again.

The footsteps of this middle-aged man were really eager. This step didn’t seem to take a child at all, but looked more like a thief. In addition, he slammed Huahua, making the young man fully aware of something wrong. .

So the young man called out abruptly: "What are you doing?"

A middle-aged person is a kid kidnapper. As the saying goes, a thief has a guilty conscience. No matter what you are a thief, as long as you are a thief, your heart is quite guilty.

He thought that his behavior was discovered by others, so he immediately ran away with a guilty conscience, but his running like this is equivalent to directly exposing himself.

The young man also started chasing after pulling his legs out. The middle-aged man's physical strength was not as good as that of the young man. In addition, he was still holding a child in his hands, and he would definitely not be able to run.

When it heard that this was the case, Luo Xiaoxiao said: "Does the middle-aged person you mentioned have any physical characteristics?"

"I didn't see the specific appearance. He was wearing a black jacket with a high collar, which directly covered most of his face." The young man recalled for a while and then said.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xiaoxiao felt completely relieved. The clues provided by this person were not wrong. It seemed that he was telling the truth. He happened to meet a middle-aged man in a black coat who was abducting a child. The man was saved.

"Man, thank you so much!"

Su Ming went up and grabbed the young man's hand and said sincerely. There were many words of thanks in his heart, but Su Ming didn't know what to say, so he could only say something like this.

This young man can be said to have helped Su Ming a great deal. If Huahua is really lost, it will definitely be a huge blow to Su Ming, and it is even more needless to say for Xia Qingchan.

Moreover, Su Ming’s card tactics have not been cooled down well, and it is very difficult to find someone. In this desperate situation, the person was found so suddenly. It can be said that there is a certain coincidence in it. .

Luck is still very important. This time Su Ming's luck is obviously good, and this young man is the key to it. He doesn't know how much he has saved for Su Ming. Su Ming owes him a great favor.

This guy also looked very kind, smiled, and said, "Brother, please don't be so polite. I'll just do it with a hand. In the future, your children will have to be optimistic. You won't necessarily have that good luck next time. ."

Su Ming also knew that this guy was telling the truth, so he nodded and said: "Definitely, certain!"

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao on the side asked again: "By the way, I have to ask you one thing, how about that middle-aged man in a black coat, why didn't he see him?"

"He ran away!"

A somewhat arrogant expression flashed across the young man's face, and he said, "When I caught up to him and grabbed him, this guy also realized that he couldn't run away."

"Then this person suddenly threw the child back. I saw that the child was in danger, so I let him go to pick up the child, but he took the opportunity to run away."

The young man continued: "I wanted to keep chasing, but the child has been crying, and I can't just throw her there, so I can only give up."

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing it. It seemed that her analysis was not wrong at all. That guy was indeed a veteran. Even when he ran away, he knew that he would run with the child in his hand as a cover for him. It succeeded.

So Luo Xiaoxiao ordered: "Cut off the picture of the person in the video, issue a wanted warrant, and carefully bring someone to me to find him, and that guy must be arrested and brought to justice."

Luo Xiaoxiao's sense of justice is still relatively strong, otherwise he would not choose to be a policeman. For such a conscientious person, Luo Xiaoxiao must catch him to save him from harming other people's homes. Children of this kind are a scourge to stay in the world.

"And you, please come in with me, I'll make a simple transcript for you!" Luo Xiaoxiao said to the young man again.


After listening to this guy, he was obviously taken aback, and then he said, "I'm a good person, why do I need to take notes on me?"

Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile. It seemed that this person didn't know the work process of the police station very well, so he explained to him: "You misunderstood, I didn't treat you as a suspect."

"This is a necessary process for our police station to handle cases. As long as you participate in it, you have to make a transcript to facilitate our investigation. After the transcript is completed, you can leave." Luo Xiaoxiao said.

This guy was obviously relieved, and then he was quite cooperative, stood up directly, and then said, "That's okay, let's do the transcript?"

He didn't take him to the interrogation room alone. When he came to his office, Luo Xiaoxiao had a good impression of this person, so he said: "Don't be nervous, I will ask a few questions. You can just answer it."

"it is good----"


"Lin Wufu!"


"twenty two"

"cellphone number?"


"Mobile phone number!" Luo Xiaoxiao thought he hadn't heard clearly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he repeated.

The expression on Lin Wufu's face was obviously surprised, and then he said, "Sorry, I don't have a mobile phone!"

"no mobile phone?"

Luo Xiaoxiao immediately looked at this Lin Wufu like a monster, and said to his heart that it is now in this era, how could someone without a mobile phone? Elementary school students are already running around the street with mobile phones.

"Sorry, I really don't have a cell phone." Lin Wufu clearly saw the surprise in Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes, and then scratched his head and said something.


Although Luo Xiaoxiao was astonished, he still believed what he said, it might be an outlier who doesn't play mobile phones.

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