League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1262: Pretending to be

Unexpectedly, after contacting Shen Lijun, he found that there was no effect, although he wanted to make the relationship with Shen Lijun a little better, but Shen Lijun didn't kill him at all.

This made Yin Wei very angry, so in the process of talking and arguing, Yin Wei didn't control himself for a while, and directly beat Shen Lijun to the head, and a brick beat Shen Lijun to the head.

Yin Wei was scared after hitting someone at that time, for fear that Shen Lijun would call the police and arrest him, so Yin Wei threw his head away and ran away.

But after he ran away, Yin Wei felt a little regretful. He is indeed very poor now. He has been used to that kind of profligate life, and now he has become impoverished. The contrast is too big for him.

So Yin Wei couldn't wait to get money, but he didn't have a good way. Now for him, perhaps the best opportunity is Shen Lijun.

Because Yin Wei still had some understanding of Shen Lijun's character, he knew that Shen Lijun was a kind of softhearted person, not a person who likes to kill him.

If he talked a little bit about his own affairs over the years, and then won Shen Lijun's sympathy, after the two men restored the relationship, he could continue to swindle Shen Lijun's money.

Unexpectedly, this incident was beyond his expectation. Shen Lijun's attitude was much tougher than he had imagined. He didn't kill him at all, which made Yin Wei very helpless.

But he didn't give up, he chose to give it a try, and he went straight to Shen Lijun's house. If the previous method didn't work, he would just blatantly dig money. Now his plan is half successful.

It’s just that in front of Su Ming, you want to play a rascal, which is still quite unrealistic. Su Ming didn’t want to pay attention to him at all, so he frowned, and then he held the guy’s collar directly with his hands and sat on the ground to play a rascal. Yin Wei's tugged.

Yin Wei was like a little chicken. He didn't react in front of the powerful Su Ming. He was just taken up by Su Ming's understatement. He had no room to resist.

Su Ming obviously intends to throw this guy out directly. You don't need to be reasonable to deal with the rogue. Just throw it out. Just close the door and let you make a noise outside, so you don't see what you are upset. The residential area of ​​Shen Muke's house is not bad, and the sound insulation effect is certainly not bad.

And Su Ming had already thought about it, and when he turned around, he directly asked Cheng Ruofeng to send two bodyguards and stop at the door of Shen Muke's house. If this Yin Wei dared to do something, he would just tidy up, and he didn't need to be reasonable at all.

"What are you doing, let me go quickly!"

Yin Wei had obviously guessed Su Ming's thoughts. If Su Ming were to throw him out, then his tossing today would be a mess. Yin Wei would definitely not just give up like that. So Yin Wei began to struggle fiercely.

It's a pity that because of his ability, he still wants to struggle under Su Ming's hand. It is inevitable that he is a little overwhelmed. Su Ming can make him unable to move with a single finger.

I felt that this guy was constantly struggling, and his fist was punching on Su Ming's body, although it didn't feel much to Su Ming.

But at this moment, Su Ming suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.

It was like being poisoned. After a flash of inspiration came up with such an idea, Su Ming suddenly couldn't calm down. He decided to just do it, so he should play with this Yin Wei and teach him a lesson.

"Get out of here!"

Yin Wei's whole body was like an irritated beast, and he slammed Su Ming with his elbow. In fact, it didn't feel much to Su Ming.

But Su Ming screamed deliberately, then grabbed Yin Wei's hand and let it go.

After Yin Wei broke free from Su Ming's hand, his whole body was relaxed. Just when he turned around and was ready to be proud, who knew that when he turned his head, he saw Su Ming clutching his heart, squatting tremblingly on the ground.

At this moment, Su Ming pointed to Yin Wei again, the star-eyed boss, weakly spit out a few words: "You...you are so vicious, you used this method to deal with me!"

Su Ming's reaction coupled with the words he said made Yin Wei a little inexplicable, and he even couldn't help but glance at his arm.

Yin Wei was surprised at this moment. He asked me if I was so powerful, but just hitting an elbow, can I beat people into such a dying appearance?

At that moment, Yin Wei thought he had become a master of martial arts.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, when everyone hadn't reacted, Su Ming suddenly fell to the ground and looked miserable.


Yin Wei was stunned for a moment, and his heart felt empty for a while, but he reacted immediately, and he was not so scared anymore.

It was because Yin Wei suddenly thought that Su Ming might be battling a tooth for a tooth, following the same routine he had just done. If he wanted to blackmail him, how could he be fooled.

"Okay, don't pretend, you pretend to be too much!"

Yin Wei directly spoke to Su Ming on the ground, with a disdainful smile on his face, as if he had seen through all this.

Su Ming was indeed pretending to be deliberate, and Yin Wei guessed it, but now that he pretended it, how could Su Ming really get up straight? That’s not Su Ming’s style, he must be scared to the point of being talented. So Su Ming on the ground did not move at all.


Seeing no response from Su Ming on the ground, Yin Wei felt a little guilty for a while, but he forced a sigh of relief, believing that Su Ming must have pretended to be ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so Yin Wei continued: " Boy, your acting skills are really good, you pretend to look alike!"

Who knows that these words have been said, Su Ming on the ground did not react at all, as if he had died.

PS: I told my brothers before that I am currently doing an internship outside. The school compulsory arrangement for four months. It’s hard work, and it’s not much better than moving bricks on the construction site. The wind and sun make people want to die every day.

I have to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, start work at 8 o'clock in the morning, and continue to get off work until 6 o'clock in the evening. In this case, the mobile phone is rarely used in the middle of the day, so don't mention the codewords, so I only have Kung Fu codewords after I finish at night.

What's even more difficult is that I sometimes have to work overtime. I am almost late every day, physically and mentally exhausted, but I still insist on five shifts every day.

Saying so much is just to make everyone mentally prepared. If one day I don’t have time to write so much, I will give you one or two chapters less, don’t spray me, you know my character.

Anyway, I still try my best to make five shifts every day and do my best. I hope everyone can support me.

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