Yin Wei was still full of disapproval, but Shen Mu and his family became anxious. They had never seen Su Ming had this kind of reaction before, and they fell to the ground and fell directly to the ground. The whole person reacted at all. No.

Shen Muke was in a hurry. He ran to Su Ming's side, squatted on the ground, and said, "Su Ming, you...what's wrong with you?"

"What's the matter? Could it be that I was suddenly knocked out?" Shen Lijun and Liu Guilan were also taken aback, and squatted down to take a look.

Su Ming's status in Shen Muke's family is needless to say. Liu Guilan and Shen Lijun are very good to Su Ming, and they also like Su Ming very much, making Shen Muke feel that they are paying for the phone bill.

So when something happened to Su Ming, everyone must be anxious.

"Quickly pinch Su Ming among the people and see if you can wake him up!" Liu Guilan said at this time.

Generally, in the first aid, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, chest compressions, and artificial respiration have already involved some professional knowledge, which is not something ordinary people can use casually.

To say the most common, that is, there is still a squeeze in the pinch. These two methods can help the person wake up in the process of fainting.

Of course, it only has a certain effect. It is impossible to have too much effect.

When Shen Lijun heard Liu Guilan's words, he immediately reacted, and hurriedly pinched the whole person on Su Ming's group.


Unexpectedly, when Shen Lijun put his hand on Su Ming, he hadn't pinched him, he was directly frightened, and he immediately retracted his hand.

"What are you doing?" Liu Guilan looked a little inexplicable, and said that she was just pinching a person. What are you afraid of?

Unexpectedly, Shen Lijun's eyes kept staring, his face was inconceivable, it seems that people are already abnormal, and he slowly said: "Su Ming...Su Ming, he seems to be out of breath."

You need to know that the position of the human tiger’s mouth is below the nostril. Basically, if you put your hand in this position, you can feel the person’s breathing.

But when Shen Lijun stretched out his hand just now, he didn't feel any breath, so Shen Lijun was taken aback, and he quickly retracted his hand, saying that Su Ming would not be...

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

As soon as Liu Guilan heard this, she slapped Shen Lijun's back with a slap. She didn't like hearing such unlucky words from people around her.

After glaring at Shen Lijun, Liu Guilan also put her hand on Su Ming's nostril. Who knows that when she put her hand on that, Liu Guilan's face changed directly.

Because... Liu Guilan also felt that Su Ming hadn't breathed anymore. Isn't that kidding? If you don't breathe, you can still have it.

Liu Guilan was frightened, her face turned pale and she didn't know what to say. After a long time, Liu Guilan trembled her teeth and said, "Old Shen, this...what the **** is going on, Su Ming... Su Ming he—"

Shen Lijun didn't know what was going on. How could a good person lose his breath all at once, so Shen Lijun put his hand on the left side of Su Ming's chest and heart.

As a result, after covering it with his hands, within two seconds, Shen Lijun's face changed again, and even his voice changed: "It's not good, something really happened, Su Ming has no heartbeat."

"What happened to Su Ming?"

Shen Muke on the side was frightened, and he quickly put his hand on Su Ming’s nostrils. As a result, Shen Muke was completely stupid. It seemed that he had experienced a huge blow. Then Dou burst into tears. "Pattern, patter" dripped down.

When I heard that Su Ming had died, the Yin Wei was also shocked, but after a sudden surprise, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and then looked at Shen Mu Ke and his family, and laughed even more.

He opened his mouth and said: "Pretend, you just continued to pretend, you want so many people to lie to me, don’t you really think I’m so good to lie?"

"But your family's acting skills are indeed okay. It's still quite online. With this expression and look, I cried so much. I was almost frightened by you." Yin Wei continued to speak triumphantly. It seems that he saw through the conspiracy at a glance.

Little did he know that after he had said this, no one paid any attention to him at all. Shen Muke and the three members of the family were all brainless now. Su Ming suddenly died of breath, and the blow to them was too great.

It's hard to imagine a person who was talking well just now suddenly disappeared. This is too scary.

Seeing the three people look distraught and sad, Liu Guilan and Shen Muke kept crying, especially Shen Muke cried out and smashed, making people feel sleepy and distressed. A delicate and simple pear flower belt It's raining.

"What exactly is going on?"

The smile on Yin Wei's face froze directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I couldn't be so sure, because the reaction of these three people was really unexpected. If the acting can perform this kind of effect , Then those domestic actors can jump off the building.

Yin Wei couldn't be sure for a while, and he squatted down quickly and put his hand in Su Ming's nostrils. At this moment, Yin Wei was terrified, and he was really out of breath.

However, Yin Wei held back at first and continued to put his hands there, because he was afraid that Su Ming was holding his breath on purpose to lie to him, but after a minute, it was still like this, without any breath.

Yin Wei's hands began to tremble, and he didn't even dare to put his hands on Su Ming's nostrils anymore, so Yin Wei tried Su Ming's heart again, and his whole mind was blank for a while.

If someone can hold their breath for more than a minute, this is also there, and it cannot be said that there is no, but no one can control his own heartbeat, unless it is the heart of a dead person, it will not beat, otherwise the heart will beat all the time .

But Su Ming's heart is no longer beating, and his breathing is gone. What this means is very clear. This is a characteristic of dead people.

"How could this be?"

Yin Wei sat down on the ground, his whole person was also terrified, and his heart was extremely shocked.

He couldn't think of the fact that a elbow that he had just accidentally killed directly.

This means that he just killed someone? !

At the thought of this, Yin Wei's heart trembled immediately. No matter how muddled ordinary people were, they would be scared if they encountered human life. Yin Wei was scared at this time, and he was already a little confused. Taken.


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